Phaedrus' Street Crew
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Everything posted by BigJKO

  1. Yessss! This is so good.
  2. Amateur Game Making Night

    Has anyone tried out the new multiplayer stuff in Unity 5.1 yet? Is it any good?
  3. "Ethics and Journalistic Integrity"

    Erm... Good Game Autoblocker? Is that what the GG stands for there and not... well... GamerGate? EDIT: Huh.. Ok. It's Good Game Autoblocker, I guess! Did not know that.
  4. Silicon Valley

    I like it. It's definitely a bumpy ride, but when it's fun it's fun. When it's clunky and overly cute it's excruciatingly so. On a different note, Silicon Valley is fucking fantastic. The second season is much, much better than the first and I'm super excited about the upcoming finale! :tup:
  5. Splatoon is Ink-redible

    Yeah, that final boss is intense! Took me five tries and I almost gave up!
  6. The threat of Big Dog

    From the DARPA Robot Olympics: More *excellent* physical robot comedy here.
  7. Steam Box

    This is true.
  8. Splatoon is Ink-redible

    Try playing with the sensitivity, also. Higher sensitivity felt better to me, since that meant I only needed to tilt my hands slightly. But that might just make the nausea worse!
  9. Steam Box

    I immediately pre-ordered the Link and Controller. I'm the worst!
  10. Splatoon is Ink-redible

    Maybe.. you're just not.. fresh enough, Twig? Stay Freeeeeeeesh!
  11. Splatoon is Ink-redible

    I don't think the Pro Controller is supported in anything but the one on one local Battle Dojo? (Where there's no need for the super jump)
  12. Splatoon is Ink-redible

    You'd lose the ability to use the map to jump to teammates, which can be a huuuuuuge thing when the turf war gets tight! Re: Motion controls. I thought it was awkward at first, but then I switched it off and it was just awful! I don't know why, but it just felt much worse to me! Motion control all the way now.
  13. Splatoon is Ink-redible

    You make ZERO points if you lose!
  14. Twin Peaks Discussion

    Official canon from now on.
  15. Splatoon is Ink-redible

    There was also that tie breaker thing where they didn't ink anything, but Judd the Cat still called it 0.1% in favour of a random team!
  16. Movie/TV recommendations

    I saw it in 2D, and it definitely registered as one of those "In 3-D!" scenes, or like Ben says with Peter Jackson's mouth cam. But yeah, I don't think it's so obnoxious that it's something you definitely would notice (especially since the whole film is very much over the top) I don't remember an obnoxious guitar shot? Is that in the same shot?
  17. Hatred: The Most Despicable Game of All Time?

    I saw a screengrab of the Top Steam Games thingy and Hatred was on top. :| EDIT: Which apparently doesn't mean much, it got bumped quickly to 3rd place and doesn't have a high number of people playing it.
  18. Movie/TV recommendations

    Yeah, I totally agree. It looked way out of place and I definitely assumed it was just a 3D model on top of what was otherwise a fantastically realistic tumble. It was just weird to learn that it wasn't and a weird choice in a film where the CGI is mostly seamlessly integrated into the film. I had no idea, for example, that most of the canyon stuff had added CGI canyons on them. They did some really good work on that, so the steering wheel is such a weird choice from Miller..
  19. Splatoon is Ink-redible

    Oh, I haven't been able to play the last two nights. What's everyone's impression of the Ranked Matches?
  20. Splatoon is Ink-redible

    Ok. I can see that. As for "just disable it", sure and I do most of the time. It's nice, though, to have a serious competitive game that has none *and* doesn't expect me to Skype or whatever and actually makes team play work without it! Hooray!
  21. Splatoon is Ink-redible

    Absolutely! Which is why I was a bit confused by people claiming no built-in chat automatically meant this was not a serious multiplayer game, way back before it was released.
  22. Splatoon is Ink-redible

    I don't think there's no place for voice chat in this, I'm just really happy that the place for voice chat is not in the vanilla, free-for-all and that at that level the game is excellently tuned towards no voice chat. When party match-making happens I'd have no problem with those types of games being more tuned towards voice chat, whether or not there's a built-in system for it or not. More importantly, I'm hoping they make connecting to friends a little bit more friendly.. Maybe an option to just start regular battling and whenever a friend is online, to join them automatically for the next match, so I don't have to disconnect and go in and check in the off-chance that someone's online. And also let me know if a friend is waiting to join my game, making me more likely to stick around. EDIT: Just as an aside, there was lot of "No built-in voice chat means this isn't a serious multiplayer game." talk before release. Made me wonder if that's what people think of LoL or Heroes of the Storm..
  23. Movie/TV recommendations

    Here's a fun before and after VFX article:
  24. Splatoon is Ink-redible

    Yes please. You also need to get Sean hooked on it, so he can get all super competitive about it. Then next podcast is the Idle Thumbs Splat-Cast, all about Splatoon. Ok? Good! Also, yeah echoing everyone elses feelings about this, this is fantastic! I'm really digging the multiplayer. It's seems highly competitive but in an inviting way. I don't feel like I immediately don't belong here, like I do with some other multiplayer games. I *love* that there's no voice chat. I would just disable it, but it's nice to play a multiplayer game that's tuned to not having voice chat, instead of disabling it and feeling like you're not playing it right. I do suck at this, though. Holy shit, I'm really bad at aiming. The only weapon I can actually get any good at is the Roller. With that I can get a decent winning streak most of the time. And man, the fights can get really tense in the last minute, everyone scrambling to cover the most ground. Also, there's nothing more satisfying than just rolling over an opponent that's submerged in squid form.