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Everything posted by Trithemius

  1. Stupid

    Cognitive dissonance, anyone?
  2. The positive thread

    I've been playing Rome Total War again, mostly because of the pretty impressive mod scene that exists for it. It appears that some folks out there are terrible quibblers about historical military matters, just like me, and they have created some very interesting mods that improve the historical accuracy of the fighting forces in the game. It pleases the pedant in me, and it also means that I have to reappraise all my tried-and-true force-mixes and tactics. I also hear that an official expansion is coming out soon too, so it looks like there is plenty of hours of gameplay left in the game.
  3. How did you lose your gaming virginity ?

    Spectrums and ZX81s beat those damn Apples! xTreme old skool!
  4. How did you lose your gaming virginity ?

    Ultima VI: The False Prophet. I'd played other Ultima games a little bit before it, but Ultima VI wa that one that pwned me and made me want to go back and play the others more. I think the first game I played that was not on a ZX81 (ahahaha "games") was probably Karateka on a friend's IBM clone (which was what we called them in the day, on account of the Kaiser... ).
  5. Consolevania?

    2.2 is out? Did I miss it on the news on the frontpage? Or are we all so over that?
  6. Consolevania?

    I didn't mind Pirates (and tend to agree really, although I don't know if it has the ability to sustain interest beyond that initial phase) and I thought that they could have been more thorough about Guild Wars and were really pretty tame on Overblood 2. I wanted Driv3r levels of madness dammit. They also seem to be going for shorter shows than normal.
  7. An article for your perusal

    Shouldn't post-punk music feature in any discussion of what is hardcore? Or do kids today find that insufficiently extreme?
  8. Seen any good movies lately?

    Because it was good? (I thought it was good, although I have some pointless quibbles about unimportant elements).
  9. WHo's who at idle thumbs

    Gender or sex?
  10. San Andreas (PC)

    They seem to have gone for more variety but less "length" from the radio stations, however I think that may be because they randomise the content a bit so you have a good chance of hearing the same stuff over and over again; e.g. I want to hear the damn Faith No More song on Radio X but all I ever get is bloody Danzig... The missions also seem more linear in their arrangement. I think that you get some freedom in the start, and in LV but that is about it. GTAVC was able to have things widen and then narrow quite well. The PC conversions interface is infuriating. The inability to rebind commands to new keys, or rather to rebind all the commands to new keys, and the lack of easy access to maps, or specific weapon slots are things that console folk might have to put up with but there is little excuse for such inattention for PC games. Just smacks of "get it out the door, boys!" to me.
  11. The Swordmen Game(Prince of Persia3;o)

    If this is marketting it has to be some of the worst marketting ever.
  12. XBOX 360 price and bundle pack a go go

    To say nothing of TESIV: Oblivion? How the hell is -that- going to work?
  13. Coolest 80ies TV series moment?

    I liked the "hubris of man as the enemy" thing that Thunderbirds had going, and because there were regularly exploding models of big futuristic airports/power stations/factories. Also, nothing is hotter than a docking sequence.
  14. Cheating eh?

    Jesus has the best shirts.
  15. Clone Wars

    You should, it is quite excellent. The character design on the principal villain is really rather good.
  16. do zombies have to pooh?

    Why is "Go to the Mall" not in here?
  17. do zombies have to pooh?

    I'm telling you, its all about political symbolism! The zombies represent our flawed society! The survivors are those alienated by materialistic (brain-oriented) culture!
  18. Seen any good movies lately?

    I just watched The Fog of War again, that film really deserved its Oscar I think. Errol Morris seems like a pretty interesting guy, can anyone endorse the pro-Morris opinions I have heard voiced aroundabout?
  19. San Andreas (PC)

    Getting fat is cake. Getting less muscley is terribly annoying. I am instead hunting oysters in the hope that that last bit of Sex Appeal will make the emo hick chick ignore my gleaming guns.
  20. San Andreas (PC)

    Blueberry, near central northern coast of the southern landmass.
  21. San Andreas (PC)

    Don't eat and run around a lot. If you don't have Fat to burn, you will start to burn muscle instead. Assuming you can be bothered, if you are trying to pick up that pesky Redneck chick it might be better to see if she responds to higher Sex Appeal than to waste time starving yourself emo.
  22. Guy gamers with girlfriends

    Don't sea otters do this? I know that they bite each others noses for purchase during sex while floating around in the sea and it would seem reasonable to communicate via whiskers during this process. Nature is sure grand.
  23. EA's latest brilliant idea

    That's true... >_> Maybe we will see more "sports strategy" lessons in P.E.? (Hey, the article even mentions Civ! THE JOURNALISTS TRICKED ME)
  24. I wish I could participate in this thread, but the networks are not showing it here yet. They were pretty quick with the last series (although it did migrate to a later timeslot pretty quickly) so I'm happy to wait. Well... mostly happy...
  25. do zombies have to pooh?

    Aren't zombies a metaphor for the mindless consumptive urges that plague our capitalist society? Ever devouring, but never giving anything back (even poop)?