Mr Flibble

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Everything posted by Mr Flibble

  1. Murdoch buys IGN

    My god, its like evil had babies.
  2. PSP in Europe

    The Nintendo handheld has never been the most graphically capable, even back in the days of the Lynx. The reason Ninty kept on top is because it had the Killer Apps which the other handhelds lacked, a trend which is set to contnue (or so it would seem).
  3. PSP in Europe

    Any kind of hand held console is likely to be knicked, but especially the PSP, because its more expensive. For me, handhelds are used more for late night gaming when home consoles are unavailable, or train journeys, that sort of thing.
  4. Further 360 hilarity ensues...

    Fo' shizzle! The 360 is just the sort of rad, happening console that every 12 year old needs to complete his overwise X-Treme life style. (Which consists largely of skateboarding and drinking juice. RAD.)
  5. PSP in Europe

    I think its funny how the tables have turned, and everybody's opinion (of both quality and market share) has been reversed. I still think PSP movies are a bad idea. The only time that you're traveling long enough to watch a full movie is either a plane trip, or a long car journey. And even then, once you've watched a movie once, the novelty wears off (not helped by lack of bonus features), whereas with games you can keep going back until you complete it/ beat your high score.
  6. Microsoft inks deal for new Halo Movie

    Yeah, thats why I enjoyed it. Okay, scratch my previous comment, it could've been any game I suppose.
  7. DS release list

    Those lucky Japanese fellows can buy a GBA cart with 20 new songs on it as an add-on pack.
  8. A generation of irrelevance

    Amen to that. However, an important note. A lot of current gen games are amazingly polished with outstanding graphics, but an even greater number have dull and lackluster graphics. From this I predict that whilst the tech demos look shiny and delicious, we're going to end up with really quite mediocre graphics on a lot of games. I think in some places, the difference between this gen and the next one will be minute. If you need an example, the only one that comes to mind is Bionicle. Current gen title, looks and plays like a N64 game. We'll be seeing a lot of this (figuratively speaking of course. What we'll see is a lot of PS2 level graphics. The bad kind. The movie license kind.)
  9. Microsoft inks deal for new Halo Movie

    My only experience with the tepid plot was co-op multiplayer. On Legendary, naturally. The story didn't seem that important, the important thing was me and my friend beating the living snot out of these aliens on the hardest mode. (Oh, and tag teaming them. You know, one guy plays sniper and the other guy goes for melee. Its fun, try it. Bui;ds friendships better than those paintballing things for executives.) I cared little about the convenant, or Halo (what was up with that? I never really got it) all I cared about was "If I blow up the warthog, puma if you will, how high will it go? Will it kill me if it lands on me?"
  10. DS release list

    Well you could import them from Europe or Australia, I believe the carts are region free. You'll want to check that out first though.
  11. Microsoft inks deal for new Halo Movie

    Red vs Blue rocks, but thats because they invented characters, and a more developed plot (well, funnier anyway) than the actual games.
  12. DS release list

    Sony, thems fightin' words. Its on now.
  13. A generation of irrelevance

    Th next generation has been artificially induced in order to make more money. Which is a pity, because despite the fact that theres a few years left in the current set of consoles, developers have started to really get to grips with the technology, but before the consoles are really pushed to the limit, we get a new set. I'm interested to see what Ninty comes up with. I think they've hyped up this controller too much, but its quite possible they could come up with something exceptional, a cut above the mere graphical and processor enhancements of the 360 and PS3.
  14. Microsoft inks deal for new Halo Movie

    (About that Doom movie, I am confused about how The Rock keeps getting work) I smell cheap cash-in movie, will be good but not great, nice special effects, but dull and lackluster acting. With my expectations set suitably low, I await the cinematic release bargain bucket DVD.
  15. Zelda pushed back.... :(

    Lets see, $250 Sterling thats roughly...£125? £140? Somewhere around that mark. Yes, my financial argument didn't really have a lot of backbone to it, but then again, "Meh".
  16. Zelda pushed back.... :(

    Actually, what they're doing is moving their potential biggest money maker from this rather poor fiscal year into the next financial year, increasing (on paper) their profit for that year. Quite clever actually, since the large profit wouldn't show up well against the various losses of the year so far.
  17. Zelda pushed back.... :(

    I'd rather wait 'til April for an awesome game than get a mediocre one at Christmas. Although now I need a new Christmas present to ask for. Damn. Wait. DS. Phew.
  18. Geist

  19. Geist

    Educational that one. I watched a few movies of Geist on GameSpot, and it looks like after the first ten minutes its going to be repeating itself an awful lot. And the graphics were quite...Hmm. Quake64 anyone?
  20. Geist

    Just because they make kids games doesn't mean that Geist will be rubbish.
  21. Geist

    Geist is coming out? Woooo! Possessing a dog bowl to frighten a dog? I'm there! Possession in general actually. Neat idea.
  22. do zombies have to pooh?

    Well its certainly an interesting conumdrum you've got there. But, at the end of the day, I'd say it depends on whether or not said zombie ate any fibre before death, and more importantly, if he still has his instestines.
  23. Who is the best fighter ever

    Well if it was just game characters, then I bet on Link. Otherwise, Columbo the detective.
  24. my fan made monkey island game

    You should send that in to Readers Digest. They've got a page for people like you.
  25. my fan made monkey island game

    Insulting you? Certainly not! Constructive criticism maybe. Here's a thought. If your games are going to be completely random, why not use stickmen or something, so people know the randomness was part of the plan?