Ryam BaCo

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Posts posted by Ryam BaCo

  1. infinite - infinite could be zero.

    9.999999... has infinite numbers after the comma, 0.999999999... too

    in fact the difference between infinite and infinite is something. it could be 8. it could be 12. it could be 0. nobody knows. because nobody knows how infinite infinite is.

    that was your error.

    got all the austrian cleverness?

  2. baldur's gate 3. the mind says yessssssss the body says nooooooooo. if it gets released someday it won't hopefully be as good (and long...) as baldur's gate 2, because i don't know if i can survive eight weeks with 4 hours sleep/day AGAIN. :gaming:

  3. kotor is just too awesome to criticize the lack of jumping. just like in baldur's gate or neverwinter nights or all the other bioware rpgs.

    but sometimes your kotor-character jumps. i remember this funny scene where my character jumped from the one end of the corridor to the other end, took out his laser sword and halved an evil, evil robot with just one hit. this was pretty cool. :naughty:

  4. wagi the memphisto in disguise:


    right after wagi the memphisto found out that i published a picture of him in the www he wanted to kill me. seriously.

    what he "said" is hard to translate into english, but i'll try it. just for you:

    "choooooo, mayr, chnow i'll ©hit you till (ch)you won't chnow ©how (ch)you will chlook chlike, because i'll pulchhh chyour bchain tchrougch (ch)our ass..askldjfdfie"

    i give up. it's impossible to translate.

    just for giving you some kind of comparision: imagine darth vader with the grammatical language knowledge of yoda talking to you.

  5. i try to keep it short: yesterday i saw the movie the glass house.

    this 16 year old girl there was visiting a school (wuhu...exciting!). then she had to write an essay as homework. but she didn't wrote it on her own, her new "dad" did this work for her. and because of the fact that this essay included several quotes, that are also used in some another books or whatsoever her teacher found out that she didn't do it on her own. then they are threating her with throwing her from school because of plagiarism. and then i just thought: wtf? (okay, i thought that several times because of the crappy plot) flunk out of school by copying a homework (!)??? i mean if they'd have done this at my school they'd have flunked me from school several times...

    they aren't serious, are they?

  6. my dearest deadworm:

    this big, fat text is written in bloodred. when my mouse cursor hovers over this gigantic monster link the linked text also colors bloodred. and then your nick: you can get from deadworm to redworm in a very few steps. so i'm scared that something terrible will happen when i click on these linked lines of red. (or lines of dead, huh?)

    and if you sum up 222 of redworm222 you'll get 6. like 666.

    i was suspicious but now i'm scared. :shifty:

  7. Reading his response, I see nothing to indicate his being polite about it. And I think LucasArts is more than capable of telling us the game sucked. I don't think that telling us what they did was a smarter move at all. It's very unclear and remains a source of much frustration.

    before the cancellation of s&m2:

    interviewer: what about the quality of s&m2?

    la-employee: awesome! awesome!

    after the cancellation of s&m2:

    interviewer: what about the quality of s&m2?

    la-employee: it sucks. and that's why we cancelled it.

    that'd be hilarious.

  8. wait. tintin...hmmm...by reading through this comic here and using 10 % of my austrian cleverness...hmmm...this guy is called tintin??? that's like tin. tin. only an english mother can call her son tin tin. like tin. tin. but if tintin had an austrian mother she'd call him tim. because then he'd be able to leave the house without commiting suicide. because of tin. tin.

  9. i don't click on links, which are longer then...hmmm...eight lines. what if every single letter leads to different websites? i mean if you hide a hidden top secret page of nude pics of *insertnameoffavoreduserhere* in a single letter in this text you may have to click on every single letter in this text to get nude pics of *insertnameoffavoreduserhere* if you want nude pics of *insertnameoffavoreduserhere* by clicking on a single hidden letter to get nude pics of *insertnameoffavoreduserhere* if you want nude pics of *insertnameoffavoreduserhere* by clicking on a single hidden letter to get nude pics of *insertnameoffavoreduserhere* if you want nude pics of *insertnameoffavoreduserhere* by clicking on a single hidden letter to get! that's just too confusing.

  10. tintin = tim & struppi in german. sexy, huh? :naughty:

    i never read a comic or saw a movie. i preferred asterix. because of the senseless violence.

    but where does this tintin come from? i mean: tin. tin. that's stupid. that's somewhat english. english is stupid. tim & struppi makes more sense. although the name is stupid too.

  11. hello, mr uncoordinated point gun!

    don't be shy, shoot!

    • adventures sell quite well in germany/austria. even crappy monkey 4 sold well.
    • i admit: i will buy kotor 2 because of kotor 1 and my blind trust into the quality of the game, because it's made by some bioware guyssss
    • lucasarts can't be a profit oriented company if they waste their ressources into the development of s&m2 and cancel it shortly before it should be released
    • because of point #3 lucasarts is just a dumb company.

    hugh, mr weisenheimer (what a dumb word - english is :nuts: ) spoke.

  12. once upon a time lucasarts produced fantastic, innovative games. now they're doing different things like cancelling sam and max 2, milking this very big cow called "star wars", firing a bunch of employees, blablabla...i think you know it all...

    now i came across this internal memo, which is...hmmm...lucasarts.


    In the eight or so weeks since I've been here, I've met and talked with many of you. And I'm going to get to all of you, believe me. But you need to know that I'm encouraged, amazed and inspired by the continued commitment and desire of everyone in this company to make LucasArts a better place. A place where we will make insanely great games that are the right insanely great games for the marketplace. Insanely great games that will sell to a broad consumer audience launch when they're supposed to and, at the end of the day, yield a profit for the entire company. Insanely great games that will restore the luster to the LucasArts logo so that when we, and our consumers, see it on our packaging and on our games, we'll all know that the Gold Guy is once again the mark of leading edge innovation, creativity and amazing fun.


    nice try, mr ward, but


    I encourage you, and demand of you, that you take an active role in pushing our own envelope. I promise, you will be listened to. But once you are heard, do something about it. Make a difference. Effect change. Make Battlefront, Galaxies, KOTOR II, Mercenaries, Republic Commando and the Episode III games the best that they can be.



    i read star wars, star wars, star wars, star wars and...hmm...star wars???

    but he's crying for innovation and creativity right before. that's strange. that's absurd. that's contradictorily. that's lucasarts.

    lucasarts comes undone (i love using vocabulary from lyrics, btw).

  13. just for keeping a little tiny bit of their faith in journalism alive...

    tim is credited in cmi (in additional design - that says my cmi-manual). okay, of course not as one of the "leading-forces" (how could he while becoming insane with his baby grim fandango? ;) ), but he is credited. so it's not a complete lie, but a half...ahm...fourth...hmm...eight-truth. yes.

  14. since i saw this around 14 minutes long half life 2 trailer with all this facial expressions, physics- and graphics-stuff i'm pretty excited about it. this screenshots look like...like...wow...very impressing. only unreal engine 3 seems to beat that optically. does anybody know a reliable (hahaha!) release date?

  15. i always thought that tim is pretty young, but romeros younger age is surprising for me.

    anyway, therefor mr spector is pretty old. around 50 if i remind correctly.


    and rusalka reminds me to russian mermaids, because i heard that from an russian girl around five long years ago. but that's another story... ;)

    ...and chris reminds me to...me.

    ...and stevan reminds me to...hmmm...stefan...and i know a lot of people with this name. so i could write millions of stories about stefans. but i won't.

  16. is there another way in watching techtv than turning on my tv set? i can only receive few english channels (enough for jay leno and cnn news but obviously too less for specific stuff like techtv)...

    is it streamable? (what a dumb, nonexistent word)

  17. not listed here: wine.

    reminds me to yesterday evening:

    six bottles white wine + very few whiskey (not that much) + three people = ?

    then dialogs like that develop:

    friend (male): that's like saying that black is always correct and when you make paragraphs, you can say 'paragraph 1 says that if black is not correct white is correct, paragraph 2 says that if white is correct, black is correct, otherwise paragraph 3 says that paragraph 1 is correct!'

    me: wtf? black? wtf? no! 8! 8 is always correct! always!

    friend (male): oh. yes. that's like saying that eight is always correct and when you make paragraphs, you can say 'paragraph 1 says that if eight is not correct nine is correct, paragraph 2 says that if nine is correct, eight is correct, otherwise paragraph 3 says that paragraph 1 is correct!'

    me: no! no! 8! it's always correct! bastard! not black. not white. not nine. just...eight!!!

    friend (female): you where my first big love. do you know that?

    me: wtf? no. wow. hey. interesting. never knew that. hehehehe.

    friend (female): i was always looking up to you, because we both had an exciting time and you were always able to make fun out of crap.

    me: yes. yes. i'm a celebrity. i'm important. do you know what?

    friend (female): what?

    me: eight! eight is always correct! always! hahahaha!

    and so on. but i didn't sing. which means that i wasn't really drunken. i just felt so.