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Posts posted by MrChlorophyll

  1. Not to randomly pimp adventure games but I'd say Grim Fandango. I'm not sure which bit though. But since that would probably be a bit difficult, I'd then go with Full Throttle. The opening title shot maybe. Something though, I've always loved the Full Throttle style.

    And of course Monkey Island, DotT, blah blah blah.

    Idle Thumbs Banner: I'd dig that as a foot-ish deep banner on top of the wall, around the entire enclosed space of the room.

  2. Maybe he's like me in that by the time I read the thread, whatever point I would have made was already made by someone else.

    But that theory has a teeny little hole in that he was the first reply.

    So even when I do think of something to say, it is ill contrived and incomplete in logic and reason. Hmmm.

    Maybe I should add:

    Anything I've ever said.
    Blah blah blah, shut the hell up.

    But back on topic, dammit I want a Wii. Damn you college! Damn you and your God awful tuition to heck! I haven't even ever touched a Wii, let alone played it, and it's driving me mad!

    So I guess I should apoligise to Nintendo for not making their earnings a couple few hundred bucks higher.

    Edit: If, you know, I lived in the Olde Country.

  3. People like you piss me off.:fart:

    I hate cell phones. I'm sorry.

    And I also collected watches as a youngster. Loved taking them apart. All those gears blew my mind.

    Because digital watches suck. Even if the gears and hands style watch I have is nearly impossible to read.