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Everything posted by Steve

  1. Karimi's Guide to Joining Idle Forums

    That's the justification. I think a (sic) on the bag itself would pretty much obliterate the joke/reference though. In any case, this is one to take up with those hyphenophobes at blizzard.
  2. Many industry conventions, including GDC, offer free admission and accomodations if you volunteer to help man the doors/do menial tasks for a certain percentage of the time.
  3. anger

    INTERNET CHEAT CODES. Problem solved, people. Tv series.
  4. anger

    I bet you could find cheat codes to get those back on the internet. Maybe at Also: feature film no, animated TV series YES.
  5. How did you lose your gaming virginity ?

    I am talking pre-90's here. Monkey Island = 1990. Maniac Mansion was '87, but that's really the tail-end of the period I'm thinking of. LEARN YOUR HISTORY, BOY *SLAP*
  6. How did you lose your gaming virginity ?

    Nostalgist, nostalgist, bullshit bullshit bullshit (welcome to the forums ) Back in the age of S/NES, video games were MY primary form of entertainment (besides Hardy Boys paperbacks,) either on the computer or the Nintendo, alone or with friends. I certainly never went out and played football! Egad. I don't know if I'd rather be a kid 'coming up' on games now or in the 80's, but I sure am glad that I'm an older gamer now and not then. I don't know how people my age could be big into games back in the 8-bit days, or console games at least. The NES wasn't exactly mentally stimulating. I guess back in the 80's it was a lot of IF and Ultima and Wasteland and Sierra adventures for the hardcore types back then. In any case, I'm glad that games grew up with me. And for the record I think games now are better than they ever have been, and haven't nearly reached their apex yet.
  7. Karimi's Guide to Joining Idle Forums

    it's the vernacular of WoW, that's how they express it ingame: BEHOLD
  8. Prince of Persia 3

    I now must play this game. It's good, you say?
  9. How did you lose your gaming virginity ?

    This one's kind of tough. My dad bought me a Commodore 64 when I was born, so I've been playing games since before I can remember. Some seminal gaming touchstones over the years: Loving Godzilla movies, then playing the Godzilla game on C64; mindblowing! My dad upgrading the IBM's monitor from monochrome to CGA; seeing Carmen Sandiego in full color for the first time Beating Double Dragon in the arcade using $5 in quarters River City Ransom, SMB2, Mega Man 2 Playing through Maniac Mansion to multiple endings on the NES (the NES, I say!); unknowingly falling in love with Lucasarts adventures Seeing Sub-Zero's fatality in the first Mortal Kombat from the back of a huge crowd in the local arcade Being re-introduced to adventure games on the PC through the VGA versions of Space Quest, Quest for Glory, and moving on to Monkey Island, Sam & Max, Full Throttle, etc. My dad buying a cd-rom drive for our PC, and installing my first cd-based game (Doom 2) Getting up an hour early before school for weeks to maximize my playtime of Chrono Trigger Borrowing my friend's Origin sampler disc, featuring Syndicate (Syndicate!!!); death and destruction ensue By this point I was hooked for life. A few other moments that stand out in more recent years: Having to stay with a friend for his entire playthrough of System Shock 2 to keep him from getting too scared; Black & White whispering my name at 2 am; Innumerable replays of the restaurant and hotel levels in Hitman: Codename 47; Renting a PS2 and playing GTA3 for 16 hours straight without getting out of the chair; Similarly, staying up til 5 30 am to finish NOLF2 in one sitting because it was so goddamn good. Oh, and half the stuff in the first Thief game, which I didn't play til years after its initial release. :(why did this post get so long and insane sorry

    hay tehres this tight we bsite called Idle Thumbs u guys should check it out for - Awesome previews, reviews, and interviews - The newest and best cheat codes for the most powerful characters and hidden secrets - A kickin' forum full of hip gamers just like you - News and edgy opinions you can't find anywhere else! so click here and chek it out kthx
  11. Karimi's Guide to Joining Idle Forums

    The plural of "parenthesis" is "parentheses." See Kingz' note above. "Oh, GAWD!:(:("
  12. Sin 2 Episodes

    Downloadable, serialized episodic content is the wave of the future. I anticipate this title.
  13. Rockstar Presents the Warriors

    There are two "Rockstar canandas," Rockstar Toronto and Rockstar Vancouver. Apparently Toronto is doing The Warriors, while Bully is coming from Vancouver.
  14. Seen any good movies lately?

    Hell yes, you're absolutely right. 40 Year Old Virgin is hilarious and awesome, without being stupid and juvenile. The Daily Show's Steve Carrel + co-writer/director Judd Apatow = WIN. Go see it.
  15. The Swordmen Game(Prince of Persia3;o)

    The marketing... it's so... how you say... viral?
  16. XBOX 360 price and bundle pack a go go

    Wait, there's no internal harddrive in the Xbox360?? That was like the only thing the first Xbox had going for it! WTF? Also down w/ consoles PC 4 LYFE
  17. Goddammit, I'm going to talk about Quackshot

    Of note: Mickey Mania was God of War director David Jaffe's first game. Also the NES Ducktales game, starring Scrooge McDuck and featuring the myriad uses of his cane, was platforming gold back in the day. As far as the "last great Disney game," wasn't Aladdin on the SNES supposed to be really good?
  18. Ahh yes vote for her

    this thread is ridiculous
  19. Berfday!

    Hey, happy birthday, Walter! Also liv, with whom I'm less familiar! Happy birthdays all around!
  20. Clone Wars

    See, I've heard that Episode 3 is worth watching. I still haven't, though. That Clone Wars cartoon does look cool, though.
  21. Quakecon 2005

    Jesus! It's hideous! I think that screenshot must have lighting disabled or something.
  22. Psychonauts technical help

    Thrik's advice above re: Geforce is also sound. I'd definitely invest in a 256 card right now if you're buying. In my own personal experience I've been happier with my ATI cards than my Nvidias, but they're roughly equivalent.
  23. Psychonauts technical help

    What's your price point? I never buy a video card that's over $200. I have an ATI Radeon 9700 w/ 128mb of video ram right now that I bought maybe 9 months ago, and it runs everything nicely at high/highest settings, but it's going to have trouble with stuff that comes out this christmas/next year. You could get a Radeon 9800PRO or Radeon X800, either w/ 256 megs of video ram, for less than $200 on newegg right now. The X800 is the newer variant, so it may support more graphical bells/whistles. I'd go with that.