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Posts posted by DanJW

  1. ah.



    Or, you could have avoided sexism, and instead done something racist about the Irish :D

    Seriously though Yufster, the really scary thing is that everyone one day becomes just like their parents... ;(

  2. That's amazing! I expect your next post to go something like this:

    All work and no play makes Rusalka a dull girl. All work and no play makes Rusalka a dull girl. All work and no play makes Rusalka a dull girl. All work and no play makes Rusalka a dull girl. All work and no play makes Rusalka a dull girl. All work and no play makes Rusalka a dull girl. All work and no play makes Rusalka a dull girl. All work and no play makes Rusalka a dull girl. All work and no play makes Rusalka a dull girl. All work and no play makes Rusalka a dull girl. All work and no play makes Rusalka a dull girl. All work and no play makes Rusalka a dull girl. All work and no play makes Rusalka a dull girl. All work and no play makes Rusalka a dull girl. All work and no play makes Rusalka a dull girl. All work and no play makes Rusalka a dull girl. All work and no play makes Rusalka a dull girl. All work and no play makes Rusalka a dull girl. All work and no play makes Rusalka a dull girl. All work and no play makes Rusalka a dull girl. All work and no play makes Rusalka a dull girl. All work and no play makes Rusalka a dull girl. All work and no play makes Rusalka a dull girl. All work and no play makes Rusalka a dull girl. All work and no play makes Rusalka a dull girl. All work and no play makes Rusalka a dull girl. All work and no play makes Rusalka a dull girl. All work and no play makes Rusalka a dull girl. All work and no play makes Rusalka a dull girl. All work and no play makes Rusalka a dull girl. All work and no play makes Rusalka a dull girl. All work and no play makes Rusalka a dull girl. All work and no play makes Rusalka a dull girl. All work and no play makes Rusalka a dull girl. All work and no play makes Rusalka a dull girl.

  3. Ok, the Breen/Labus thing is God-awful freaky.

    Edit: And who's to say what City 17 is or isn't? It could be any real city because the Combine just renamed them all because apparently the names we chose when we built the fuckers suck.

    Or maybe they're efficiency freaks.

    I reckon it's to crush the human spirit. The combine also seem to be trying to erase human history ("the stuff in the water that makes you forget" etc).

  4. Oh, so you've read The Fountainhead, yes? I was into that shit years ago by my ex.

    No, I haven't read it. Maybe it's one of those ideas that can be reached independently. Having followed a scientific path for most of my life I've always viewed objectivity and rationality as virtues. The book and ideas look interesting; maybe I'll get it, although I can see I a lot to question in it already.

    Well hey, I'm a veteran at discomfort. Do go on, hon.

    I'm done for now :D


    I didn't really mean that all this was happening deliberately; I meant to imply that it was all unconcious. Yay for amateur psychoanalysis!

  5. No, I'm not saying that it's the only hinderance to women. But it is one of the main obstacles. You can figure in all the other obvious symptons - women as sex objects, gratuitous violence, etc.

    If you read the NYT article in its entirety you'll see that the women featured therein mention the hostility towards them, much less the apprehension, however veiled. There is progress being made to counter this, but it's a slow process.

    Again, thinking out loud...

    I kind of agree with the notion that a very big problem is the social aspect. We have reached the happy state where it is no longer uncool and nerdy for a guy to be a "gamer", but that situation still exists for many girls (and I do mean girls rather than women, most of whom are now empowered enough to do their own thing - but it is the formative stages that have a lasting effect).

    However, the anti-nerd days are still in very recent memory, and if anything is responsible for a lack of consideration of women in games it is this. Many, many of today's game designers and programmers were probably shunned when they were pursuing their hobby in childhood and teenage years. Where were the girls when they were putting in the hard work learning to write code on their amstrad (and I mean socially, not necessarily sexually)? Now, suddenly, they are making lots of money and being creatively succesful and out of no-where women want a slice. After they have been persecuted for being a "geek" for so long, I can't totally blame these people for feeling suspicious when the mainstream comes calling for a slice of the pie. This also explains the current crop of "game-makers as rock stars", as an overcompensation for the bad old days.

    Luckily things are changing into something more healthy for everyone, but this never happens over-night.

  6. Tiffany Teen was a godsend during n-gage testing, but on any larger screen she resembles your good self way too much to be called "an angel".

    Not that I'm dissing you. You look good in eyeshadow...

  7. Well, that all depends on her... diameter.

    That insinuation was made all the worse for having your current avatar next too it. Get rid of it!

    Oh, hang on, that might actually be you in drag. Sorry Nick.

  8. :innocent::innocent::innocent: !!!

    Not that kind of hole! Edd meant "an absence", if thats an cleaner.

    And he's right, I have observed it as I cringed though various relationships. Don't feel bad though, at least girls don't have to worry about the goddamn Oedipus complex :P

  9. good review ... a little too "im a hardcore tolkien fan talking about how inaccurate BfME is" at some points but you also got your gameplay related points across very well, so thumbs up on the review.


    To be honest, you kind of have to take faithfulness into account when reviewing a Lord of the Rings game. There's a price you pay for making money from such a canonical licence.

    ...Is canonical a word?

  10. Hmm, I've always thought that game designers are more like people who design what the game looks like and how everything works. Not storywriters.

    No, they pretty much come up with the concepts and story too, at least in the past. Now there's a new movement towards the post of "game writer" being a seperate profession.

  11. All the while, the owner gets nothing back in terms of affection; the cat treats you like a jail keeper. These are wild animals, folks. If you droped dead one day, they would eat your carcass -- whereas if you had a pet pig, for example, it would go out in search of help.

    Cats aren't wild. They've been around humans a long time. They are an "attendant species", like remora fish on sharks. However the selective breeding by humans on cats has given them an even greater killer instinct than their wild ancestors. That is why cats have an urge to kill stuff even when they do not need to, and so brutally murder so much wildlife.

    I like cats, but if all truth be told they an evil and destructive scourge on the face of the planet.

  12. AHHHG. This reminds me of the Neverwinter Nights forums. Being based on D&D 3, the thief was called a rogue. I remember endless posts from american teenagers asking "how do I get the best rouge?" I SUGGEST GOING TO THE FUCKING BEAUTY PARLOUR BECAUSE ROUGE IS FOR MAKING YOUR CHEEKS ROSY!!!!!!.... is wht I would tell them.