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Everything posted by Karimi

  1. Random Psychonauts Tidbits (possible spoilers)

    I knew I heard that voice before !
  2. Tim Schafer loves me

    No , its if you order stuff worth more than 50 bucks.
  3. Tim Schafer loves me

    I think he loves you guys more than he loves me...
  4. As much as I hate to see this it does look like a bad game ; and its games like these that give gamers and gaming a bad name. There should be a limit to how bad games can be but I think people have the right to buy this. But in general gaming is not being treated fairly , i mean , I read The Great Gatsby, didn't make me shoot people hate the rich and beat up my girlfriend ; so why would a game make me do it ? Sure the game is more visual and realistic but still , some people are just messed up and they were messed up before they played games. Games don't kill people, people kill people.
  5. Random Psychonauts Tidbits (possible spoilers)

    Yea, a pretty good review for TEGP. On a side note I found the room in Milla's mind. Not very well hidden but still well enough so that I didn't see it the first few times I was in her mind.
  6. Random Psychonauts Tidbits (possible spoilers)

    I don't suppose any of you have a save game they can send me ? Right before the point of no return , and preferably with most items found or figments.
  7. Random Psychonauts Tidbits (possible spoilers)

    EXACTLY, I finished it the first time after countless efforts because I got lucky and there was a bug, after I finished the game I redid the level and finished it in one go (though I died a few times I didn't wipe out.
  8. Random Psychonauts Tidbits (possible spoilers)

    I want to finish those but I can't bear to go back and redo meat circus...
  9. Random Psychonauts Tidbits (possible spoilers)

    How do I get to the secret area in Millas mind ? Is it just me or are the campgrounds off limits after you finish the game?
  10. Star Wars vomit bags

    Why would anyone care about the reaction anyway ? Does it make any difference ?? "Hey , Bob, did you hear about the new vomit bags on Virgin Atlantic ?" "Ah, guess I will have to fly with them soon , I've heard the demand is quite high and im dying to find a place to store my excess vomit." "Im having my hemerrhoid removed tommorow" "My name isn't Bob..."
  11. californians: everyone ok?

    There are no disasters where I live... Sort of a stupid thread since if someone wasn't ok they wouldn't be able to post it here. Its like saying : "Everyone whos absent please raise your hands"
  12. Star Wars vomit bags

    Yea, im gonna need those bags FOR THE MOVIE AHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHHAHAHAHHA... HEH... damn you Treesus.
  13. Idle Thumbs

    I liked the book better.
  14. Tough customers

    Thats pretty interesting . I usually don't have conversations with the clerk , unless its : "Is this here"," when will it be here", "you ripped me off". Gamespot guy seemed the smartest and friendliest , the EB guy is probably smart but just not friendly. For me I would rather shop at Gamestop, though the Eb guy would probably treat a gamer better i'd still like some friendly service. Either way we don't have any of those where I live , so I guess i'll have to make due with the Indians and other non-english expats who know nothing about games. Lemme give a situation as an example Guy : "Whens Fm2005 coming ?" Clerk : "Next week" Me : "It hasn't been released , its coming out in Christmas" (ie 3 months) Their store policy is , if its not in the store its coming next week. Had to wait 2 months till Doom 3 came, so i heard next week alot of times...
  15. Ronald McDonald Extreme!!

    I guess people like them cause they're dumb and flammable...
  16. Favorite Psychonauts level

    Yea, the G-men were funny. I actually looked around to see the woman with big breasts, there was no woman . Meat circus like I said was nice in concept , it shows Olly's mind and made me understand Raz as well as his dad. But it was a bit too hard and the bunny chasing thing was somewhat annoying , a bit too long. The freakiness was a bit too much for the style of the game which was pretty tame before that. I think you can really see a progression in the game , going from tame and somewhat nice to awesome and Tim Schafer style; I think Lungfishopolis was the turning point of the game. I agree with Kingz , there was no mind I really wanted out of the game; there were just some minds I wanted to get over with ( the sensor shooting part in nein's mind ) or improved (more to do in Gloria's mind) . I think Gloria's mind was sort of Tim Schafer taking a swing at some critics ) .
  17. Ronald McDonald Extreme!!

    آNa, its mostly filled with air. Plus hes got special Mc.Donalds genes which allow him to snowboard properly.
  18. Favorite Psychonauts level

    For me , Brain Tumbler was too short to have any real effect. I think there was too little time spent in the camp though , too much time in the minds , I never got to meet all the kids. I did like the egg part , and the fact that the small bunny that was guiding you came back in the Meat circus as well , but as a fat suicidal bunny. The thing that the bully does is pretty catchy though, I noticed myself doing it at times. Eeeh Chk eh eh chk Eh eh eh eh chk.
  19. Ronald McDonald Extreme!!

    I think clowns symbolize ugly people with amazing skills, thus the media is trying to brainwash kids into liking ugly talented people by using clows. But now I know the truth ! WE know the truth ! The clowns are frauds ! ... May the streets run red with face paint and floppy shoes...
  20. Favorite Psychonauts level

    The funniest and most amusing : Lungfishopolis (freeeeedom & twitching dude) The most interesting ,deep and stylish : Black Velvetopia Most puzzling : Gloria play thing. Most difficult : Meat Circus Most unique and creative : Waterloo The mix of worlds is great, the game is so different. Meat circus was just horrible though , very tedious and creepy, sort of ruins the game. Black Velvetopia was pure class, the style , music , story , action ,the art, it was amazing. Lungfishopolis was hilarious and though the area was a bit dull and too orange it was lots of fun to go on a rampage. I picked Blackvelvetopia because it mixed all the elements I though were good. But Lungfishop. and Waterloo were close seconds. The rest were ok , with MC being the worst. I like MC in concept but it was too difficult, and I think it may have been too scary, the freaky bunnies and the people throwing those knives.
  21. As a matter of fact I did, but still , i've played most of the good games you played but I don't make myself sit through Cia Operatives , Csi murder investigation , and other games that most people would deem dull. Im not saying im totally mainstream , I do download games on AGS and try new games I just manage to avoid the ones you seem to be drawn to.
  22. Father's Day

    Father's day seems like a cheap mothers day ; not that its a ripoff or anything. Its just those damn mothers won't let anyone get a day of their own anymore. ...Damn feminists.
  23. Sounds interesting - going to check it out. Edit : Loved the part about player credentials, some pretty good points were made. Thanks for the link
  24. You must be a masochist or something , seems you just can't get enough of "crappymediocregames". Yes, thats one word.
  25. This is horrible , Psychonauts doing poorly is just another blow to the industry. PLEASE DON'T KILL TIM PEOPLE ! DON'T !