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Posts posted by Duncan

  1. I don't actually know the latest on this but last I heard the new show wasn't actually a done deal. They have the idea and Colbert's committed to it but they don't have anyone to actually produce it yet. So it might not happen. Even if it does happen though, the official line isn't that he's leaving the show but rather his appearances will be dramatically reduced or something like that. Which I think would be similar to Steve Carrell's status on the show now. (basically long stretches of nothing punctuated by short cameos.)

    Anyway, yeah it would suck, 'cause I agree with you, he's definitely the least replaceable correspondent. Except I think I could deal with no Samantha Bee but not with no Rob Corddry. :shifty:

  2. There is a slight possibility that the PC (not Xbox) version of Psychonauts has actually been released or may be released very soon. How do I know this? Because I am holding it in my fucking hand. I didn't get it from EB or Gamestop or Double Fine, I bought it just now from a retail store in New Zealand.

    So this is rather odd. Because as far as I can tell no one anywhere has actually mentioned that it might have been coming out. Majesco are still saying Q4, but it looks like that may now only apply to the Xbox release. When I bought it the guy at the counter said it had only been on the shelves for like half an hour.

    So I think if the PC version is now showing up in New Zealand, of all places, Majesco or whomever must have made a decision to get that out now, while the ludicrously long PALification for the Xbox version continues. So I'm saying the PC version might possibly be showing up very shortly in your international area or whatever.

    It's kind of a shame, because I really did want the Xbox version. And I didn't get any playing cards or a t-shirt or the DVD, and my computer can't run the game that well, because I think it's a graphics card thing, and the controls are going to be worse, and everyone's already actually played the game anyway [EDIT: Also, I AM LEAVING THE COUNTRY IN FOUR DAYS]... but the extent to which I do not care about any of that is extreme. Because even though Majesco was telling me I wouldn't have the game for at least another six months, I have it right now. Although Majesco didn't actually tell me that at all.

  3. I'm alternating between GTA3 and Vice City and the moment and haven't noticed the police taking an interest in gang activity at all.

    I also like how a cop can be chasing gang bangers doing drive bys, but if i accidently nudge a person, they break off and come after me.

    Heh, yeah. I love it when I'm driving along and a cop car crashes into me unprovoked at full speed and I get a star for it. Except for the part where I love it.

  4. One thing that irritated me about the PS2 version that continues to irritate me about the PC version is that if a Balla shoots me in front of a cop, nothing happens to him, but if I return fire I get a star, and the cop attacks me. The only way to get police assistance is to walk behind the cop and use him as a human shield.

    Isn't that the case with every Grand Theft Auto ever, though?

  5. I watched Empire Strikes Back on TV the other day and I realised that there was no fucking point in making the prequel trilogy AT ALL. What the fuck did the first three movies gain from three more? Plot inconsistencies and nothing else. Did it really tell us anything we didn't know or could infer from the original trilogy? Everybody already knew what happened in the prequels. They were basically a flashy re-enactment. And now Lucas completely fucked all the movies with the new DVD editions of the old trilogy, putting shit in there that you can't actually understand UNLESS you've seen the prequels. And if you watch the prequel trilogy first, without having seen the originals, when you DO get around to the originals, how much effect are all the plot twists going to have now that you know what they all are?

    Argh this makes me angry.

  6. I'm no less excited for the game, but I think that was a really lame trailer. It felt more like a trailer for Myst or something, with a camera moving around empty environments. (I guess with a Myst trailer, that's pretty much all you can do.) And I didn't like the 'Three Worlds...' stuff either. Hopefully the next trailer will actually tell you something about the story.

    Also, 'The Journey Begins'? You mean it hasn't yet? What the hell was I doing in the last game?

  7. I think he claims to have done so, but the inconsistencies belie this.

    Yeah, he does say that he had the whole thing planned out, but really, there's no way. On the Indiana Jones DVDs there's a pretty funny story about how before Raiders of the Lost Ark was even filming, Lucas told Spielberg that he'd have to effectively sign on for a trilogy, because Lucas had three stories in mind. Which turned out to be a lie. It seems to be a pattern with him.

  8. Rarely do I watch a movie and think, 'I could've written this better.' Usually my opinions are binary, either it works as it is, or it doesn't. I feel like Lucas has fucked up an opportunity. Or three.

    Yeah, I agree with you. There were so many dumb, amateur mistakes during Episode III that after five other Star Wars movies they really should have learned what works and what doesn't by now. Like the 'nooo!' example which is a joke that got beaten to death really fast but is still a valid example of something that should not be in any movie ever.

    Something else that comes to mind is the battle on Kashyyyk which is thoroughly irrelevent and exists solely to give Chewbacca a completely useless cameo.

  9. KOTOR was better.

    Yeah, definitely.

    I sometimes wonder (I actually never wonder this) if the prequels would have been better if they'd just been three totally seperate movies from the original trilogy set four thousand years or so ago like KOTOR. No plot stuff in common or anything like that.

    But then that wasn't really the problem with the prequels and that wasn't what was great about KOTOR. So ...meh.

  10. Just wanted to add that even though 'balls-o-meter' is a working title and they'll probably change that, the fact that a key feature of a game is called the balls-o-meter at any point of development means that something has gone seriously wrong.

    Also I kind of wanted to make this a news post but ultimately the news is just 'Scarface likes balls'.

  11. From gamesradar.com:

    The action looks set to be as ballsy as you'd imagine, with lots of guns and lots of swearing. There's even a system in place that the developer is currently calling the balls-o-meter, which measures the player's shooting and driving skill. When the meter is full, Montana is able to go into a blind rage, allowing him to embark on a slow-mo rampage while being momentarily invincible.

    Players will also be able to target pretty much any area of an enemy's body, even down to left and right kidneys and hanging groinal extremities.

    What the fuck.