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Everything posted by Duncan

  1. Psychonauts Online?

    I think that is likely, though it does seem a little late to be announcing it. Maybe they're bundling it with the game or something?
  2. Psychonauts Online?

    Yeah, I think it's looking likely that The Big Announcement is that Psychonauts will be available for purchase on Tuesday.
  3. Psychonauts PC Demo out

    I did manage to download the demo without any more apparent complications. It didn't give me prostate cancer or anything, but don't think I'm not having that checked out. I feel like I kind of missed the boat on the first impressions thing, so I'm just going to second what everyone else said on the game pretty much. My only real complaint comes from the PC/technical side, like the fact that I couldn't run it smoothly until I knocked it down to 800x600 and with almost everything off. Which makes no sense to me, because my computer isn't that shit. Also the controls are playable, but they aren't great, and certainly no better than a gamepad would probably be. So I guess I'm getting the Xbox version, if it ever comes out here. Which is the part that frustrates me no end, that Majesco are doing this ultra-huge-super-your-life-will-begin-anew-on-april-19th kind of thing but for the rest of the world, it's, oh, it's done when it's done. No rush. It really pisses me off, honestly.
  4. Idle Thumbs

    I could have happily lived my whole life without ever seeing the words Marek Doggy Stylin'.
  5. Jak and Daxter sell out

    Coincidentally... http://forums.idlethumbs.net/showthread.php?p=34143
  6. Psychonauts PC Demo out

    At this point I am vaguely astounded. Not so much at the game, because I haven't had a chance to play that yet. No, what happened was that I had to leave the download going in the middle of the night because there was no chance I was going to be able to play it yesterday. So what happened? The power went out. This includes my alarm clock, too, so I slept through a lecture I was supposed to go to. The Psychonauts demo is now officially ruining my life. Thankfully I'm using Bit Torrent so I get to resume it. 84% percent. Sigh.
  7. Psychonauts PC Demo out

    They ask you for donations, maybe that was it. Anyway. 10%.
  8. Psychonauts PC Demo out

    It did it AGAIN, I don't BELIEVE this.
  9. Psychonauts PC Demo out

    Woo, 48%! Again!
  10. Psychonauts PC Demo out

    Man, fuck Firefox. Way to fucking crash and take the fucking download with you. And way to fucking refuse to resume it. Fuckfuckfuck. Fuck you Firefox cocksucker.
  11. Psychonauts PC Demo out

    OMG 48%. I kind of promised myself way back when that I wouldn't get the demo when it was released, mostly because I wanted to wait for the full game. But now with the release date for the rest of the world becoming more and more totally unknown I will take what I can get. 49% OMG
  12. nice painty thing

    A cautionary tale. http://artpad.art.com/?iertgblzako
  13. I can see your house from where I'm sitting

    ...except not that part. :tdown:
  14. Mobile phones

    So my phone has an inbuilt dictionary thing for the predictive text nonsense. I am being purposely vague about this whole thing because I still feel kind of weird owning a cellphone. But yeah, this predictive text thing. Probably everyone's phones have this now but my phone is a couple years old and isn't very good. Also I didn't actually buy it, I got it for free two years ago when people broke into my house and stole about sixty percent of my possessions. One of the stolen items included my prior cellphone which didn't actually work and I hadn't bothered to fix. But the insurance guys sent me a brand new one anyway. Hooray for theft! Except my brother got his old, first-edition Gameboy stolen and got a fucking GBA SP as a replacement. So he did way better out of it. Anyway, that is completely beside the point. The dictionary on my phone is not very good. Over the years I have had to add many words it does not recognise, including 'minutes', 'out', 'apparently', 'awake', 'bringing', 'impossible', 'taped' and my own goddamn name. But today I was writing a text message about what I was going to do today. And the word it suggested - right away, from the first button I pressed - was 'rape'. What the hell? Who talks about rape over text messages? Did the person who built this dictionary actually think that it would be likely to come up in correspondance that consists primarily of 'ok thx cul8r'? I am astounded by this. I mean, it won't even let me enter 'shit' and 'fuck' into the dictionary. But apparently 'rape' is something people are going to discuss so often that typing it out so many times would become such a burden that a shortcut is necessary. I continue to be disillusioned by mobile phones.
  15. Happy birthday Sarah!

    Wow, apparently she hasn't been here for nearly a year. I support the idea in general, though. Happy Birthday, person who will never read this!
  16. I completely fail to understand how 'running through corridors' is such a big draw.
  17. "Area 51, for you... for those of you who don't know, is a very -- ah, can I say kickass on this show?" "Yes, yes you can call it kickass." "Is a kickass... shooter, where you get to, wear your hazmat, man, Ethan Cole, you get to run through all these corridors, and just take down aliens, turn into a mutant... all kinds of crazy stuff."
  18. Random Gibberish

    I am a little drunk right now.
  19. Old PS2 games

    Oh man, then his parents are going to kill him for sure.
  20. Old PS2 games

    You're a straight A student and you don't know what pounds are? Anyway Manhunter is right. 30 pounds is a hell of a lot to pay for a game that's four years old. And I can attest to the fact that there is about no chance of finding ICO for sale in New Zealand.
  21. New Jak and Ratchet games

    Apparently. http://www.worthplaying.com/article.php?sid=24318 So Jak X (wow, x! awesome!) is a racing game. I guess I was naive when I believed all those Jak III ads which called it the end of an epic or something equally ludicrous. And Ratchet: Deadlocked is a squad combat game. Argh, I don't even care anymore.
  22. Sony faces $90.7m patent damages

    Yeah, I'm pretty interested as to how they thought they could pull this off. Surely Sony would have been able to afford the licensing fee anyway?
  23. Happy birthday Duncan!

    Thanks! :tup:
  24. Morrowind Help

    All I ever get is 'I see from your outfit that your affairs have prospered.' Way to be totally vague there.
  25. Zork test 2

    # I think you can put some more of that shit in the sack to save space.