Took a brief read through these posts and have encountered many misconceptions that are frustrating to see.
One guy says Persia is now known as Iraq. Actually, its now known as Iran. The ancient persian empire covered a lot of land, and at times included all of modern day Iraq. But Persia is the historical name for the modern state of Iran. Persia is used to describe the nation of Iran, its people, or its ancient empire.
Lots of other talk about arabs and so forth too. Today, people who are called "arabs" are those who have a linguistic, political, or ethnic tie to the people who came from Arabia (now called Saudi Arabia). For instance, many Egyptians consider themselves "arabs" because they speak arabic and are an important part of the arab political world. However, from a genealogical perspective, it may not be entirely accurate to call them arabs. Persians, on the other hand, have none of these things: They speak Farsi, are not ethically arab or "arabized", and have a unique history and culture, and are not part of the arab political world. The mistakes and misconceptions probably come from the fact that Iranians just happen to be neighbours to arabs and other arabized peoples.
Anyways, as for POP:SOT, I liked it on the xbox but the combat was totally repetative and uninteresting. As for the POP:WW, I thought the PC demo is more of the same, which is good. But the combat is still not as engaging as it should be. Anyone that wants to make a game with a combat system these days should play Ninja Gaiden first; they could learn a lot.