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Posts posted by Trithemius

  1. Pictures are necessary to help us get in touch with the situation using visual stimuli.

    ... ¬¬

    No, that sounds like I want to touch myself while looking at your picture. I just mean, let's be honest. If you're ugly, you probably want to think twice before leaving him because you won't get another boyfriend. Similarly, if he's ugly, he'll be pretty much desperate to keep you. Unless you're ugly. If neither of you are ugly, it's probably best you go your separate ways.

    Also, people tend to feel sorrier for you if you're pretty and sad, rather than ugly and blubbering.

    Thumbs for pr0n? o_O

  2. Why do I get the feeling that all we're ever going to see here will be games by two men? Namely, Will Wright and Peter Molyneux. There will be no others. These are the only people that make games big enough to be so well publicized, but family friendly enough to not start huge boycotts of the school system.

    Sid Meiers? I understand that Firaxis cunningly removed the option to perform terrorist atacks on rivals' cities to make it more palatable to governments nowadays. Regardless of ones' personal opinion on censorship (even self-interested self-censorship) I suppose this would make the Civ series acceptable in schools.

    That being said the fact that Genetics leads to The Cure For Cancer might upset some people.

  3. RC Plane Mission, my old nemesis... you made me stop playing San Andreas entirely.


    I think the biggest problem is that, when you do this mission, the controls for flight are not entirely clear.

    I went back and did it on the second re-try (my first re-try I crashed into Zero's building and ran out of fuel before I could get enough altitude).

    Stupid stupid stupid mission. :deranged:

  4. You've got to hand it to George, the way he singlehandedly annulled the best moment in sci-fi history which he himself created.

    Perhaps it is some kind of mystical practice? The Sacred Art of Self-Negation and Destroying The Fond Childhood Memories of A Million Nerds?

    George Lucas' scriptwriting is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural...

  5. I have nothing against that sort of movie but it just seems very out of place in Star Wars.

    There are some pretty could "weird" duels in a couple of films that I thought would have been better to be stolen by Star Wars they didn't need to go so crazy with the Matrix-esque wire-fu stuff in order to rip-off the wu-xia genre.

    On the other hand, I suppose we should count ourselves lucky there was no Bullet-Time... I mean Force-Speed... scenes.

  6. Have you never had kiwis before? They are just these lumps of vitamin C, they're supposed to be nasty... but they're also supposed to be softish inside.



    Not the National Symbol!

  7. In the prequels there's sort of some of that by default I guess since most of the battles are between "good" and "evil" but for the most part it's just all about having crazy martial arts battles. Like I give a shit about that when I want to see fucking Star Wars, geez. I can go watch Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon if I want to see that kind of crap. To me the Jedi have been reduced to nothing more than parlor-trick magicians who are a little bit psychic and really fast with a sword. In Star Wars, everbody (well, everyone who believed in the Force) had enormous amounts of respect for Kenobi. The implication was that the Jedi are somehow far more powerful than could be convincingly demonstrated on film--and since their full power and influence was never really attempted to be demonstrated, it in fact remained convincing. One of my favorite scenes is when Vader tells Tarkin, "Don't be too proud of this technological terror you've constructed; the power to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of the Force". Man, I used to totally believe that. I'm not so fucking sure, now. Looks to me like all the Jedi are capable of is throwing droids around and getting shot in the back by fucking stormtroopers. And they were supposed to be WAY more powerful in the time of the prequels than in the time of the original films. They were supposed to be the grand marshals of this life-sustaining, grand force, something that transcends any kind of destructive power or fighting skill, but it looks like all they actually did is swing sabers around and levitate stuff sometimes. Seeing Yoda fight did nothing for me. I know everyone else creamed their pants but I thought it looked ridiculous. He looks way more goofy in the new films than he ever did, and he was a PUPPET before. I didn't need to see him jump six feet in the air to know he was extreme.

    Wow. I totally agree. I was astounded at Sidious' l33t jumping skills and really wanted to know why he and Yoda didn't fight some kind of "mental" battle, or at least parry shit with telekinesis or something.

    Don't be raining on my wu-xia though. :I

  8. Ah, you see, you are assuming that Mr Lucas and his team of writers have a fucking clue what they are writing about.

    Curses, I am foiled!

    I would have hoped that the design people were more clued up. Lucas surely didn't stand behind them as they worked so he could slap them every time they deviated from his masterplan? Or... did he?

  9. Apart from the fact that I am a card carrying athiest, don't you think that GOD needs SATAN... otherwise pure love and perfection is merely normal. It has nothing worse to be compared against and after all everything is relative.

    I think that most theists might take issue with the idea that human perception is the ony valid position to adopt; perhaps suggesting that apprehension of cosmic reality might involve transcending the very human perception that you are appealing to.

    Beatific union with God is not something you can have too much of, or get sick of.

    It's not like eating Doritos.

    P.S. Check your Atheist Card for spelling errors!

  10. This is because the the Empire evolves from the Republic. Since the Jedi serve said Republic, their starfighters will be in the same developmental family tree as the TIEs.

    I saw two Jedi fighters and squadrons of the pseudo-X-Wing-things - which I expect is because there were vastly more clone starfighter pilots than Jedi...

    Did the Empire decide to totally change the basic design philosophy?

    Why would they abruptly change to using the same patterns as the (presumably) vastly less common Jedi starfighter?

    Seems badly considered to me. :I

  11. Something else that comes to mind is the battle on Kashyyyk which is thoroughly irrelevent and exists solely to give Chewbacca a completely useless cameo.

    I am really confused by a lot of the visual design choices in the film, such as:

    - Why the Trade Fed/Seperatist droids switched from sleek AG-tanks to weird pseudo-steampunky buzzsaw and paddlesteamerwheel designs?

    - Why the clone forces use X-Wing precursors, and the Jedi use TIE-Fighter precursors (seems a bit backwards...)?

    - Why the capital ships scenes have this "ship-of-the-line" feel, with the breech-loading turbolaser batteries, when the Ep4-6 ships had a much more "slick" design?

    Seems like a case of botched "retroactive foreshadowing" to me.