
Phaedrus' Street Crew
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Posts posted by Roderick

  1. Yeah, I have a Wii U, I hadn't even considered how large that screen was. Thanks!


    I don't think the Switch is meant to go in your pocket, it's just too big for that. It's a tablet-style device, so put it in book-like cover and take it along in your bag. I doubt my Switch would ever leave the house though. I like portable on my sofa or in my bed, but I'd get nervous with a device like that on the train. What if someone were to sneeze on it?


    As regards plugging in storage in the dock, Nintendo will want to prevent any sort of split between the handheld experience and the console experience. The dock is really only there to channel the device to the television. Adding more storage specifically to it would mean you'd maybe have different games or savegames or features once plugged in, which would necessitate synching and would alter the experience.

  2. Back in 2013, when I started this thread (cue sarcastic, knowing laughter), I was pretty pumped for this. Everything I saw since then just seemed... people zooming around on the countryside in a science fiction-Audi. Frankly, I don't really know why I should care about this anymore. Maybe there's still a really good game in there, it just hasn't made itself known yet.

  3. How would that work, exactly? I doubt the projector will be able to produce anything resembling a coherent, useable second screen. And the console mode will work only when the Switch is docked, rendering its screen unfit for use.


    Anyway, nice to see that report on Eurogamer! 6.2" screen at 720p. That's a huge improvement in resolution over the 3DS, where you can basically count the pixel. This should render everything sharp as a whistle. I have a bit of a hard time imagining how large exactly a 6.2" screen is in real life, I have no comparable devices at hand. From the images I'm guessing it's a bit bigger than a Vita screen. Wait, my Kindle Paperwhite is about 6" I believe...

  4. Just in: Nintendo is giving a big conference January 12th, streamed online. We'll hear more details then about pricing, games, launch date and hopefully technical specs. The odds are good they'll unveil all the little details then. In the days afterwards there's a big show in the Tokyo Big Sight for a general audience, so expect tons of impressions then.


    On the downside, that leaves a good 2,5 months that we'll have to speculate or just forget this exists.

  5. The slow trickle (or no trickle) of information is a completely deliberate move on Nintendo's part. This time around, they want to control communication exactly and will do anything to avoid muddying the perception of the machine. The trailer they released contains everything they want to audience to know at this point. We'll first have to simmer in this before they release details like screen resolution and interface. That's the sort of thing that, while important, doesn't sell the console to the wider audience. I expect we'll hear about these things in a month or so. Until then, they're doing a pretty good job: a lot of people are talking about the Switch and dreaming about its potential.

  6. I'm not sure about that - the Switch seems to be a clean break with the sort of technology that defined Nintendo hardware in the past. The 3DS at least, though you might be right about the Wii, should the Joy-Cons be motion-enabled. Even then, once you click them in the screen for portable mode, it won't operate at all like the Wii. More likely is that this is a new beginning for Nintendo with a new, clean hardware concept.


    On another note, I've come to really like the hamburger stand that you keep the Switch in when playing on the tv. I dislike how the Wii U controller rests on a wobbly little piece of plastic where the screen has all the opportunity to gather dust. The one thing I'm concerned about is how vulnerable the Switch screen is, so it's a comforting idea that it has a robust toaster to keep it.

  7. Alright, you lot have everything covered here, so all I need to point out is that Nintendo had better bring the goddamn colors at launch day. No drab grey, I want SPICE and GAMECUBE PURPLE or LIME GREEN, or I'm waiting this the heck out.


    Alright, that's not entirely true. Money permitting, I'll get the Switch within the first year. I love what I'm seeing so far. This is all I ever wanted from the Wii U: a Nintendo tablet, both console and handheld. I don't think I'll miss the second screen. My experience with the Wii U second screen has been disappointing: it's rarely used in cool ways (Kirby and the Rainbow Paintbrush being the wonderful exception), and oftentimes it's used in strikingly awful ways. Have you tried watching Netflix on Wii U? It streams the programme or movie on both screens at the same time! What lunacy is that?


    The Switch will definitely not play Wii U games. The architecture is too different in every conceivable way (both in chipset, power and physical properties). This was expected. The Wii U is Nintendo's legacy machine - the Switch is a new starting point. In fact, I'd kind of like it if they didn't flee into their now-standard nostalgia-wallowing on day one. Does anyone really need the hundredth version of Mario Bros? Let's be a little more neophilic here. I want new games and new experiences after three devices filled with virtual consoles.

  8. Yeah, same here. I loved the hell out of NOLF2, being especially impressed with the storytelling levels (the creepy abandoned house, the way the ice station was set up). I wonder if NOLF The Original is quite as good.


    Oh and yes, the second game also had a few moments with mad respawnage (the Russian infiltration level was especially heinous), but nothing that really detracted from the experience.

  9. I'm... just, it's weird for Ancel to publish these pictures when the game is in pre-production. What's the play here? Try to keep BG&E enthusiasm high? But after all these years you can easily hold off on that for another few, until you actually have a game to show. Now there's a real risk of hypes running out of steam or people shrugging their shoulders. There's nothing to gain here except gauging how the internet responds, or...


    It just occurred to me that Ancel needed some leverage within Ubisoft to get funding? Maybe? So he whips up some commotion and is then able to show to his colleagues that there's still enough chatter about BG&E to proceed with actually making the game.


    Aaaaand that's about the only explanation I can think of, other than a Peter Molyneux scenario where Ancel is just so enthusiastic about the project (and I cannot blame him there) that he's unable to stay quiet on it.

  10. O, I had forgotten Epic Yarn was a Wii game! With all the Kirby's flying around and my being out of the Nintendo game for most of this generation, I totally got that mixed up. I thought Power Paintbrush pre-dated Epic Yarn, but it's the other way around. Gorgeous, gorgeous HD claymation.


    Did they hand-sculpt all of that, or is it some sort of smart renderign technique? I just can't even tell. It's done so smoothly I'm guessing it's 3D graphics, but the detail is incredible.

  11. I saw about a quarter of it just now, then extrapolated the entire ordeal. Donald seemed really uncomfortable on that stage, as if he suddenly felt that he had to be more toned-down and formal now that he was in a public debate - and boy did he not fare well. The buffoon-act works well on his rallies, but it's encouraging to see it falls flat in a more formal venue. It speaks to how he would fail should he become president, since that's all formal venue, no bar room brawls.

  12. I picked up Kirby and the Rainbow Paintbrush somewhat on a whim, finding it in the bargain bin. I wasn't expecting anything of it, since most Kirby offerings I find a little on the light side. But I'm playing this slavishly co-op with my gf (switching between one of us guiding Kirby around and the other cleaning things up with Waddle Dee), and it is a blast.


    The clay aesthetic is charming as hell and puts me in a Neverhood mood (but with super super smooth frame rates). Gorgeous stuff. The gameplay is delightfully relaxed, but offers far more in the way of hilarious moments and chaos than vanilla Kirby, as you don't directly control the pink blob but guide him through tapping and drawing paths for him to take. It's not anything frustrating (especially if you have Waddle Dee to clean up some of the enemies), but creates a ton of fun moments. Kirby will get stuck or go the opposite direction you want him to, and it's more akin to coaxing a hapless pet through the levels.


    Really, the first moment we saw this intro cinematic we were sold wholesale.


    Also of note is the co-op multiplayer we're doing: Kirby and Waddle Dee have wildly differing gameplay styles, and the levels even adapt so that both players are enjoying a fun challenge. It's so well thought-out yet confidently simple.

  13. I'm wondering about that, too. Before finishing them all (by a long shot, I expect there are hundreds), I dived into the official levels, which also offer tons of skins.


    I'm of two minds about the fact that the 100 Mario's challenges don't offer any rewards. On the one hand that totally focuses on the fun of it, without penalizing you for failing, but my achievement-crackwhore mind craves collectibles and unlockables. Sure, you unlock a random skin any time you finish a 16-level course, but that ends pretty quickly. By the way, the hard levels are VERY hard. I wasn't able to finish a single one so far, and even then it'd take so many lives I doubt you'd be able to do it with just the 100.

  14. Here's my crazy prediction: I expect the NX is going to be a big success. Initially, no 3rd party dev will want to support it, but after a year they'll scramble to port their stuff over (or create bespoke new games), once they see that there's a real market here. But fuck em, who cares? This is going to be the all-Nintendo console. They already said there'll be a Mario and a Zelda in the first half year after release, and let's just hope that that Mario is Galaxy 3. Enough with the dillying around with multiplayer stuff, it's time for an honest-to-god new 3D Mario game - and I wouldn't mind it being at least as weird and ballsy as Sunshine was.


    What I'm also excited for is that, should the NX become the hit I hope it'll be, we'll see some real gems in the glut of titles that's sure to follow. The Wii, with its preposterously huge lineup of mostly forgettable trash, had some really unique and weird titles. Games that might not have been particularly good, but ever so interesting. I'm thinking of the likes of Fragile Dreams, Silent Hill: Shattered Memories, Zack & Wiki and Pandora's Tower. Though they might come from Nintendo too. I'm playing the DS-game Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland right now and it's the weirdest deconstruction of a Zelda game ever. Totally nuts.

  15. I am so going to play this. Warcraft Adventures getting cancelled was such a blow back then (I was at an age when I couldn't fathom how a Blizzard game couldn't be anything but godly), I owe it to my 15 year old self to do this. Besides, even if it's a mediocre Full Throttle rip-off... I might just be in the market for that, if it's charming and strange enough.

  16. Cool, Tanu! Add me and let's share some levels! Look at the previous 20-odd posts, someone was kind enough to post a link to the Mario Maker bookmark site which is kind of essential if you want to browse other people's creations.


    [EDIT: I was mistaken, that conversation happened in the NX thread.]

  17. Nice! The trailer looked like fun and I have a co-op person nearby.


    I just missed the Swords & Soldiers II eShop sale, which is annoying because I bought eShop monies and had worked it out precisely to get Ace Attorney 6 and the discounted S&S2. I'll have to wait another cycle before it's on sale again. Oh well, enough stuff to play.

  18. Thanks, I'm adding all of that to my list. I got the Rayman Legends demo a few days ago and it was chaotic and fun. Already in the demo I was getting vexed because I hadn't found all the sprite thingies, which is good. The craving has started.


    (Meanwhile, I finished COD:BLOPS 2. It had some fun entertaining levels and some stupid ones. An overall haphazard experience that isn't helped by the developers' poor choice to end the game on a post-credits scene where the character models are suddenly playing in a digitized, existing rock band (that I didn't know), playing a godawful song. That was baffling, undermining.)