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Everything posted by Duncan

  1. Scarface

    Just wanted to add that even though 'balls-o-meter' is a working title and they'll probably change that, the fact that a key feature of a game is called the balls-o-meter at any point of development means that something has gone seriously wrong. Also I kind of wanted to make this a news post but ultimately the news is just 'Scarface likes balls'.
  2. Half-Life 2: Aftermath

    Aren't you playing as Gordon, though? In which case picking up right after Half-Life 2 would involve you standing around in a pitch black room for a totally indeterminate amount of time.
  3. Half-Life 2: Aftermath

    Well if you were interested in a very slight update to the whole Aftermath situation, here you go. It is going to be available at retail, and apparently in September. However I think all the jokes about Valve, release dates in general and September in particular, have already been made in one place or another. They're still saying that Aftermath immediately follows Half-Life 2, which... does that even work, really? Unless you start playing as Alyx, it feels like they're going to have to cheat that whole ending somewhat.
  4. Boycott Star Wars III

    I would like to say that I think General Grievous is a ridiculously awesome cartoon villain. I mean, "Time to ABANDON SHIP!" and everything? Hilarious.
  5. Who is best at starting a campfire?

    There's only one way to find out, right?
  6. Ps3

    That controller is fucking awful. Yeah, tell me about it. I'm pretty much burnt out on anything console related.
  7. Happy Birthday, Yufster!

    Pfft, so you'll tell the truth to Adventure Gamers?
  8. Happy Birthday, Yufster!

    Yeah, I'm late too, but happy birthday! Also, I'm sure this will come up pretty soon anyway, but how come your profile says your birthday's in four months?
  9. Because everyone is making games...

    Only ten minutes of gameplay wtf?!!? Actually I really liked it.
  10. Tell Us About Yourself

    I have that exact same phone.
  11. I can honestly say an Idle Thumbs teddy bear is something I never thought would exist.
  12. Xbox's J Allard revealed

    Oh man, he's wearing Xbox shoes.
  13. Moral ambiguity... or something...

    That is my experience also. Except for the part where now that they're drunk they see me in a whole new light; it's pretty much always the same light. The closest I ever got was when someone told me how much they liked my hair. The caveat there, though, was that apparently most guys spend so much time on their hair and try to look good whereas I... don't. It's true though, I guess, I don't ever do anything to my hair except, like, wash it. Also, a lot of drunk girls feel the compulsion to do up the top button on my shirt. I have no idea why.
  14. A Conclusion

  15. Sequelitis

    Yeah, Warren Ellis is kind of hit-and-miss, I think. Global Frequency for example I completely failed to get into. Transmetropolitan is probably his best work despite (or because of? Hmm!) the protagonist being pretty much Hunter S. Thompson exactly. Anyway, sequels.
  16. my fan made monkey island game

    You understand that I have to ask these questions or else I might not be able to hire you for my fan project.
  17. my fan made monkey island game

    Wait, what happens if we cross you?
  18. my fan made monkey island game

    Can you retell Paradise Lost using Sam and Max?
  19. my fan made monkey island game

    Whoa, and monkeydang was able to come up with that same idea AHEAD OF PSYCHONAUTS? Wow! I think this clearly puts him alongside with Tim Schafer as a true creative mind -- IF NOT MORE BRILLIANT! I am sorry I doubted you, man.
  20. Psychonauts hate thread

    There are going to be people waiting for it for a lot longer than that... :tdown:
  21. Write some reviews in 15 words or less

    Anyway moving back on topic.* Half-Life 2 (yes again): "Gordon, you're alive! Meet us at -- oh shit! Find your own way there." Jedi Academy: "This one ought to be a walk in the park. AMBUSH!" * not that these are reviews exactly, more astute summaries.
  22. Go Team Xbox

    So I am now the owner of an unpainted Crystal Xbox. About two or three years too late, really, but still, exciting. And I guess I am now part of that exclusive Xbox owners club (like the Babysitters club). So I know the Xbox doesn't have, like, the best game library ever, but still I was hoping you guys could go through the trite game recommendations thing to see if there's anything cool I've overlooked. Right now I have Crimson Skies: High Road to Revenge and Midtown Madness 3, both of which I'm pretty excited about. I'm really only interested in games which aren't available on PC or play considerably better on console instead. I'm looking forward to LEGO Star Wars, of all things. Also I was thinking about Mercenaries but not really so much anymore. Yeah. Go! Discuss!
  23. Write some reviews in 15 words or less

    Half-Life 2: I'd appreciate the physics and animation more if I weren't always running away from it
  24. Go Team Xbox

    Oh yeah, Ninja Gaiden. Is that actually a good game? I played the demo and honestly didn't think it was that great. Also where did this whole obsession with ninjas come from all of a sudden? When did people on the internet suddenly start wetting themselves over goddamn ninjas? Is it a Japanese thing? And then with Ninja Gaiden it's like video game + ninjas = WHOA FUCKING AWESOME!!! Argh. The same thing with pirates actually. What's going on? EDIT: uh that wasn't helpful at all. Sorry, SD.
  25. Dinosaur Comics

    Man, the devil is the best character.