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Posts posted by MrChlorophyll

  1. I like the secret area. Shoot the far wall through the farthest space in the bars on the right. Entertaining times.

    But yes, the controls are somewhat lacking and I actually spent the most time watching the dudes writhe and fall over themselves and whatnot after the matches.

  2. I must be luckiest guy in the world, because Stalker only crashed on me maybe 3 times. Which is better than most games manage.

    But I do know what you mean with the lack of polish. Some games are just fairly crap, but every now and then you'll get one that tries something new or different and gets it right enough to be enjoyable.

    I just wish I could think of some examples off the top of my head.

  3. Same with dogs.

    I wuv me the wittle doggies and wouldn't eat one if I could help it, but I don't mind that they're a light lunch in some areas of the world. So the goat doesn't faze me. If I was there, I may have said "That's kind of icky, but it's a goat. It probably only exists in the first place to be eaten." And my attention would probably have been directed elsewhere. Because I agree with Marek.

    Would we be having this discussion if it was a yummy yummy cow/pig?

  4. Well shit, I'd say that I agree with you Yufster but... you'd probably yell at me.

    I do know what you mean, though. I'd say I'm kind of guilty of that in general, but I think for me it's more a case of me not being a very expressive human being. And someone always says whatever I'm thinking better than I can anyway. Which is why I generally don't share my opinions on things because either someone said basically what I would before me or I can't communicate eloquently enough to justify me opening my mouth.

    And have you ever considered that Remo is just right all the time?


  5. I'm totally loving it. If I had to describe it in 2 seconds, I'd say it's Oblivion+Fallout. A fairly major generalization, but it gets the idea across.

    Coolest thing so far? When you pick up more than your inventory weight limit, it doesn't make you just stop moving at first. It just takes your walking energy away until you're 10kg above, then it nails you to the ground. I liked that touch.

    Biggest complaint? The head bob when you move. It gives me a headache.