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Everything posted by Nachimir

  1. Life

    I'm running an event. It's broken even, except for one thing: It doesn't look like I'll get to pay myself for the last two months of work I've done, and my next freelance job has to subsidise that. Marketing it in any way has been a nightmare. A couple of other business owners and editors told me that this year seems to be an inbox/notification apocalypse, and getting anything noticed seems to be exponentially harder. I'm exhausted and only have more work ahead of me.
  2. Thi4f

    is the working title of now confirmed Thief 4. Thief games: :tup: "Thi4f": :fart: Response on Twitter is the #eidosgametitles tag. Remo: 10MB RAIDER Someone Remo knows and I don't: H3LF-LIFE n0wak: BioSh2ck Me: Hitm47 Rusalka's old boss: Thief 4: Shadows of ()
  3. Plug your shit

    I didn't see what happened off the forums, but I enjoyed the piece while it was up, and I'm sorry to hear people were assholes about it
  4. Fez 2

    If anything Phil is probably going to make things, not games. He's one of the few people that understands the cultural place and expressive range of the tech we use, and surprisingly few people have twigged.
  5. Project Steam (aka steampunk Abraham Lincoln)

    I noticed that too, but I think EBA and Osu! Tatake! Ouendan were both much better looking.
  6. Where I currently live, I have not been clubbing yet. I feel vindicated by the fact that this is only a few towns away ¬¬
  7. The ASTOUNDING thread of science!

    Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to make it seem directed at you, or anyone else here. I kind of just find it interesting that a bunch of cheerleading seems to indicate only a superficial interest in science among lots of people.
  8. The ASTOUNDING thread of science!

    Find us other science, Griddlelol Incidentally, I've found the backlash against "I fucking love science" interesting recently. Seen comments ranging from "I fucking love facebook ad revenue" to this Cyanide and Happiness punchline.
  9. Idle Workouts

    Yes, I've ridden it once and while I feel okay about it, it was surreal; a new potentially lethal hazard every 5 - 10 seconds or so. Having a tiny cycle lane snake between the road on one side, and bus stops/parking spaces on the other is ludicrous. In about five minutes, I almost got hit by a bus, several car doors, cars pulling in, cars pulling out, a couple of cars parked in the bike lane, and almost ran into some errant pedestrians. I'm good at spotting situations in advance, and that road still put me in uncomfortable and dangerous ones. Does anyone use Strava for their running or cycling? I've been using it a bit, but am wary of the compulsion in stat chasing (I was pleased to see they've built something in around reporting segments as dangerous, that's probably a good way of discouraging players from behaving like dicks). I was reminded by the discussion of weights having numbers above; it's nice knowing your times on a given climb or descent, and getting a broader sense of whether you're improving or not. Likewise Nike+ used to be a big help when I was only running.
  10. General Video Game Deals Thread

    All of mine are completely random now, and long. It used to be that rainbow tables tended to not include the space character, but I don't know if that's the case anymore and I found some sites that wouldn't allow passwords with that in. I still find sites that declare password rules on registration. Apart from the "No, it has to have at least one uppercase letter!" *submit* "No, it has to have a number in as well!" *submit* "No! It must contain one of the following punctuation characters too!" being annoying as fuck, by declaring password rules they're arguably making their site less secure. I've had very secure pws declined on registration because of a character limit, too. <-- d'oh!
  11. Plug your shit

    Really nice!
  12. Idle Thumbs Motorcycle Club

    Also: proper bike boots, because the soles are laterally braced to stop a fallen bike from crushing your feet. I see way too many people riding bikes in sneakers, etc.
  13. The ASTOUNDING thread of science!

    I really want it to be true and the idea that this is attainable is really exciting. The flashy visualisations and Chicago pile comparisons for an experiment that hasn't even taken place yet make me less than optimistic though. I do really intensely want it to be true though.
  14. The E3 Retrospectapalooza

  15. The 'Does this thread exist?' thread

    There is, but it's not been posted in for over a year:
  16. Far Cry 4: A grenade rolls down everest

    Nah, the ears are a slightly odd looking shape in the video thumbnail, but definitely closer to those of an Indian elephant. This is going to be such a good argument.
  17. Not-Game Doodles

    This water is rad: (I didn't make it)
  18. The E3 Retrospectapalooza

    The Division gameplay stuff got me like that too. At first I thought it was character voice acting, then it became oddly disconnected and mundane for characters in a firefight, then I realised it was meant to be voice chat.
  19. Far Cry 4: A grenade rolls down everest

    Pretty sure the eyes comment means the protagonist is either related to or has other family history with the cartoon bad guy.
  20. Even if they have the data, they'll probably have to do weird forms of archaeology to get at it. When they started work on Oddworld games, Just Add Water got a lot of stuff from Oddworld Inhabitants, but had to track down old versions of software to be able to open it up.
  21. The threat of Big Dog

    In that case, I'm grateful to whoever stripped it down to that gif without any of the guff. (I just went and found what for. God. Fuck. Burn everything).
  22. Idle Workouts

    It really surprised me in Nottingham when I first got back on a bike and found it was much quicker than getting the bus. (Incidentally, the Curry Mile in Manchester is more intensely dangerous than anything I rode in London, including Elephant and Castle).
  23. The E3 Retrospectapalooza

    I find for me those tend to actively diverge from any purposes in the game though (Such as, flying to the edge of the galaxy and getting my ship blown up as part of quitting Eve). So what you're saying is you want Proteus with guns?
  24. Far Cry 4: A grenade rolls down everest

    Status over the environment: Jazzed Status over the tone, narrative, etc.: Unjazzed
  25. The E3 Retrospectapalooza

    I'm expecting it to feel as narratively hollow as pretty much anything else that relies on procedural generation, but don't really care. It looks stunning and I want to explore it. Kind of what I wanted to do with Eve, but all that pesky capitalism, character admin, mining and shooting got in the way.