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Everything posted by Steve

  1. Seen any good movies lately?

    Hey, I have that set (I think. Mine has a silver/gray cover with the Ghibli logo.. sound familiar?) I don't remember the subtitles being bad on any of the movies, but it's been a long time since I've watched any of the discs in that set.
  2. Seen any good movies lately?

    Calamari Wrestler. 'nuff said. Why? The ending. THE ENDING! I'm with you, I goddamn despised watching that film from the end of the first act til the Big Climactic Twist, but then it totally became worth it just for that. It's the same reason that Miike's Dead or Alive is incredible-- it ends up making itself worth suffering through. Also let me second whoever suggested Happiness of the Katakuris. Fucking outstanding, not to mention insane. Hilarious. The new Kitano Zatoichi is another good call. If you're looking for the best representative sample of Kitano's depressing Yakuza films, find Fireworks. Stuff I'm not sure has been mentioned here (if it has, take it as a seconding): Chinatown. About Schmidt. Kiss Me Deadly. North by Northwest. The Bicycle Thief. The Conversation. Tokyo Drifter. Tokyo Story. Crumb. Ghost World. Bad Santa, believe it or not; Terry Zwigoff is awesome. And to whoever mentioned it, do find Castle of Cagliostro. One of Miyazaki's very best.
  3. Somebody justify Beyond Good & Evil to me

    Oh hell no. You did not just tell me that I don't like Ico. I wasn't saying that I DIDN'T like the rest of the games mentioned there. In fact, I love all of those games, myself being a big fan of "games critics' games"--some of my other favorites like System Shock 2, Thief, and No One Lives Forever would fall into this category as well. What I wondered was why BGE was included along with them. I would hope I'm not "in the wrong place" at Idle Thumbs, since I write for it.
  4. Somebody justify Beyond Good & Evil to me

    hurrrrrrr maybe I should've checked for a review on this very site before going off on a rant. Now I feel dumb.
  5. Somebody justify Beyond Good & Evil to me

    That's not the point, I just want to hear other people's opinions.
  6. Doom Movie Trailer Out

    Well then I guess we'll have to stick with Vin Diesel but I mean I am okay with that, honestly.
  7. Doom Movie Trailer Out

    Actually, I understand why they put Vin Diesel in the starring role of the Hitman movie, and I accept it. 1) Vin Diesel, game nerd he is, was one of the driving forces behind getting the movie into production; 2) If you cast a big star like Vin Diesel, who does have the deep voice and passing resemblence to 47, about 10x more people will (theoretically) go see the movie in the end, just because "it's a Vin Diesel movie." I neither love nor hate Vin Diesel, but the overwhelming Fanboy Indignation in the above link is very unrealistic, and doesn't convince me. My suggestion would be to cast that guy from The Transporter who looked exactly like 47 in that movie anyway, and who would be a box office draw for action movie dorks, albeit to a lesser degree than Diesel. Hey Hollywood, if you need any other great ideas or anything just PM me or whatever.
  8. The Sad, Agonizing Tale of Bhuvan Ganguly

    Who do you think will release a Wi-Fi client for the DS first: Nintendo, or THE INTERNET?
  9. Doom Movie Trailer Out

    So Hitman could beat up the Doom Guy? Good to know.
  10. Airplane

    I think a Boeing 747 type airliner can go no higher than 40 000 feet without stalling out. When they're flying cross-country they usually do it between 20 000 and 30 000 feet, I think. Am I wrong?
  11. 2HB for Sale

    I wonder... how Extremo™ CAN one get with a two-headed baby doll...?
  12. Fahrenheit Demo Out

    I've had more than four endings, if you include different scenarios of being caught by the cop. Really though, I've gotten two endings: "Get Away" or "Get Caught." A bunch of different stuff has happened before those two endings, though.
  13. company outlook

    I think these guys might disagree with you. I think some people might disagree with you.
  14. Doom Movie Trailer Out

    Unlocking human genome = portal to hell? k thx
  15. Fahrenheit Demo Out

    True. The interface is the most exciting part. On the other hand, since this thing seems to be extremely story-heavy, if the story is unbearable I'd have to pass. Only time will tell...
  16. Fahrenheit Demo Out

    So, I played through this. The gameplay was pretty much Choose-Your-Own-Adventure, but it seemed fun and I liked it. I would've been interested in playing the full game... Then I watched the trailer included with the demo. MAN does this look stupid. I think I saw nunchuks in there, and the guy grabbed onto the runners of a moving police helicopter, and all that amnesia/occultist stuff The entire production is just saturated with the stink of "Frustrated Director Syndrome." Unfortunate.
  17. WoW coca-cola advert

    I replaced it with being Much More Actual.
  18. WoW coca-cola advert

    Attention, jerks: ≠ ≠
  19. Nifty real-time water effect

    So Babelfish does Russian->English, then?
  20. Has anyone seen this before?

    That's a damn good article.
  21. San Andreas (PC)

    Hahaha!!! DAMN. How did I miss that? Well, in any case, a broken vase is a far cry from the content of Hot Coffee. Man that's funny to me.
  22. San Andreas (PC)

    There was no sex minigame in God of War when I played through it. There were two cutscenes which had exposed breasts in them, but no sexual activity on view-- only implied by two topless women sleeping in the same bed as Kratos, the protagonist. Just for the record.
  23. Well, I cancelled WoW

    I could see that with Planetside. I picture being one soldier in a larger war as more engaging than being one guy 'looking out for number one' in WoW, even if it is with your group of friends. I mean, I signed on with a clan when I started, and my friends played... there was just something about it that didn't sit well with me, I guess.
  24. Now THIS is a DooM case!

    I could fight this guy just because of his sig: "An artist cannot speak about his art anymore than a plant can discuss horticulture" Sorry, bro, your Cocteau quote does not apply to case modding edit: That said, the case is really impressive-looking