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Everything posted by Farbror

  1. Moehahahah! Bow down for my evil geniusness!

    I'm downloading the demo right now. This is really the only PC game that dares to do somethng relatively new these days. Even if the game turns out to be bad, you must still give credit to Elixir Studios for taking such a risk.
  2. Well, well...

    Well, well... (From VGmusic.com) I didn't notice that, since I don't watch the olympics. Neat. Comments, anyone?
  3. Academia, gaming, blablabla

    God, the boringness of GameSpot! Please, Marek, make it more Idle style!
  4. I don't see the news. I Hate EVERYTHING.
  5. Awlordysweetbabyjeezus! (Fable review)

    That's another thing! What if it all goes down to some Black and White syndrome, "We've already heard what you can do in this game so we'll just write in the review that it's great beacuse that's what everyone else does, or, we'll just judge what the publishers have chosen to show us already and accidentally forget the actual game." Never trust reviews.
  6. Awlordysweetbabyjeezus! (Fable review)

    But still, that doesn't mean you can get a good impression in short time, just beacuse you play much! Look at Morrowind and all the great reviews it got when it had recently been released. Did it deserve it? Did anyone notice its flaws that soon? I'm scared...
  7. Awlordysweetbabyjeezus! (Fable review)

    Even worse! How long have they have their copy of the game actually?
  8. Awlordysweetbabyjeezus! (Fable review)

    I thought it had only been out for, like, three days! They can't review such a massive game on such a short time period! No way! Angryness! I can't trust reviews on this kind of games.
  9. The Grand List of Console RPGs Cliches

    So it would help if you released smaller adventures for cheaper prices? Hmmm, maybe, didn't Ron Gilbert or someone over at Telltale games have a similar idea? Maybe...
  10. I had a dream...

    He, I remember Super Mario Rpg. There was a house in that game, and inside it were some items. "Well, alright" I think, beacuse this IS an RPG, but when you leave the house, a man comes up and asks you if those are his stuff you've got there. I was shocked, this wasn't supposed to happen! It's against the law of RPGs! NPC's are supposed to be static and repeat everything you say as many times as you need it. Speaking of that, while it hasn't got anything to do with the topic to do, the LoZ: the Wind Waker tried to somehow explain why NPC's repeated themselves all the time... "And remember, if you get stuck and don't know what to do, just ask someone. And if you don't understand what they say the first time, just ask again, and they will repeat what they said the first time to you, until the meaning is clear." So, the NPC's aren't stupid or something, they're just nice. "Oh, he didn't get it the first time, I'd better say it again." EDIT: Okay then! I'll change it! Loz instead of LOZ! Happy now? (Or would you prefer L0Z? l0z?)
  11. The Grand List of Console RPGs Cliches

    So adventure games have just had bad luck? I've been thinking, and I think it's just beacuse the ability to "get stuck" in adventure games that keep them from succes. Adventure is probably the only genre that contains so much puzzles that you can easily get stuck, and then there's no fun. Of course it's very easy to get "stuck" in other games too, beacuse of difficulty, or hard Zelda-like puzzles (There's probably someone somewhere ) and such. But those are always relatively easy to overcome, or at least "design away" by the developers, by for example adding skirmish modes or similar. But in adventure games, if you get stuck, there's nothing to do, except for perhaps checking a walkthrough or try everything with everything or walk around and examine things or such. But that's not fun, if there's nothing else to do! Of course, developers have been trying to avoid these problems, for example by adding subtle hints, like in Grim Fandango: The problem with that is that it only happens once and never again, so if I don't notice it the first time, it will all have gone to waste. But I think these are the main weaknesses of adventure games. Someone over at Telltale games wrote a blog about it, I think... They've got some clever ideas about how to overcome such problems, like a game that "knows" when you're stuck and gives you hints...
  12. Bandwidth caps SUCK! (and so do clueless in-laws)

    All relatives are stupid. Except those uncles who work at nuclear plants.
  13. More Majesco goodness! Here!
  14. Playboy undressed videogame women

    I am not clicking that link. The topic scares me.
  15. The Grand List of Console RPGs Cliches

    Yes, but still, everyone except us freaking hate adventure games! And there hasn't been much innovation on the gameplay side in console RPG's either! This is unfair! Why does everyone love console rpg's but hate adventure games? I Hate this world! I Hate it!
  16. The Grand List of Console RPGs Cliches

    The worst part is that 80 % of it is all true. How can console RPG's be so popular, this list is a given proof that console RPGs haven't evolved more than rocks during the years. Everything has already been done, yet everyone loves console RPGs. Why? It's so crazy!
  17. Psychonauts cannot be bad. It's a scientifically proven fact. They're thinking about giving the Nobel price in physics to the guy who proved that. No, I am not lying, why do you ask? Okay then, to be serious, you should never judge a game until it's out, or until it's been out for a year or possibly two and/or three. The only exception is Evil Genius and Paper Mario 2 and maybe Psychonauts.
  18. He's got a point...
  19. Oh my God, one of those guys look just like me!
  20. Afraid of Doom3, join the club

    Is there anything to say that hasn't been said?
  21. Fable gone gold

    Let's just see if it's worth all the hype...
  22. Yes.

    Oh, okay. I suppose it is quite legal then. I hope... EDIT: Oh, and congratulations and stuff, I guess. Here, a smilie. I'm not used to using those, but i'll give it a try... No, wait, sorry... Ah, there, slightly better. Congratulations!
  23. I should really say "Why fix it if it's not broken?" but what I really want to say is "Who cares?" In Sweden, we have some news programs that uses the old "Draw the weather with pencils before the program starts" and a lot of more that uses "Blue screen stuff thing" like everyone else. And honestly, I couldn't be bothered less about which one I prefer. Somehow, I can't help thinking about this in the same sense as the transition to 3D in gaming. "Just beacuse you CAN make it 3D doesn't mean you should, but IF you do it good, well, go ON then." Except remove the IF part, beacuse I'm sure there are thousands of things out there that could need the resources and time required for this much more. But honestly, who cares?
  24. Yes.

    Is this legal?
  25. My favorite search page..

    Why doesn't more search engines look like this?