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Everything posted by jokemaster

  1. Gaming Dead ? Not really...

    I'm pretty excited about Condemmned.
  2. A generation of irrelevance

    And I'd like to see people realize that games where if you breathe on someone wrong he blows up in a shower of blood and is filled with scantily clad babes and boobies does not equal mature.
  3. Memo

    Sweet, can I take his place?
  4. A generation of irrelevance

    I know, I was planning on buying one, but when I read the 400 dollar price AND that they don't include a freakin' game.......too much.
  5. A generation of irrelevance

    I'm reading an interview w/ Kojima and he says this: link to third page of interview, where he says this He also mentions that now the revolutions won't be made by hardware but by software.
  6. GTA SA 100% completion

    Which is the irony of 100% completion: You get the stats, weapons and viechles, but you don't need them anymore.
  7. A generation of irrelevance

    It would be, except that publsihers still believe that squeezing every bit of graphical power out of a console moves more units than squeezing every bit of originality into the game.
  8. A generation of irrelevance

    It is definately the most irrelevant jump of the recent generation jumps. I mean if you look at a NES game and then at a SNES game, you can clearly tell the difference, even though they're both 2D, then SNES-N64 was the jump to 3D, then N64-Current Gen you can clearly tell the difference. But honestly, THIS generation jump, most of the games I've seen so far look like they're from this gen, but highly polished. So basically we went from blocks to sprites, to 3D, to shiny 3D, and now they're basically just making it shinier. It's a very small jump in comparision
  9. How did you lose your gaming virginity ?

    *SLAP* You don't even mention the LEC games?!
  10. Microsoft inks deal for new Halo Movie

    I think the rock and vin disel have the same problem: You look at them, you don't think 'dramatic actor', you think 'extreme action star'. Vin Disel got one breakthrough film (hollywood-wise), Fast and the furious, unfortunately he started getting typecast. The Rock had The mummy, then got a spin-off the scorpion king, and was then typecast.
  11. How did you lose your gaming virginity ?

    PC-wise I think it'd be the jump from different consoles (Like the commodore, etc) to MS-Dos? Or maybe to windows?
  12. "Sell" me on Katamari Damacy?

    Hm....tempting but I don't know how much you're worth or what currency I'd be paid with if I sold you on Katamari Damacy
  13. How did you lose your gaming virginity ?

    One question for all of you though, at what point do you consider the 'generations'. For me the original gaming generation (Or as some others call it the 'geek' generation) Is everyone from Spacewar (first game) to the SNES. That's basically where gaming was mostly the stuff of geeks, not something advertised on TV, etc. What do you think?
  14. Sin 2 Episodes

    I sorta like sorta dislike this new wave. I like it because you pay cheaper and you don't have to buy the whole game at once, if you're not sure just download one ep. The bad thing would be if they start making them demo-sized and you end up paying 20 bucks for a demo.
  15. How did you lose your gaming virginity ?

    First game: Sonic the Hedgehog. First ADVENTURE game: Fate of Atlantis (again), I remember I was at a friend's house, and we were looking for something to play, and we were looking through his older brother's games when we found an indiana jones game. So we put it on and played it. I had never seen a game like that, and it impressed me so much that I vowed that I'd find out what exactly it was and if there were others like it. I was 5 at the time, BTW. And so I grew, until suddenly, one day, back in 1998ish, we got the internet. And I found the company that makes Star Wars games had a website! So I got on, visited, and saw that they had demos. Most were too big, so I ownly downloaded one: Curse of Monkey Island. I was so happy I'd finally found another game like it, so from there on slowly I started finding out more and more about adventure games, usually having to hunt them down in stores, and leter EBAY.

    He's right! They even have the same avatars!
  17. An article for your perusal

    'Bout the whole conversations about when people ask you 'played any good games lately?' I'd mention Grim Fandango, Day of the Tentacle, Beyond good and evil, Psychonauts or some other good, not well-known game, and if they ask me what it's about, I'll just smile and say 'try it.' EDIT: BTW, reading that I think everyone here fits into the hard-core hardcore gaming category. Y'know, we enjoy Doom, half life, and all those, but we also know and want more of stuff like Grim fandango, Sam and max, etc. I definately agree with your idea of a seperate store or something like that for those kinds of games. I mean movies get to be cult movies because, they're in theaters, and those people that are interested in those types of films go see them, and if it's really good, they'll go out and tell everyone about it, and by the time it comes out on DVD, they buy their friends a copy, etc. Games meanwhile, are released on shelves, and nowadays later released on some sort of pay-to-d/l. Maybe if we all bought a copy of one of our favorite games as presents for our gamer friends we'd get sales up enough....Then again, games, most people finish it once, and if it's not a huge-selling game, they'll lend it to their friend, and thus sales don't go up. PS. My mom got addicted on my NES classics Super Mario Bros game. She wouldn't let me use my gameboy simply because she was playing it. I was so suprised that she was playing that I even encouraged her and bought her SMB 3.
  18. Rockstar Presents the Warriors

    I'm into cult 70s, 80s films and I was planning to rent the warriors when I heard about Rockstar making the games. Anyway the movie is on my netflix list now.
  19. Geist

    Kids games, like say: Duke Nukem: Land of the Babes (2000)
  20. Good FPS's devoid of money snatchers

    Buy a game. I reccommend BF2, or UT2K4 if you need something cheaper
  21. Psychonauts postmortem in Game Developer

    Good thing: It seems they learned a lot from developing this game Bad thing: Its failure may mean they might not be able to apply what they learned to other games.
  22. Intro Sequences in Games

    Fave intros: Every LEC adventure game ever made. C+C red alert Zelda: OoT and Wind Waker MGS2 Psychonauts Max Payne: First time I played it I loved the opening narration. Mario 64's intro was really impressive I loved LEC's old games' intro logos, because every time they did something different. I mean sure, after the first time you skipped them, but it was still awesome the first time. The worst I've seen was one game (don't remember) that had splash screens for all of the following (in this order): Publsiher Developer 3 Different technologies liscensed. 1 Nvidia logo 1 Createv audio logo. All unskippable. I hated starting that game up
  23. Futurama movie coming!

    *Begins humming futurama song*
  24. Seen any good movies lately?

    I loved the old one and I loved the new one. Personally I wouldn't ever try to compare them in a 'which is better' way, 'cause I love 'em both.
  25. Why the Hate on Metal Gear?

    I stopped playing that when I got some really really bad sunburns