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Everything posted by Duncan

  1. Oblivion

    About the Gray Fox/Imperial City (these are early spoilers, btw, like the first 4/5 hours)... edit:
  2. Oblivion

    That Nvidia tweak really seems to work. Nice.
  3. Oblivion

    Ah it is mine now. I got the standard version, though I got the t-shirt for some reason. Which, simply by virtue of being an Oblivion t-shirt, is the nerdiest piece of clothing I own. Also, thanks to whoever posted that draw distance fix! Trying it now, hope it works.
  4. Oblivion

    I'm doing it. ¬ ¬
  5. Oblivion

    I'm getting it in two days, at which point you can watch my Idle Thumbs-exclusive LIVE 13 hour marathon.
  6. Honestly those were my exact feelings after watching the miniseries. I think it does get a lot better.
  7. Last week at a games developer

    That was a lot of fun to read
  8. Galactic Civilisations II

    I think it's been riding the hype from the Starforce thing for a little while, but it does seem like a fun enough game and I'll probably get it.
  9. 24 the Game

    Yeah, the general consensus seems to be a firm
  10. I think I was a little bit unhappy after the show ended, and there were some things, mostly near the end, which irritated me a little -- the general pacing, the abrupt "Yikes, we're out of here, we'll be back though!", the suicide thing never went anywhere really, and I'd like it if maybe Baltar was a little less of an absurd and shitty president. But mostly, I realised, the end just bummed me out. I really didn't want it to end like that, which I guess means I like this show a lot more than I thought I did, and I'll take that. I did like this episode a lot, Stockwell was really good, there were some great scenes (Adama vs. Roslin, the Baltar/one year later transition, even the Starbuck/Lee/Anders scene a little bit, and Starbuck is by far my least favourite character on this show) and as a season finale I think it's better than Kobol's Last Gleaming in some ways... but everything after 'One Year Later' just depresses me a little. Yeah, like Marek [edit -- and redwall, oops], I don't see that so much. This is what the third season's going to be about, I really doubt they're getting away from "We're in spaceships, looking for earth".
  11. I think I'm still in the phase on this one.
  12. Game designer publicity photos

    That was my first thought on seeing the Garriott photo actually.
  13. Game designer publicity photos

    The thing for me is that Molyneux looks exactly the same in that picture as he does in every picture of him ever. Garriott, though, is just so absurd and out of left-field and FIREBALL. ADVANTAGE GARRIOTT
  14. Yeah, I thought it was alright. The teaser was really nice (with the exception of Tyrol's Angry Face) but the rest of the episode felt like it was all just set-up for a more interesting episode; just laying all the exposition out there so the next episode can be dramatic and season finale-ish. It's one of those two-parters which would probably work better as a two-hour episode. I sort of agree about the suicide plot, I guess it's just one more thing which will pay off in the next ep, otherwise what's the point. Also it was really surprising to see that the characters and the show were actually being funny and happy a little bit, which was a welcome change from a season which has been almost ridiculously straight-faced and dour. I really don't know if I liked this season that much, it seemed wildly uneven, which I think may be the result of plotting out a 20-episode season rather than a 13-episode long one. I thought the last stretch of episodes (before Downloaded) were all pretty bad. I am looking forward to the next episode a lot though.
  15. Headsmiley contest, post 'em here

    I wonder if Marek will like that one...
  16. Games Played

    Yeah, the technical limitations of Planescape Torment (:tup:) are pretty obvious, but I can forgive that I think because the writing is easily the best part of the game and I'd go so far as to say the only really enjoyable part also. (and actually I don't know if I would have wanted more cutscenes because those character models were pretty bad.) I played it for the second time a couple months ago and enjoyed it a lot more, maybe because I knew what to do this time and wasn't missing all these major character and plot points. Also I replayed Knights of the Old Republic II () which I have grown to love a lot. It's similar to Planescape in that the writing is best thing it's got going for it, but dissimilar in that large chunks of the story are missing. Which is why am I really looking forward to that restoration project which will make the game a whole lot more coherent and a whole lot more awesome. I finally finished fucking Morrowind ()over a year after I started it. Although really all I finished was the main quest, 'cause with the expansion packs and all the side quests I do not believe it is technically possible to finish Morrowind. Also: King Kong () and I guess I am halfway through both Halo () and Uru (), though I haven't played either one for months.
  17. Games you ignore (licenses, kid's games).

    I'd recommend you play Riven and skip all the other sequels. Myst 5 looks like it might be pretty good though.
  18. The positive thread

    I am glad that soon I will be playing a game called Fahrenheit rather than Indigo Prophecy. Looking forward to the game, also. And it looks like I share Jake's feelings on Myst 5. Whoa, two adventure games in quick succession that I'm actually excited about. What's going on.
  19. Prince of Persia 3

    Man, what's going on. I had pretty much become completely apathetic towards Ubisoft's Prince of Persia until I read this. It's not so much the new warrior version of Farah which is bound to get a lot of people riled up. It's more this: I DOUBT IT This has to be one of the most ludicrously artificial "trilogies" ever. I love The Sands of Time but you can't get around the fact that it's clearly a stand-alone story. I feel like this writer guy is operating in some parallel universe in which Prince of Persia is this compelling epic tale which later this year will drawn to this grand, operatic conclusion. I am willing to bet money that there will be no "quick wit" or "compassion" in whatever this new game is called. This guy Corey May (who also wrote Warrior Within) is just a terrible writer and he's not capable of writing anything beyond low-low-grade generic action schlock dialogue. I hate that people will apparently buy into this idea that this game will suddenly have all the wit and charm and energy of Sands of Time because Farah's back. I don't know, maybe games aren't really at the point where you can tell whether the story's going to be any good just from who the writer is. Maybe most gamers don't care. It sort of blows my mind how divorced the actual writing is from Corey May's spin on it. Like Kaileena from WW is apparently in this game his TRUE LOVE. In Warrior Within the Prince and Kaileena TRIED TO KILL EACH OTHER FOR SEVENTEEN HOURS BEFORE STOPPING FOR NO REASON AND FUCKING ON A BOAT. That is their relationship and apparently it's now some fairy-tale romance tragically cut short by Kaileena's noble sacrifice in this game for her one true love? I mean he obviously thinks he's a better writer than he is but he also seems to have no idea what he's doing. The stuff about the "Old Man" in that Eurogamer article is hilarious to me. Do you know why he's called "Old Man"? Because he's about as much of a character as "Carpenter #6". This 'mentor' stuff is bullshit and he existed in ONE SCENE in WW solely for exposition purposes. But now he's a major player who may or may not have his own agenda or something. This game is not going to work at all. I would like to go back to being totally apathetic about all this.
  20. Prince of Persia 3

    Try here, that looks like it might work. As far as the hidden/real ending goes, the REAL ending is supposed to be the hidden one. I think that is somewhat retarded, but hey.
  21. Prince of Persia 3

  22. Forum Idea

    If they were truly horrifically memorable you wouldn't need a special place to remember them... or something.
  23. An article for your perusal

    Haha oh man. I just noticed your sneaky alternate Psychonauts cover. Nice.
  24. Bought Advent Rising? Get Psychonauts instead!

    Are you in NZ or Australia? The PC version is available at, like, one or two places in NZ. Beyond that, I direct you here.
  25. Who loves Katamari? We do.

    Your United States cover art: