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Everything posted by lailoken

  1. Well it just really makes you wonder, doesn't it? There has been this news item on a couple of sites about this huge 776 NES games collection, which apparently means ALL american releases minus 10. The last time I checked it was up to 5600$ on eBay! So Gabe from Penny Arcade (Mike Krahulik) after checking out the awesomness of this thing just went right ahead and bought it! I never gave it too much thought but those guys must be making serious money to do this to simply give it away as a prize for a competition! So I'm curious, how much money is PA worth? Public trading... not quite, but who knows...
  2. London

    G8 you mean?
  3. Why isn't Psychonauts selling well?

    I'd say that is spot on!
  4. London

    Well I guess we all are truly gratefull for that. I just checked on my cousin (who is due to marry next month) and everyone there is okay as well. Still a lot of people aren't and nothing can justify this type of action as far as I am concerned. Of course we all know who is responsible for this type of thing! Filesharing, Piracy and video games will be the end of civilisation! (Too early for the funny? )
  5. Why isn't Psychonauts selling well?

    Hmmm... a couple of things: Psychonauts is just too good! I mean it's probably one of the most engaging and adult games ever made! There is simply no big market for games of such calibre! (Look at the best-selling games in the last years, they both had guns and indiscriminate violence, very mature ) Games are still haven't reached a point where real word-of-mouth actually matters! People will have real discussions about going to the movies and books, because those are well established mediatypes where, when in a conversation you can assume the other person is mostly going to be able to relate (just read an article detailing Hollywood's big problem with word-of-mouth... ). So there's quite a ways to go there... It is very unfortunate that unlike music, games age really badly, so I don't really see Psychonauts ever getting the audience it deserves. Hopefully this will not have devastating consequences for DoubleFine.
  6. I don't know about you, but I certainly feel like some kind of retribution is in order. There should be direct retalliation for this from the geek/hacker/gamer/internet/smart community I just remember that thing that happened on Penny Arcade once. As little as I usually care about the general public I think it's time gamers got a voice in matters like this!
  7. Excerpt from the Diary of Silent Storm

    So it's too hard then? And you are generally resentfull towards communism? Did it eat your lunch?
  8. Cliffy B. did not eat my baby. I am tired of lazyass gamedesign! I am tired of the FACT that you can sell a LOAD of bull with shiny (unoriginal) grafics and get away with a claim to originality. Are you familiar with the term "to bear arms"? As in to carry arms? There you go. And about the Socialist part (yawn) check this out...
  9. We're failures as gamers

    So you all live in BIG IDLE HOUSE OF THUMBS????!!! OMG! I had no idea, can I come? Please?
  10. no gizmondo support here then?

    well there is a nice little rundown on Eurogamer about the first couple 'o games available for the gizm [linkage] there you go!
  11. College Part 2

    But that obviously does not in any way relate to you, Yufster... or does it? Anyway, I wants pictures of our (duncan's) two candidates in question, so we at the thumb can have a nice vote on which one he should pursue! Wait we can have a vote first about whether or not we should have a vote! yay!
  12. College Part 2

    hmmm, well I guess your parents REALLY don't belong together then..., if they had met later on in their lives... let's say at age 22 and 30 that would have been fine... alas! Sorry Yufster, this is a mathematical poof! Oh yeah, Hi Ms (Mrs???) Yufster sen. Oh, heh... ok, yeah I don't know s*** about college... how does that work anyway?
  13. College Part 2

    so the real question then must be, when they met?
  14. Well maybe I am just bitter... But it sure seems like a LOAD of bullshit to me. The kind of Bullshit EVERYMAN needs to buy because it is teh awesome!!11 To sum up this LOAD: -Wow it's set in a world scarred by constant warfare where for some obscure (and probably to be revealed) reason a totally alien race is introduced who look like demons and bear guns... -Cliffy B. got the "inspiration" (Hahahahahaha...) for it when he ... (drumroll) WENT TO EUROPE! Wow, he deserves a medal for that! OMG he's such an insightfull person (sorry can't help myself) -they spent a LOAD of time to come up with the look of the protagonist who looks exactly like the guy on the boxart of Unreal Tournament 2004 The Reality behind all this IMHO: They did a techdemo based on Gothic Architecture and threw some nicely rendered and shaded badass basic monsters to demonstrate the power of the latest Unreal engine. Reactions to that were so good that they thought to themselves:"Hey why actually bother to do something original, this might just work!" Then they threw together the most overused stereotypes in modern fps gaming and PRESTO! Everybody goes wild over "Gears of War"... somewhere somebody better be laughing, I am all out of laughs... Addendum: Oh yeah, [linkage] Addendum to Addendum: found on
  15. Tell Us About Yourself

    well in that case! Welcome aboard mate!
  16. College Part 2

    My guess would be that Yufster currently has personal reason for bashing your nice formula...
  17. no gizmondo support here then?

    Yeah I was gonna say the same thing, but the question is if monturner is actually able to give us a (relatively) unbiased view of Gizmondo games, since he appears to be obsessed(?!) with the system. but since I don't think we got anybody else reviewing stuff for the giz (or do we) he might lend some nice insights into this part of the market?!
  18. no gizmondo support here then?

    well I guess from the hostile tone your posts have been met with you can and do pretty much get the answer. but I don't think it's so out of general dislike for the system but more the rather unreflective tone of you posts, though I could be wrong on that one. You posts , I believe, have been regarded as blatant PR. And since the Thumb doesn't really like being filled up with Advertisements severe steps were taken. Maybe if you would validate your opinion on games by showing any interest in topics about anything BUT the gizmondo, things... you know... might be.... different... might... you know
  19. Job seeks programmer (for Dutchies only)

    yeah well I was a Café Balzac (like Starbucks) and they had what looked like delicious brownies so I went for it, but it turned out they hadn't actually baked them fully, and THAT was awfull!
  20. King Kong Trailer

    or newzealand, non? Addendum: I really gotta say this thing with the production diary is a great idea! Maybe other directors catch up with this and we get to see some more movie magic in the making, that would be awesome!
  21. Seen any good movies lately?

    well I just got really sick and tired of soderberghs camerawork. I think you can always tell if you are watching a soderbergh movie. I am not saying it isn't nice, it's just that he keeps on doing the same shots and composition... (if memory suits me right, he does the cinematography himself)
  22. let's make that an "award" that the Thumb hands out once a year to the person most deserving of our hatred! We send them a severed thumb! I guess if we fail to find someone "willing" to make that sacrifice for the good of all people, we can always make a fake one...
  23. Penny Arcade and the NES collection

    that whole thing with the movie deal was completely made up... but I guess they make a lot of money on the PAX thing, but still... 10k$+??? jeeezlouise!
  24. podcasts on iTunes

    So iTunes 4.9 went live today and a whole new world of podcasts comes with it (at least in this condensed nicely accessible form). Any nice podcasts that you like? Post em here, why don't cha!
  25. King Kong Trailer

    no looks like it's going to be quite nice...