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Everything posted by lailoken

  1. New Zelda details

    jeez! It's zombie robot nazi communists! when will you people learn! one day it will be too late!
  2. Nintendo Revolution

    come on! that would be simply too good to be true... I promise to be good for a whole year if that comes true! yes you heard it first here, on the Thumb!
  3. Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion - latest screenshots

    yeah well if you're honest, the gameplay hasn't always been that great either. usually it's the sheer size and depth (characterdevelopmentwise) of the world that wins me over. playing WoW has really opened at least my eyes to the cluttered and cramped gameplay of the elderscrolls series. I am going to buy it of course but still. Also, what's with the colors, just doesn't work for me.
  4. Ps3

    well the thing is that heise is THE german authority in terms of IT (they are the publisher of the leading IT magazine C't) and I think I'd rather believe them... than you...
  5. Nintendo Revolution

    Actually I am still hopefull that Nintendo manages to bring a REALLY original product to market. After the rather boring releases of 360 and ps3, the house of mario is the last hope for something different. However, the past has shown that since the SNES, nintendo has not been able to make a big impression on the market. Still hoping for the best though...
  6. Ps3

    THAT... is true... [EDIT] though the design really is awefull and the controller just looks like an afterthought...[EDIT]
  7. Ps3

    are you trying to suggest that due to the nature of technology used to create a rumbling effect in the great dual-shock controllers sony, in order to avoid any opening for further litigation is shelfing the most succesfull controller in the history of gaming? that does seem a bit excessive, non?
  8. Enemy Territory: Quake Wars

    awrighty then, lookin good!
  9. Tim Schafer on Icons today on G4

    yeah awesome work dude thanks so much, after seeing this I really wanna go and play all of tim's games in sequence and finish of with the excellence that is psychonauts rawr!
  10. Nintendo Revolution

    I think THAT is exactly what makes that name at least fun and interesting. A lot better than 360! The question is still what "BIG" (hahahaha, yeah... right...!) N has up its sleeve! This can't be all... actually I am still waiting for them to botch this one up badly... maybe the lacking performance will be it... we'll see... As it is I can't believe that Nintendo is going for the "low end" approach that cost them so dearly last time around again! Could this be the end...
  11. Ps3

    I think the remodelling of the PS2 controller is a clear mistake. To me the PS2 controller was always the best one out there... As far as Final Fantasy VII is concerned that was (as was stated clearly) a tech demo. And good thing that is too, as much as I liked the game I wouldn't want to play through it again. The footage from FF XII looked nice FMV-wise as usual, actually I thought the quality of the footage looked better to me than FFVII-Advent Children about which I have yet to make up my mind. There is a nice article concerning the power of the 360 on german news-site where they go into details and discuss some of the shortcoming of the new hardware. For those who can't avail themselves of the german language (I pitty the foo's) the gist of it is: -Actual Graphics performance is comparable with an ATI X700 and that makes it quite doubtfull that they will be able to guarantee 1080i support for all games given the fillrate of the hardware. -The 1Tflops are actually only arrived at by cutting some corners : only using normal instead of double for the floating point operations and adding the power of the gpu which is not part of the cpu... obviously The software will decide, but I find it quite disappointing that Microsoft decided to come out half a year earlier with hardware that is half as fast and is not fully HD contrary to their whole pitch (No Blu-ray-disc support). With all this said, I have to say that all of the presenters (both at Sony and Microsoft) sucked soooo bad! It makes you appreciate MacworldExpo keynotes by Steve Jobs all the more!
  12. Headset dead

    just stop playing CS?!
  13. The XBOX 360 revelation thingy

    When I hear talk about the rising level of detail in games my mind instinctively turns to World of Warcraft, a game that is more beautifull than anything I have played in a loooong time, including Halflife2 and Doom 3. I think Trep is spot on with his prediction of a quiet revolution. As soon as we hit that mark (photorealism) there is going to be a huge re-evaluation of this prize the whole industry appears to be after. Question is obviously when that is going to be. The real problem is "game-design" as the term COULD be applied to the look and feel of a title, as opposed to the gameplay. This idea of focusing on a very discreet and narrowly defined concept and following through on that is something that is very prominent in product design and brand image management. Another example for me have always been the wipEout games (to varying degrees). In other markets Mini and Apple come to mind as examples of this total approach to brand advertising. So I believe that is going to be the future... As far as the Xbox 360 is concerned, I agree with most of you. It is obvious that the idea behind this product launch is to create synergy by allowing for more "benign" customization of your "product experience", i.e. allowing for more optional uses and handing more control over the experience over to the customer. The problem with this, to me, is going to be how natural and easy the interfaces are going to be. If it is going to be the typical Microsoft Office experience, it won't work. By that I mean the problem I have with Office, that all those "great" extra features that I can access by following through four drop-down-menues, have a feel of "afterthought" to them. So I am very sceptical with the chances off success for this concept. As far as the presentation goes, I was struck dumb with disbelieve. They go to all these lenghts to make it cool and hip, just to have some fourty-something people tell me how much they are into games?! (talking about the 360 preview on the colony site) There is no way they will be able to get Sony with this, or at least that's what I hope (because they don't deserve to). Finally, it is obviously still early days and there is no way to know how things are going to turn out. Software, as always, will decide that. Concerning that WIRED article: I had no idea that the 360 was going to be so close to regular Gaming PCs at the launch! That is quite disappointing!
  14. notebooks

    I would check out Asus notebooks, I've had one and it's really nice, pricepoint is great and they look quite nice as well Mine is an M6 so I can recommend those
  15. Happy Birthday, Yufster!

    Well I guess I am a little late But still: HAPPY BIRTHDAY YUFSTER! may your future be bright and your code good
  16. how about a shirt with the prince of persia artwork on it? [EDIT] obviously I am talking about the artwork for the review...
  17. This guy fucked up

    yeah the whole thing is totally priceless, you can't fake this kind of thing with a stuntdouble, just wouldn't be the same...
  18. Yufster will you marry me?

    naw. It takes a lot more to scare away Yufster! she's tough as nails! Old veteran!
  19. Xbox's J Allard revealed

    ok that's not even funny...
  20. Boycott Star Wars III

    what I was actually getting at before I lost it there, was the fact that star wars WAS a great franchise. there was great potential there and Lucas could have easily done a LOT better than he did. BTW I don't consider myself a particular starwars fan, but I do hate to see such potential go to waste.
  21. Yufster will you marry me?

    well YOU tell ME! after all YOU should know best!
  22. Boycott Star Wars III

    Haha, yeah I loved how there were these rumours online as to wether Senator Palpatine was the leader of the Siths... but still I could have thought of a few more interesting plot lines than this! just off the top of my head!
  23. picture of Xbox 360 with controller.

    Also this has been around for a few days... I am still wondering if this is actually anything like what the final product is going to look like! It's soo bland and with the styrophome head thingy... looks really unprofessional to me... MEDICINE!
  24. This guy fucked up

    yeah a friend of mine used to drink this cocktail (can't remember the name) where you light the ingredients in a cognac tumbler and then close the glass with the palm of your hand. the flame burns up the oxigen in the tumbler creating a vacuum before going out, effectively "sucking" the tumbler to your hand so you can then -carefully- shake the glass with your hand and I guess then you ... drink the stuff...
  25. Boycott Star Wars III

    and just for the record a few of the things the original trilogy had and the new one doesn't: -an actual interesting original plot -believable characters -believable characterdevelopment -content worth mentioning -Harrison Ford -not JarJar Binks -a good cast -ok direction -ok dialogues all in all. we deserved more consideration. we deserved more care. this should have been the best scifi thing ever! and george just comes out and goes all "it's my property I do whatever I please!" WTF! It just doesn't feel like he was taking enough care, the bond of trust in the only worthwhile spacesaga has been shattered without Lucas so much as batting an eye. If nothing else he owes his fans an apology for squandering their dreams. Now he's all like "wow, so happy I got it over with..." Gee, somebody hit me if I am wrong, but to me making those movies seems like the greatest chance possible in movie history! The plots could have had so many nice twists and turns, Anakin Skywalker is one of the most interesting characters of Shakespearean proportions! But no, he felt burdened!? If it was such a burden why not hand over the reins from the start and take up a position as advisor and exec. producer? To me, I am sorry to say, there is no way Lucas can ever redeem himself after this. Better these movies had never been made and the imagionation of all the originals' fans not be blemished than this. The difference between the two trilogies? The first one was a monumental achievement in not only cinematography and special effects, but also in storytelling. The second one is just another movie trilogy. Nothing special except for the original fanbase. With a script and motivation like this, no studio would have given the "go-ahead" for something like this if it wasn't the prequel to one of the greatest achievements in movie history. And that to me says it all! [EDIT: Sorry for the rant, but I had to get this off my chest... ]