Dingo Chavez

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Everything posted by Dingo Chavez

  1. Tim Burton's corpse Bride

    You americans get all the breaks. What about us foreigners who need to wait a few months 'till it gets released in our less important country and would probably need to pay to see it? No one cares.
  2. Gabe Newell bashes next gen consoles

    That reminds me. Tim Schafer said that if Psychonauts won't sell he'll send stickers with explosions on them to retailers and they'll stick it on the box, and if that won't work: add another sticker. I think it'll work. (Worked for many other games.) And this next-generation high-definition graphics thing is alarming. People don't care if developers are over-worked and games are already ridiculously expensive to produce, if it's shinier then it's better, if you can see the sweat above the soldier's eyebrow then it's better. Who needs gameplay and artstyle? For shame...
  3. Looks like you got your wish...

    Nothing's sacred these days, I tell ya. "Hot Coffe", "Pedophiles", "that annoying character from Star Fox (Slippy, he's a bitch 'help me Fox', I helped him, and two seconds later he wanted some more help!)", "Uwe Boll". When's it gonna end? And what about the children?
  4. It's all about the "bling-bling". Once you got the "bling-bling" you get the "strong-strong" and the "hot-hot". (Also: they may be bored.) It's all elementary, my dear LeChimp.
  5. the thread where obscure mysteries go to maybe be answered

    A childhood experience, perhaps?
  6. San Andreas (PC)

    That's exactly how I always imagined a Rockstar executive. Me and Gabe we're like the same brain in different heads (not that I ever met the guy). There's a connection, I tell ya.
  7. Electroplankton made real

    Well I'm late, but I think it's cool. Am I still screwed?
  8. Google Moon

    Awesome! It's like being there, except it's Google. It's the closest I'll ever get...
  9. Intro Sequences in Games

    Favorite intros: -Zelda: Ocarina of Time - Not the intro sequence itself, but the title screen is the beautiful part, it's one of the prettiest moments in gaming history. -Zelda: The Wind Waker - I loved everything in it, so I'm mentioning it. -Grim Fandango - It's Grim Fandango, it's all good. -Sam & Max - Just amazingly funny. (The quote painaxl posted immediately came to my mind when I saw this thread.) -Super Mario Bros. 3 - It didn't really have one, it's just the joy of starting it. -Curse of Monkey Island - Funny and a double parter (it's also hearing the great Monkey Island theme redone). -Yoshi's Island: Super Mario World 2 - I loved the artstyle. -Psychonauts - It made me laugh quite a bit, in games that's an achievement. It was also very well made. -Day of the Tentacle - Hearing Hoagie's voice for the first time. -Super Smash Bros. Melee - I need not to explain. -Final Fantasy VIII - I loved it when I was younger, and though I don't find quite as good now I still think it's very well made. -Final Fantasy IX - I just found it to be a very nice beggining (also after the intro when you play as Vivi in Alexandria, it's my favorite Final Fantasy moment). -Eternal Darkness - Great narration, kinda loses it after though. -Ico - Lovely. -Chrono Cross - I think it was the music. -Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty - Very atmospheric, I liked it (when they started talking it lost me). -Vagrant Story - It was too long and I think credits belong at the end, but it was very nice. (I dislike the game itself though.) Hated intros: -Final Fantasy X-2 - If you've seen it you already know. -Kingdom Hearts - Same as FFX-2. -Dead or Alive 2 - I thought it was dumb. -Donkey Kong 64 - They rap... badly. -Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater - Too many slow motion moments (also too long). -Sonic Heroes - The song. -Star Fox Adventures - It was just tedius and boring. -THUG 2- It a new age MTV feel to it. (They also misused The Doors.) And many others that don't come to mind at the moment.
  10. Asshole son gets his father fired

    That guy deserves a whopping. Fetch me my belt, boy. FETCH IT! I think it's a marketing ploy and an excuse for Microsoft to lay that guy off. That kid's in it I say, it's bigger than all of us... they're... they're watching... they're... planning... I am the Milkman... my milk is delicious...
  11. Harry Potter and the Halfblood Prince...

    My sister bought it yesterday and started today, she likes it a lot so far and she read quite a bit of it (I think). I'm contemplating if I want to read it or not. I've read Goblet of Fire and it did nothing for me, I thought it was just okay. And I'm reading James Joyce's (near) complete works right now, I finished Ulysses and I'm now reading A Portrait Of The Artist As A Young Man which is much shorter, but I still have quite a bit to read after it. I guess I'll read it if I'll have time (which means; yes, probably).
  12. Seen any good movies lately?

    Yeah, I heard good things but never saw it. I can handle the singing... I think. My main problem is with Dreamworks' 3D animation, it seems like they just rush them, get a few famous people to voice and release regardless if it's good or not. It may not apply on every one of their 3D films, but Shark Tale was terrible in my opinion, and I can't say I enjoyed Shrek.
  13. Cut Psychonauts stuff

    Man, I've been really unaware of what's going on around me these past couple of weeks, hell, in my entire life. I think I have ADD and no one told me.
  14. Cut Psychonauts stuff

    I got rank 100, and I don't remember seeing that. Was it one of the pictures in the credits? Maybe I missed it.
  15. Futurama movie coming!

    I remember Jason Bateman saying in an interview pre-last years Emmy's that "hopefully the show will receive more attention now that it's nominated for an Emmy" (an indirect quote). And all I hear is Arrested Development is getting cancelled and that it's not very popular, I even remember petitions against it being cancelled. Am I that misinformed? Thanks for the recommendations (and for caring about my near insane state of mind).
  16. Futurama movie coming!

    Arrested Development is probably my favorite show right now, they say it's not very successful in America, and knowing Fox that's enough for them to cancel. One of the few shows that keep me sane is going nowhere... things are fine.
  17. Seen any good movies lately?

    I read about it months ago and completely forgot about it. Thanks for the reminder, it looks good. I saw quite a few movies this/last month. Madagasscar - It was surprisingly good. I hated nearly any other of Dreamworks' animated movies (especially Shark Tale), but this one was actually entertaining and funny, and it didn't have all the ridiculous "I'm Will Smith, I'm cool" type of thing unlike some of thier other movies. Rumble Fish - The last time I saw it I was 14 so I forgot much of it. It was better than I remebered, The Motorcycle Kid is an excellent character in my opinion, Mickey Roureke never appealed to me, but he really made the movie for me (along with the bizzare style). It had a few too many scenes with the police officer saying: "he's up to no good", I just find that silly. Vanilla Sky - No sir, I don't like. There was this pointless love scene in which they played the live version of Bob Dylan's Fourth Time Around, it's my favorite Dylan song and like all love scenes it was a dreadful part in the movie. Leave Dylan out of it! The Life and Death of Peter Sellers - It was weird, amusing, and somewhat disquieting. So I liked it. I'm also currently watching Angels in America. I just watched the third chapter and I like it, Pacino's character is just disturbing and his acting is just perfect. I'm still waiting to see Howl's Moving Castle and Hitchhikers Guide, hopefully this week. And I'm watching a ton of Monty Python. EDIT: Yesterday I saw a Naked Gun marathon, all three of 'em! Good times were had by all (all being me). The third one still has some of the greatest analogies I've heard: "Like a midget at a urinal, I was going to have to stay on my toes." "Like a blind man at an orgy, I was going to have to feel my way through." EDIT THE SECOND: I apparently called Vanilla Sky; Vanilla Ice. It was a long day, I was feeling kinda odd, and though I didn't like Vanilla Sky it's still no excuse to mix it with Vanilla Ice. I apologize.
  18. Futurama movie coming!

    Yeah, and now Arrested Development is in limbo. And the Futurama cancellation is a scarr in entertainment history, it's right up there with Soap. I blame MTV and reality shows for changing television for the worse. But the blame should mainly go to the idiot, greedy TV executives (especially at Fox). Futurama had a joke that the robot executives just roll a dice to decide which ever type shows to invest in, it's probably the way it's done. They don't care about us poor slubs.
  19. Futurama movie coming!

    That's what I heard. Perhaps it was false information. Either way, movie, YAY!
  20. Cut Psychonauts stuff

    Well this my be kinda different since it probably doesn't exist in one of the game's files. Some of you may already know this, but I'll post this anyway. A few months ago, still in the Psychonauts advent, I saved every piece of artwork that I could find while my eyes were close to avoid any possible spoilers. I finished the game last week, and I looked the concept art (this time eyes galore), I noticed a character named Dart or D'Artagant that seemed to have center part in Gloria's Theater but was cut-out. I'm guessing he was supposed to be the director of the show, but was cut-out because of design issues.
  21. 666

    You're hardcore, Rodi. Mine is: 139+369x36+357=18645-18622=23 So 23 be me.
  22. Futurama movie coming!

    I heard quite some time ago that they're gonna finish unfinished episodes (Fox cancelled it before they were done) and release them on DVD. But this is better, YAY!
  23. woohoo!

    Cool! Now I can snuggle with the 2 Headed Baby. My life has meaning now.
  24. Smilies that I hate

    I knew it was some sort of female neck or arm pit. I knew it!
  25. Happy Birthday Alex!!!!

    Happy birthday!