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Everything posted by lailoken

  1. Read any good books lately?

    No, I definitely LOVE the way Pynchon writes, it's just that he seems to lose sight of the plot a LOT... structure to me could be better. As far as the literary quotations are concerned, I wouldn't know... The Pullman books are nice but to me also quite flashy and loud in a romantic "remember the 1920s" way. I don't know if this makes any sense but they really reminded me of older "Adventure" movies a lot... The thing with Gravity's Rainbow is that I already have the book and I would have to order any other book... so we'll see. But thanks for the advice.
  2. Read any good books lately?

    yeah, great stuff!
  3. Read any good books lately?

    Just Finished V by Thomas Pynchon (not really sure that I like his style, where it's almost as if the writing style takes precedence to the actual plot) Now reading Earthsea saga by Ursula le Guin (reads nice and there is a lot to think about) Also read a pulp "forgotten realms" novel again, which reminds me why I don't do that as much anymore. Read all the Neal Stephenson books out there, just brilliant. The way he manages to write about history and keep you interested by introducing fiction makes me wonder if that wouldn't be an interesting concept for a game... On Cryptonomicon I can only say that it is a brilliant book and all the storylines are to me totally interesting. Also finished the Dark Tower series by Stephen King last year when the final book came out and felt reliefed (because he manged to finish it) and let down, because it's over now! Will read Gravity's Rainbow by Pynchon next and probably will check out the Lemony Snicket books as well. Eagerly waiting for the new Harry Potter though the last one was kind of a letdown for me, but it's good fiction. A friend of mine had been totally enthousiastic about Russian writers and I have been meaning to get into that for some time now... maybe that will be the next thing for me... not sure. KINGZ, you seem to be into Russian literature, what would be your recommendations? EDIT: Oh yeah still favourite book of all time: The Club Dumas by Arturo Perez-Reverte
  4. Virtua Tennis PSP

    yay it's true!
  5. Virtual Boy (Oh Yeah!!)

    well to me THAT sounds like a serious flaw! you should return those eyes and demand new ones! If they should fail to comply right away, demand to see the manager, that'll teach 'em
  6. Briiiight eyes

    also quite nice, though quite old i guess
  7. that sounds awesome!!! especially that bit about the main character's past in the movie business... priceless Oh yeah and props to Psychonauts! EDIT: Yay!
  8. Eiji Aonuma QOTM

    god!! that is a lethal nose!
  9. Briiiight eyes

  10. Briiiight eyes

    well it's not working in IE either
  11. Briiiight eyes

    what was it?
  12. Just saw Leon: The Professional

    yeah it looks really promising to me. but as always with these kind of "wing-chung-meets-plot" movies it remains to be seen wether or not the actors are able to pull it off. I always thought that Jet Li could be the best chance of a martial artist with some real acting promise. Well we shall see. Morgan Freeman and Bob "I AM MARIO" Hoskins so those should be solid performances... I really liked Kiss of the Dragon so this should be nice!
  13. Just saw Leon: The Professional

    as far as I know, the longer and better version is the "director's cut" and was not shown anywhere untill years after the original release. I believe that those scenes were cut originally for the sake of brevity. So it does not have anything to do with the UK specifically. Great movie!!! :tup: EDIT:
  14. This is so totally awesome!!!

    Just watch this! Don't know if this is old, but it is totally awesome!
  15. Is it just me or is Majesco.....

    Assuming we are talking about sharks in general, I once saw Hammerheads jump 3m clear out of the water to let themselves crash sideways onto the watersurface(they do this in order to rid themselves of skinparasites). Big Whites can reach speeds in excess of 30mph in water, so I would guess that they can jump as well...
  16. hahaha, now I wanna become a real hacker as well! hahahahahahahahaha
  17. Is it just me or is Majesco.....

    I guess every once in a while even the big guys have to renew their IP (speaking of Ubisoft) so maybe that'll happen again... It should be interesting to see how Majesco fares with these "mainstream-rejects" under their wings. Here's hope that their success will prove them right!
  18. nice painty thing

    some people seem to have too much time!!!
  19. xbox 360 design

    oh my god... imagine if it were possible to run Mac OS X on an XBOX 360!!! C3wl357 H4ckzor EVER!
  20. Vote for us and we'll give you a gun!

    Sorry, don't know of another country where bearing guns is part of the constitution... EDIT: I feel your pain ?
  21. xbox 360 design

    kind of a different story, don't you think? after all we are talking about three times the processing power of a mac G5, and those don't come in those teenie tiny boxes...
  22. Vote for us and we'll give you a gun!

    Hahahahahahaha, nice try! Don't really think this is going to work! England is not the United States of Bush after all, is it? And England a country where constables don't even have guns... and now everyone is supposed to have a gun at home? Hahahahahahhahahahahaha what a bullshit! Basically everything in that thing is utter bullshit...
  23. xbox 360 design

    Are those even real pictures, I mean the one from our colony, ok, but the one we're talking about here... meh! I mean I like it, but is this for real now? also, I wonder how microsoft is supposed to fit cooling for 3 cpus running at 3ghz plus a high-end ati graphicsolution into that?!?!?!
  24. What have I done??? (World of Warcraft)

    yes! I guess that is pretty much key for WoW! I never managed to find any cool guys to hang out with being on a german RP server where everyone pretty much sucks (this was due to some other complications) now I pretty much gave up on the game after only reaching level 43 ...
  25. No Okami thread?

    does anyone know if it's going to be released outside of japan? I kind of doubt it with such a "japanese" feel to the design...