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Everything posted by Duncan

  1. What's your favourite movie?

    I saw this episode today as well as Puma Man. Cracked my shit up. I think I was laughing continuously throughout Puma Man actually. I've only seen like five episodes of the show ever so I can't really recommend anything but I'll check out the rest of your list. Oh wait, I did watch some of the shorts on youtube and those were pretty good. Are You Ready for Marriage? Part One: http://youtube.com/watch?v=epriMrqo06M Part Two: http://youtube.com/watch?v=qj2wYVUh7Gw Keeping Clean & Neat: Hired! Part One (part two is on the manos episode):
  2. Battlestar Galactica webisodes

    The region 2 DVD is lame and does not have any of the extras from the second half of the season, due to this season 2.0/2.5 nonsense and the R1 S2.5 not being out yet.
  3. Battlestar Galactica webisodes

    Also, the second one is out and is... two minutes long ¬ Does anyone else feel like the only lasting significance of the webisodes is going to end up being "how Tigh lost his eye"?
  4. Battlestar Galactica webisodes

    I still don't remember them at all. I hope they don't get killed off five minutes into the new season now that I do.
  5. Bad games that are good

    Yeah, I would agree with that actually.
  6. Movie/TV recommendations

    If you liked the first season, you should watch the first eight, I think, episodes of season two, which more or less conclude the Laura Palmer story. That stuff is good. After that it is decent but passable.
  7. Die Hard 4

    http://www.comingsoon.net/news/movienews.php?id=15755 ;(
  8. Lego Star Wars 2 demo

    Is out. You can get it from the usual places I think. I got it from 3D gamers. Anyway. On the one hand the demo reminded me how much I loved Lego Star Wars. On the other it reminded me how much I loved playing it on Xbox and with another person. Despite that, though, man, this was great. Really happy about the considerably deeper level of interaction. There's a lot more to do. Turrets, pedestrians, constructable lego shit, custom characters, wider attacks and force powers, vehicles you can ride throughout the level. The AI didn't really seem that much better although when I punched a guy out a riot erupted on the street. That was kind of cool. Also I parked a landspeeder on top of a guy. And there's one really great moment which I actually find myself not wanting to spoil. It's really kind of the same thing as the last game I guess. Only it apparently corrects everything that needed correcting. In summation:
  9. Bad Day LA Demo

    I stopped downloading the demo because this thread dissuaded me. I was really looking forward to this game and I don't want to be disillusioned by actually playing it. I did start thinking though about the potential of a game set entirely on a highway, and how long that would remain tolerable. And the game Spector used to talk about that would take place in one city block, that'd be interesting too. Wait what am I talking about now? Never mind.
  10. Bad Day LA Demo

    Bad Day LA is one of those games I occasionally forget about totally, yet still claim to be really excited by. I'm downloading it now, thanks for the heads up.
  11. Love and gaming...

    Que? Has anyone here ever been to QuakeCon? Am I wrong in thinking it sounds completely horrifying? They provide whores, though, that's considerate.
  12. Lego Star Wars 2 demo

    I doubt it. I think this is a textbook case of a sequel genuinely improving on its predecessor by realising what does and doesn't work. If the prequel trilogy had been the second game it would have been a lot better. Fortunately the better movies got the better game. But oh man is it awkward on PC. Clumsy vehicle controls. I played it co-op today and while there are still some camera issues it was a blast. It's so explicitly designed for co-op it's nowhere near as fun doing it solo, cause there are so many moments, even in the demo, where you notice you could do something cool if there were two people there... but there aren't. The turrets and the AT-STs to name but two. Does it feel to anyone else like they're cheating the "no dialogue" rule? It's unintelligible Sims-like mumbling now and I don't think I like it. It worked great in the first one because none of the cutscenes really needed dialogue. With this game they seem to follow the movie so closely (while, conversely, they take some big liberties within the actual game) that they need dialogue or dialogue substitute. Like what is the point of the "Obi-Wan mindtricks stormtrooper" scene if not to recreate a classic moment. I mean the stormtroopers will start shooting you as soon as the level starts anyway. Also, it says on the Hints screen that you can find someone to buy your landspeeder, does anyone know how to do that?
  13. Ernest Adams on Citizen Kane: MMORPG

    I was kidding I don't think Fahrenheit is at all a good showcase of maturity in action, especially not the sex scenes.
  14. Ernest Adams on Citizen Kane: MMORPG

    Are you saying you don't turn to Fahrenheit for examples of "sex handled with grace and sensitivity"? How dare you sir. Also, yeah, when are we going to get a video game about revenge. When will the industry break that thematic barrier.
  15. Heroes Trailer (from the Killer7 guys)

    That doesn't quite follow. It's still a problem even if it's part of an epidemic.
  16. Cancel the Simpsons?

    I wish there was some way to retroactively cancel it. Putting it down now after like a decade of lumbering around awkwardly and fading from relevance is so pathetic.
  17. I woke up at two in the morning and wrote down this list. It seemed important at the time. 1. Snakes on a Plane 2. The Internet itself 3. Ninjas 4. Google Image Search 5. Lost 6. Pictures of owls 7. Podcasts 8. Firefly 9. "It's a trap" 10. DRM 11. 24 12. Youtube 13. Firefox 14. Pirates You can add to it if you like. I think at 2 am I just wanted to get this out there. I'm not so sure about right now.
  18. The Amazing Screw-On Head

    The whole time I was watching it I was thinking that there's no way this could possibly get picked up ever. I really really hope it does though.
  19. Team Fortress 2 and Portal

    Agreed, it really looks unbelievably nice.
  20. The World Cup hate thread

    I have absolutely no interest in the World Cup yet FOR SOME REASON I decided to watch the last fifteen minutes of the game, which turned out to be the last hour of the game. Fucking soccer.
  21. What are you playing today?

    Today I played a little FEAR. FEAR scares the shit out of me.
  22. Dreamfall discussion *spoilers*

    Absolutely, and actually I think what passes for gameplay in Dreamfall would have been cut out of any other game. Take a random half-hour from Dreamfall and chances are good that all the player will get to do is run from one end of the map to the other. This game was in development for how many years, with how many people on staff, and this never set off any alarms? incidentally, here is the Dreamfall drinking game suicide by alcohol poisoning game: 1. take a drink for every minute that passes without you having to do anything 2. take a drink every time the word 'faith' is used And obviously it doesn't help that when the gameplay gets more complex -- which is what, like five or six times -- it's really not very good at all. That ogre cave bit is terrible. Dreamfall is a couple of edits away from being the ultimate embodiment of narratology. I mean, you can actually refer to the "gameplay sections" of Dreamfall without irony. I'm a guy who cares about writing -- maybe not more than gameplay, but probably more than a lot of gamers do -- and the format still doesn't really work for me. I hated Fahrenheit, but even that, with all its "interactive cinema" pretensions, still thought gameplay was important. The solution, the DDR stuff, was lame, but still. Character movement and intermittent, overlong stealth sequences, that's gameplay now? Dreamfall could have been a book or a TV miniseries or whatever and nearly every thread on the internet about it would be exactly the same. Dreamfall is so bad at being a game. Take out all the puzzles from The Longest Journey and it's the same thing. And I still can't say I hated it, even though I think there were major failures on both narrative and gameplay levels. It's definitely disappointment more than anything.
  23. I really don't get it... Gamelife and MTV?

    How could the guys who signed Gamelife go so wrong?
  24. Ron Gilbert interview on Gamasutra

    Gilbert is also interviewed on Gamespot in podcast and text form. Haven't listened to it yet, though it has this sidebar which I find pretty ¬ :shifty: