
Phaedrus' Street Crew
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Everything posted by miffy495

  1. Age of Mythology gets an Expansion pack

    I actually did the same thing (replace "uni" with "high school"). At this point, I believe that I've purchased pretty much every game that I pirated in 10th and 11th grade and played for more than about 15 minutes. Before I had an income, I was bad about that.
  2. Age of Mythology gets an Expansion pack

    What? This is amazing. AoM is one of my favourite strategy games. I'm in.
  3. One Evening Games!

    That game is so good. Everyone should play it. Please play it.
  4. Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain

    This may be my favourite image of the year. So because I'm dumb, I accidentally bought MGSV. Apparently way back when it was first announced I pre-ordered it. As I was sitting here agonizing over how inconvenient it is that the game came out during the first week of the school year (the WORST TIME to release a game that a teacher may want to play, Konami...), I get a notification that this pre-order that I had completely forgotten about had shipped. So now a PS4 copy is sitting on my coffee table, waiting for school to establish a bit of a routine so I can dive in. In the mean time, I'm going back to Ground Zeroes because I only ever played the main mission once after getting it on sale and would like to have all of the Mother Base personnel when I start V. It's not helping me not want to play MGSV, but at least it's given me something to do in hour-long chunks while I wait for a chance to marathon the main course. Tonight I did the first two Side Ops, the Kojima rescue and the one where you need to take out the sniper and the spotter. I'm making the extra effort to evac everyone possible on the way, so that meant getting Glaz and Palitz as I go. The Kojima one went exactly as scripted (with one restart necessary because a dude shot Kojima in the head AS I WAS LOADING HIM ONTO THE CHOPPER and I had to start over at the point where you jump off), but after playing Glaz and Palitz I had to turn off the PS4 because I was laughing so hard that my girlfriend (who works customer service and so does not have Labour Day off tomorrow, thus was trying to sleep) was getting pissed off. I did a great job sneaking through and rescuing the prison camp POWs, no alarms, no alerts, no relexes, no problem. Palitz turned out to be a bit trickier. I didn't realize he relocated to POW storage, so I accidentally tranqed him while rescuing the POWs and had to go back and look through all of the sleeping guards before realizing "oh crap! This is the guy!" Still, got him out no problem. Glaz was fantastic. I sneak all the way into the closed off restricted area with the air traffic control tower, knocking people out but still going completely undetected on the way in. I go in the Northeast entrance (the red door on the North wall by the vehicle entry/exit), as the Northwest is super far away from my extraction zone of choice and I was trying to clear an entrance and exit route as I went. I get through the little entryway, sneak past the security camera, and work my way down to where Paz is in the main mission. Glaz and two soldiers are patrolling this area, making doing this silently incredibly difficult. One of his men spots me. I take him out, get into cover, and get the second guard. Alarms are going off everywhere. I hear Miller on my radio tell me that Glaz is escaping, and I lost track of him in the firefight. I start running through the exit at the other end of the hall, hoping desperately that I can catch him. As I emerge out the top of the stairs, I see a Jeep start up across the lot from me. It starts speeding towards me. Is that... YES! He's making a break for it solo in the Jeep. And coming right for me. As he turns to blaze past me out of the exit, I draw my tranq pistol and somehow manage the most miraculous headshot of my life. I get in the Jeep, shoving him over onto the passenger seat unconscious. I drive to the exit with the alarms ringing across the base and every available soldier headed straight for my position. Door's locked. I have to stash the Jeep, fight my way to the controls, and buy myself enough time to hack the door open. That accomplished, I hop back in my Jeep with my kidnapping victim still happily asleep. I peel out, swerving around a fucking TANK, and drive as fast as I can while dodging rockets and gunfire to exit the base on the far side by the refugee camp. Mission complete, every possible extraction accomplished. Fucking Metal Gear. From the second I shot Glaz in the head with the tranquilizer dart on, I was laughing like a maniac. That was some ludicrous shit, and has made me so excited for an entire game of these open world shenanigans. So, so good.
  5. The Dancing Thumb (aka: music recommendations)

    My girlfriend has convinced herself that she's the only person still listening to "Call Me Maybe" as part of her waking up playlist in 2015. She'll be glad to know there are others out there who are into Jepsen. As for me, I have never seen that video before and Tom Hanks made me very happy.
  6. Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain

    This one had nothing to do with poop. I'm confused.
  7. Feminism

    I was very seriously considering giving MGSV a pass due to the afforementioned issues despite loving all of the previous entries in the series (though even at the time as a "didn't think about this stuff at all" 20 year old, I thought the B&B stuff was kinda icky). Then I got an email from Amazon today telling me that a copy of the PS4 version that I apparently pre-ordered about a year and a half ago and had completely forgotten about had shipped. Welp. I guess I bought MGSV.
  8. Making Music. Tunes by Idle Thumbsters

    That is fantastic. Thank you so much for those. I think I've got my weekend watching lined up now.
  9. I have a long haired cat who loves those cardboard scratching posts more than anything. I have this constant layer of cardboard scraps and fur in the room her scratching post is in that would also make great stuffing for any arts and crafts you may have. Free, if you'll pay the shipping from Canada to the UK.
  10. Meow.

    There was a bird outside the window...
  11. Xbone preview?

    So with the 360 backwards compatibility currently only being available to those who are in the preview program, I've found myself really interested in getting in so that I can install things like Shadow Complex and go back for a fresh playthrough. Thing is, you can only be in the preview program if you're invited by someone who is already in. I thought it would be nice to have a thread where people can share either if they are able to invite or are looking for one. Hoping that since I've been on the forum for 10+ years this isn't just seen as a dude logging in and going "INVITE PLEASE", but also, I am looking for an invite if any thumbs have them to give away. I still have quite a substantial 360 backlog, and not having to go back and forth between consoles would be great. SO! If you are already in and able to invite friends, please say so. If you aren't in and would like to be, this seems like a good place to put "looking for invite". Let's do this!
  12. I Had a Random Thought (About Video Games)

    The competitive Smash Bros thread contains the shorthand Sm4sh for the 4th game in the series. When reading this, my mind interpreted it as "Smorsh". That is all.
  13. Hitman: Steve Gaynor Edition

    Yeah, every time I try to go back and play blood money (it's just so damn revered!) I get turned off by the controls. I played about 50% of it on 360 when it was new, but going back to try it on PC since has not been something I've been able to do.
  14. Life

    Again, it's not about being a hard-ass all the time. I had to become that when I started out the year not wanting to be that, and it was exhausting. It's about being a hard-ass for September and, once the ground rules are established, loosening up considerably because the kids are now in a place where they will actually listen to you when you need them to. I'm still the weird teacher who re-wrote a Drake song with his class to be about long division and made a music video with them for the last-week-of-school math project, and no one is taking that from me.
  15. Life

    Congratulations, Snake! As one of those teacher thumbs, I will say on the subject of being super harsh at the beginning of the year that it's something I'm learning through experience. I tried really hard to be the laid back and nice person that I actually think of myself as in regular life with my first class, naively thinking that the kids would respond well to a teacher who is willing to just engage with them as humans and not worry about being super strict with them. That class walked all over me and by the time I tried to course correct it was too late and turned into one of the worst years of my life. I am starting with the 4th class of my career in three weeks and am still trying really hard to find the balance. I do want very much to be someone the kids feel that they can relate to (and as a 27 year old, I'm still young enough that a lot of them can) but I've resigned myself to being a total hard ass for most of September until the ground rules are being followed. It's honestly exhausting to be that way, but it's like Griddlelol said. You can either front load all the "mean teacher" stuff and then relax a lot once the basic routines are established or start the year as kind as you'd naturally be to an individual kid and then spend the next ten months paying for it by putting out several behavioural fires a day. Like Griddle, looking back I realize how many of my favourite teachers had done that. I think it's just something I'm going to need to learn to live with, at least until I'm old enough that my appearance itself is imposing enough to get them to quiet down. That said, I teach middle school in a rough neighbourhood. First grade seems like a bit early to be hopping on that train.
  16. Sports

    I have been to one baseball game in my life. I was at the skydome for game 3 of the 1992 World Series because my friend's dad took a bunch of us to the game. It remains to this day the only time I've cared about baseball. I'd watch a few games in a pub if the Jays are making another run though.
  17. Movie/TV recommendations

    As a fifth grade teacher, all I can say is: I will be there opening night.
  18. Life

    Yeah, better to talk in advance and let them know that something is wrong then to just drop the hammer out of nowhere later.
  19. Futurama

    For some reason the most memorable thing for me from the Comedy Central season was the Devo guest starring bit. "We'll do anything to help your cause!" "PLAY WHIP IT!" "No."
  20. "Ethics and Journalistic Integrity"

    Holy god, I had no idea that something like that could explode into two pages. I tried to make it as clear as possible in my original post that it was not a judgement or a criticism of her appearance or anything like that, just a personal involuntary reaction to what looks like having your ears weighed down. Thinking about my ears being pulled down is, to me, like thinking about biting down on a popsicle stick. Both give me the involuntary willies real bad. I only said it because the earrings had already been mentioned, and did not mean any judgement or offense by it. For the record, my girlfriend stretches her ears and I have no problem with the aesthetic. Pretty sure that's irrelevant though, because even if I had a problem with the aesthetic, who the fuck cares they're her ears not mine. I get that anything said about Anita Sarkeesian is a thing that people will jump all over to interpret in any way that they can and is more likely than other things to blow up, but I thought that my aside was innocuous enough to not do that. In hindsight judging from the reaction, I guess that was a little tone deaf. Apologies for unintentional rudeness.
  21. The Nintendo Wii U is Great Thread

    When you do a Wii to Wii U system transfer, it transfers all of your licenses, downloaded games, DLC, and saves. So yeah, if you started a game on Wii, transfer your system to a new Wii U, and then put the Wii game in the Wii U, you can keep going right where you left off. It was weird for me when Mario Galaxy 2 came out for download and I bought it, then had my 2010 save file staring me in the face when I booted it up. Xbone, as I understand it, will do it if you upload your 360 saves to the cloud and then download them to your Xbone. It's not a thing by default, but allegedly you can do it. Haven't tried, as the only 360 games I've played on my Xbone are the ones in the Rare Replay pack and I wanted to start fresh with those anyway. PS3 had that weird PS2 memory card to USB adapter that they sold way back when the system came out. You plugged your PS2 memory card into the PS3 via the adapter, and then did a one-time transfer to get all your old saves onto the new system. I got one, did the transfer, and still sometimes play my PS2 games on my launch PS3 using files that started a decade ago. Don't think you can do it without the weird adapter to plug your memory card into though, and also don't know if it works with later model PS3s that did software emulation.
  22. Favorite Level in a video game

    Cleinhun, I beat Paper Mario last summer (maybe two summers ago now? Yeeesh...) on the Wii's VC. Felt good, no issues. Go ahead and pick it up. Works fine on Wii U too. One of my favourite games ever.
  23. "Ethics and Journalistic Integrity"

    Since it's been brought up, no judgement on her fashion choices or anything here (she can wear whatever the hell she wants) but every time I see her ears I wince a little bit. It always makes me involuntarily imagine that much weight being placed on my own ears and how uncomfortable that would be. *shudder*
  24. Idle Sugar

    I really like the fancy dark chocolates that have juuuust a bit of ground cayenne in them. I'm not a big fan of sweets, but the bitter, spicy, just a little sweet mix in those is fantastic.
  25. Halo Wars 2

    Does this mean the original will be on the Backwards Compatible list? I bought it second-hand FOREVER ago but never got around to playing it. Curious to boot it up now.