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Everything posted by jokemaster

  1. Nintendo Revolution

    Yeah, but Nintendo seems the most focused about keeping it about the games, the PS3 and the 360 are both shown off about how they also have dvd capability, music playing + ripping, internet access for stuff other than games, etc. They also only talk about how their console is so powerful, and that the graphics are so powerful, and Microsoft hired a bunch of celebrities to talk about their console, even though some of them sounded like they haven't played a game since Space Invaders.
  2. Nintendo Revolution

    Aye, but the moon in OoT was ALWAYS full.
  3. No place for Hideo?

    He did, Zone of the Enders for PS2 and Botkai for GBA
  4. Nintendo Revolution

    Yeah, but remember Ocarina of Time? Day changes into night. If you're a werewolf, it'll mean you don't change at will, you get FORCED to change. I mean what if you're in a town or something and suddenly you're a werewolf. Villagers are gonna get pissed.
  5. New Zelda details

    I love you. That was exactly my opinion when WW came out
  6. Nintendo Revolution

    I want a green one. Anyway, if the whole 'download old NES/SNES/N64 games' thing is free, GOOD BYE SOCIAL LIFE
  7. New Zelda details

    ZELDA PWNZ AAAALLLL! seriously, did you see that bitch at the end of Wind Waker
  8. The XBOX 360 revelation thingy

    I think that the games industry is also leaning a bit too much toward becoming 'interactive movies'. I mean, like some developers have said, movies are great, a lot of them have influenced games, but games aren't supposed to be interactive movies. OK, I'm not saying that they shouldn't be at all like movies, and I'm not saying that cinematic games, like MGS and some others, aren't good, but, well being a cinema maniac I'm going to compare it to the early movie industry. At first movies were mostly just enhanced stage plays shot on film, they were mostly like stage plays until Citizen Kane, that's when they started coming out on their own, or so I've read. They should also stop marketing for what is 'cool' and just keep doing what they were doing 1985-1997ish. Now some of my friends who bashed video games in the SNES era claim they love them, when one of them's game collection consists of Halo, GTA doublepack, Project Gotham Racing, Splinter Cell. Good games sure, but those aren't the REAL games, y'know gamer games like the old LEC adventure games, or Katamari Damacy, or the old Sega and Nintendo games, those are games for mainstream crouds more than anything. I don't know, it just ruffles my feathers that I used to consider video games 'my thing' and now people just waste 350 bucks on an XBOX and Halo 2 and they claim they're gamers. They've never even HEARD of Half Life 2!
  9. Happy Birthday, Yufster!

    for a moment I thought it was made of chocolate sprinkles. Top 10 signs I should stop fasting, no?
  10. The XBOX 360 revelation thingy

    Looks like we're going to have to have you neutered
  11. Write some reviews in 15 words or less

    Yufster:Irish, nuff said Full throttle: Motorcycles, and suicide bunnies=sweetness Grim Fandango: BEST GAME EVAH
  12. Happy Birthday, Yufster!

    Ever play any games on that thing? That's gotta sound funny.
  13. The XBOX 360 revelation thingy

    Amen Brother. A perfect example is, well, this show. Since when are video games MTV material? I mean, I remember when you could tell one console from another, even if you didn't play video games (my parents could, now they get confused between the PS2 and the XBOX). Console desigins are starting to look like either PCs or VCRs, except for Nintendo. In fact, this generation, I thought that their console had the best design, but for some reason everyone complained that it was too small.....Tell me, since when does the SIZE of a console matter?
  14. The XBOX 360 revelation thingy

    Like I've said, the only big jump in graphics that affect gameplay was from 2D to 3D. And out of those, the only one which really intrigues me is Condemmed.
  15. You Are Corrupting The World's Youth! Awesome!
  16. Happy Birthday, Yufster!

    You MORON! count the candles, she's FIVE YEARS OLD!!! Happy b-day.
  17. Anyone else think that game companies should start releasing old games for free? Here are some I'd like to see. And let's be reasonable, don't ask for HL2 or GTA III or some other game that's recent or doing extremely well sales-wise. Also, in their entirety, not Pre-CMI LEC games Pre Quake III id games. Unreal 1 Duke Nukem series Pre Red Alert 2 C&C games Warcraft 1 and 2 The Police Quest series
  18. Which games should be released for free?

    well no longer sells the adventure collection......
  19. The XBOX 360 revelation thingy

    Force feedaback sounds like angry letters to the editor...../.
  20. Tooning In: A trip down the memory lane

    Yeah, we just remember the good things, and the very very very bad things. Not the just pure bad things.
  21. Tooning In: A trip down the memory lane

    Someone who has played the games, likes them and isn't just trying to grab another franchise. Oh wait, there aren't any, at least not anymore. IMO, what's happening is that right now all the people who are exectutives didn't play games when they were kids and don't play them now. In time, maybe it'll improve. What's happening too much is that people aren't making movies based on games, they're writing original works, then stamping the game's name on and changing the names of characters and maybe locations so that it'll be a movie of that game. Like Doom, Resident Evil, etc.
  22. The XBOX 360 revelation thingy

    I'm getting it for perfect dark zero. I've been waiting six bloody years for it, and even if there's no other good games coming out for it (but I know that Kameo will be good also), I want that freaking game.
  23. Boycott Star Wars III

    I would except that.................................I already got tickets for the midnight showing >_>
  24. Tooning In: A trip down the memory lane

    And they still ignore the continuity of the game completely. Ironically I think that some of those old TV shows stuck more closely to the premise of the game than some of the movies nowadays. Seriously, developers should actually try participating in the making of the film, instead of just handing over the rights. I swear when I finally make a successful game, I'm going to demand to see a script and approve it before handing over the rights.
  25. Tooning In: A trip down the memory lane

    I remember Mario, Zelda, Sonic, and a Donkey Kong cartoon. But the Donkey Kong one was Donkey Kong Country, w/ CG graphics that looked almost EXACTLY like the SNES games.