
Phaedrus' Street Crew
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Posts posted by Roderick

  1. Ah yes, it boggles the mind why they used such an ugly font for the text balloons. It looks out of sync with the rest of the graphic design. Now I know we're all a bunch of typeface lovers here, but damn if it doesn't add a lot to the experience.


    As for teams, I notice that I'm so tuned into the Mario/Rabbid Peach/Rabbit Luigi mashup that I hardly ever switch. Sometimes Luigi Actual joins in lieu of Rabbid Peach, but that's it. There's just never a good incentive to try out the others. Whenever I do give it a go, with Rabbid Mario for instance, it just doesn't feel quite right and I switch back to my original powerhouse combo.


    And yeah, before playing I read some reviews that spoke of a difficulty spike, but that really never came. It's a pretty easy game. Fourth world now, and I'm still quite effortlessly getting perfect scores.

  2. Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle

    The boss from world 3 was a classic: a musical phantom boss with a fun (if not entirely well-produced) song spoofing the hell out of Mario. Nice high note in what is already a very fun game. The musical boss is a scarcely used fixture at this point, harkening back to Conkers Bad Fur Day, I think? The JRPG Rhapsody had a lot of musical stuff going on as well, but not sure which came first.

  3. Here in the Netherlands the Nintendo Direct aired at exactly midnight, giving it a special, magical feeling. Then followed 45 minutes of craziness and commercials!


    Xenoblade Chronicles 2 was indeed baffling. I just couldn't parse anything they were saying. After the instructive way Arms and Splatoon were laid bare, this was a hot mess. Still, I could see the fun bits in between all the tiresome exposition of who battles what and how.


    Apart from that, stand-out moments for me were Skyrim (I DO NOT CARE, I WANT SKYRIM) and just seeing Koizumi-san, who is great. Pokémon was really rather lackluster, wasn't it? Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon just seem not that interesting. And Super Mario Odyssey continues to be something I will 100% buy and play, and probably enjoy the heck out of, but seeing footage for this game just never really works for me. I see it and think: those environments look a little too open for fun travel, or those challenges feel more like a chore than fun... and I know it's probably not that way, but I can't for the life of me shake that feeling.

  4. So Suda51 of Killer7 fame is making a sequel to his No More Heroes franchise (last seen on the Wii), called Travis Strikes Again. Nintendolife just published an interview they did with him and it is outrageous.



    Just try to figure out what the hell this game will be, going from his words! He also has this choice piece of advice for the young generation that may have missed his Wii titles: "Then go to town and rub one out [gestures suggestively] and really get into the game!"

  5. So basically your experience is that of Spies Like Us.


    I had a similar experience playing COD:BLOPS2 last year. I thought it would look and play way better than it did, since all I ever heard of Call of Duty was that it was so polished and big budget. Not that it was bad, mind, just not as amazingly mind blown as I'd been lead to believe.

  6. Ah yes, but Rabbid Peach's turret costs 20 points to get and at that point you only have 10! So I went with Luigi's to at least explore that mechanic. The grou[ heal I think will be really invaluable later on in the game. And since there's no level upping to be had, you can switch out character at will if things aren't going your way.

  7. The final episode was 1 hour and 20 minutes and filled with drawn-out scenes that edged on being boring.



    I couldn't believe how stupidly everything is working out. The Sansa-condemns-Littlefinger reveal was cathartic for viewers, but made so little sense for the characters. They could've done away with Littlefinger at any earlier point without the chicanery, and Littlefinger spent the entire season moping around Winterfell doing his thing for no apparent other reason than that he seemed to distrust Arya? The logical thing for him to think was: 'Hey, one of the Starks is now a magical seer who can see everything I've ever said. TIME TO SKEDADDLE, BACK TO THE VALE BOYS.'

    Two people went to talk to Cersei and taunted her to kill them. Both walked away. Nothing much was accomplished. I honestly can't remember what else happened in the episode.

    Oh yeah, the Night King stiffly and non-emotively riding a dragon. It looked really silly.


    At least Jon Snow's butt looked nice, I guess!


  8. Watching season 2 of TNG, I want to add to this discussion that there was just now an episode where Troi [in regards to Riker] lectures her mother that in human culture in that time, people don't 'own' one another anymore. The idea being that marriage and polyamory are well-practices there, if not the norm. (I recall that later on in the show, in one of the movies, they get married, so perhaps the whole idea is abandoned later on.) Klingons at least are shown as devoutly monogamous people, for whom sex is an absolute ritual full of meaning and responsibility.

  9. I'm going through season 2 right now. It's finding its groove! I was very surprised to encounter Borg halfway through season 2 already, I thought they'd take way longer to set that up and that we'd first deal with the Romulans who, as a threat, have been building up since the goddamn original series without ever going anywhere.


    I just had the season 2 Lwaxana episode. It was precious.

  10. They just added a crazy umbrella thing and I'm curious to try it out.


    Also, the new Splatoon amiibo are GORGEOUS in real life, perhaps the best looking and best made amiibo yet. Nintendo, get going on that Pearl & Marina set!

  11. I would also be a little sour on Moore's Live and Let Die, with its 20 minute speedboat chase that begins and ends in Bond's capture... but someone recently told me it's a take on blaxploitation and I never viewed it through that lens. So maybe upon rewatching I'll find something more worthwhile to it, I don't know yet.

  12. Not trying to be deliberately contrary in this topic, but I too enjoyed Die Another Day more than public opinion would suggest. It's campy, I actually like the weird plot with the North Koreans, the opening is very strong, just about the only thing that just doesn't work is the whole ice palace setting with added lasers on top. But apart from that... good fun. Better than Tomorrow Never Dies, which makes the unforgivable (and unfathomable) mistake of explaining the bad guy's plot in the first ten minutes, draining the whole thing of mystery.


    Wait, there is another huge flaw in DAD: Madonna's opening song is one of the worst. Just weird and not good, lyrics-wise and Bond-wise.