Ryam BaCo

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Posts posted by Ryam BaCo

  1. out of context:

    new genre?

    i wrote some sort of an idea of a genre-mix up some time ago, which contains some sort of storytelling that has never been there before combined with action/sneaking/horror-sequences and all i'll need for it is...hmm...experience???

    in context:

    i think that the whole gaming industry develops to some kind of "genre-fusion". the whole part of story- and gameplay-innovation may be verrrrrry important to distinguish your games from all the others on the market to get the only resource that counts: buyers.

  2. i'm having sex with demos all day long. but i never downloaded demos from the internet. i get them all from game magazines.

    for me the best demo of all time was the grim fandango demo. not only because of the part of the game you play there but mostly of this goddamned trailer they played afterwards.

    here is the detailled grim fandango story: after i finished curse of monkey island and monkey island 1 i was sure that lucasarts-adventures are the best (that was in the year 1998, btw). soooo i read a preview of grim fandango and thought: "hahahaha! skeletons??? that's weird. this game can't be fun." and then i played the demo and it was soooo awesome and blablabla (put in other words for great games i'm too lazy to think about some complex english words at this late time) and when i finished the demo i saw the trailer! and the grim fandango trailer is the most awesome game trailer i ever saw...and then i thought: "wtf??? i must go and buy this game!" but unfortunately i had not enough money. but fortunately christmas was in about a month. so i got christmas-money from my parents to buy grim fandango, but right afterwards they stole the game from me and hid it somewhere. bastards! so i had to wait for around a month till i was able to play grim fandango. and this one month was a hard time for me. but when i finally played grim it again exceeded all my expections! this game was so awesome and blablabla (--> look above! ;) ) and when i finally finished it around 4 weeks later, the feeling of finishing a game without any walkthroughs and other cheating stuff was more satisfying than sex!!! owwww...now i sound weird.

    another demo gabriel knight 3, which i played on a 200 mhz computer without a 3d graphics card. and so it...well...i was able to play it. but don't ask how it worked. but it worked. slow. whatever...this demo was awesome (especially on a lame computer)! you enter a house, hear baby-crying in the background and everything seemed to be in a little horrific scene. the story was also promissing. but i didn't buy the game afterwards because of my lame computer. and when i bought it around one year later for cheap 10 € i was quite disapointed of the game, because the puzzles in the beginning where crap and so i didn't continue playing it.

  3. so hopefully nobody will ever open a mj-discussion-thread.

    hmmm....this seems to work...somebody does the opposite of the stuff i write...

    so hopefully nobody will ever send around a million real goldnuggets to me.

  4. i'm tired of mj-discussions, because i had them so many times, but to keep it short (and friendly):

    mj doesn't deserve anything of what you write about him.

    so hopefully nobody will ever open a mj-discussion-thread.

    so...aaaaand....oh...well...marek was right...btw...except the bomb-stuff ;)

  5. worms!!! omg i forgot worms in my listing! worms!

    we played every single part at school.

    worms 1 in the first class.

    then me and a friend always played worms 2 in programming and database stuff, while the others where working. worms 2 + alt/tab. soooo cool.

    next game was worms armageddon on a very small (and lame...) laptop of a friend...6 people around a little gadget...woooohooooo

    then some people got better laptops --> worms world party!!!

    and now in the fifth grade --> worms 3d on newer and faster laptops!!!

    worms. awesome! i don't know what i'd have done at school without worms. even thinking about a live without worms is horrrrrible.

  6. take all the ugly notes you hate with you and make an adventurous ride to mr. toilet. there you're usually locked, you can't escape and nothing distracts you. i need to learn theoretical stuff there, because when i decide to learn in my room i spend a lot of my time in analyzing the ultima 9 worldmap on my desk, painting my computer or staring at the walls right into this grim fandango ad which has been hanging there for years and asking myself why i'm torturing myself.

  7. Jesus Christ, Settlers! Settlers was awesome!!!

    settlers II is awesome. the only strategy game i like. but in my opinon the sequels suck. i loved the s2-waypoint- and the indirect controlled combat system.

    @bobodonkey: is flight of the amazon queen good? i got it on a dvd somewhere in my room but never played it...

  8. i think that an implementation of "breathing-sounds" could easily turn into an exaggerated and unrealistic effect, because i usually don't hear myself breathing (i'm not darth vader, i'm not an astronaut and i'm not an eighty years old chainsmoker... ;) )- why should i do so in games?

    but seeing someone breathe would be amazing. and i don't only mean the up and down of the thorax. that is nothing new. but there could be other details, that will let the environment appear more realistic. sooo for instance if you could see the "clouds" coming out of your nose/mouth when it's cold our when you get closer to a mirror/window and "breath on it" that you see the residues, which slowly disappear like in real life. something like that would be amazing.

  9. retro games...hmmm...you mean verrrrry old games with that, right?

    well...i got my first computer in 1997 and so i started playing games in 1997 too...hmmmm...anyway...i got a lot of friends with different types of consoles

    here are some, that come in my mind:

    sega mega drive:

    micro machines 2, sonic 1+2+3

    sega saturn:

    sega rallye


    street fighter

    game boy:

    mario land 1, tetris

    game gear:

    jurassic park, sonic 1, mickey mouse


    the settlers II (my very first pc game), different old lucasarts-adventures, baldur's gate



    HOW COULD I FORGET??!?!?!??!!?!?!?!

    i'm so stupid.

  10. when i hear my character breathing i'm always thinking that he's a chain smoker or something like that. when indy in indiana jones 6 (?) starts gasping after running/climbing/fighting i'm thinking something like "wtf??? hey, this is indiana jones, the ultimative hero and not a old man with poor health!"

    oh...and here...two of my design-principles i used for my previous nwn-module and will still use for the future:

    1) i try to keep the game/story-style as unique as possible in a way that has never been there before. for example in my nwn-module (wah! i'm always writing about my nwn-module...grbml) i told myself not to copy anything from lucasarts-adventures, although there was a high temptation, because of the monkey island-similar background (you drive to an island meet a bunch of insane characters,...).

    2) small poems and puzzles based on them or other little details (in my nwn-module i wrote the history of royal wood worms(!) or wrote down different for the game unimportant story-details about historical "facts", like the creation and destruction of an underwater-town,...)

    there was also this plan to let the story end in sixth-sense-style, but i only implemented half of the whole planned plot, because i wanted to release the whole stuff not in about 100 years, and so...hmm...well...all in one my nwn-module ended up undone, filled with some terrible design-mistakes and a bunch of bugs. so...hmmm...not satisfying for myself although the response for this piece of crap was unexpected good. anyway...some people are still waiting for part 2 of my module...and they can wait...a long time...hahahahaha

  11. this movie is awesome. i got it here somewhere on a dvd.

    in fact it's the first game-related effort in using real raytracing in games.

    i mean: correct shadows on a bunch of characters and correct mirrored-mirror-images (reflection of a mirror to another mirror, which reflects back to the first mirror,...) without loosing any performance! and all this has been done by two guys. afaik.


  12. games in bioware-style, that tell a story and own living individual characters. soooo for example...baldur's gate 2 almost killed me. i wanted to see everything of the game. do everything. and this game is BIG. it stole a lot of my sleep.

    i hate pure action games with almost no story, where you run around and kill people because of - huh? - nothing. all this gta-stuff is quite boring. but mafia and no one lives forever where great.

    but non-story-driven multiplayer games (woooorrrmmmmmssss!!!, fifa soccer) are also great, because...hmmm....they're fun. that's all.