Phaedrus' Street Crew
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Everything posted by BigJKO

  1. Movie/TV recommendations

    Wait, which one's directed by Ridley Scott?
  2. Movie/TV recommendations

    No, those are definitely not George Clooney or Sandra Bullock.
  3. Man, I'm itching to hear that Robot News jingle they talked about at the end.
  4. I think you're going to be sorely disappointed if you're expecting to see Stan in the finale! He was a good man..
  5. Sean and Chris mentioned doing a The Americans podcast. Just wanted to pop in to say: Yes please!
  6. "Ethics and Journalistic Integrity"

    Said SoundCloud moaning also resulted in TB's goon squad dog piling on Rowan. Of course.
  7. "Ethics and Journalistic Integrity"

    Are you fucking kidding me with this? Did you see the guy who made a card game, got threatened and harassed until he changed his game site to specifically mention that it's locked to 30 fps, and yet is still being harassed about it. All because of.. YEP! A list.This happens every single fucking time TotalBiscuit uses his large asshole of a mouthpiece to get his legion of dipshits riled up about literally *anything*! So yeah, he should've fucking known better and yeah there's a difference between TotalBiscuit curating a (highly broadcast via his social media of choice) list and a regular ol' Steam tags (or any other curated list that isn't curated by TotalBiscuit)
  8. Amateur Game Making Night

    Aww hells yeah! Looking forward to playing it on my iThings! Congrats!!
  9. I definitely read the "are you sure you want to go in so strong?" as being Vinci PD chief (and pals. The mayor and mayor lackey were there too right?) being worried about the amount of casualties In their big setup, since the drug dealers seemed quite ready and prepared for the police showing up. The only angle of this that makes it interesting at all is if this was a big setup to make this whole thing and our detectives go away without questions. that then went terribly wrong and ridiculously neatly left *only* our three heroes standing. But yeah, the extreme casualty of it all left me thinking it was supposed to illustrate that our heroes were never supposed to apprehend him or even get out alive. And my reading of it being a setup made me enjoy the desperate and doomed firefight more than anyone else, I guess! I agree it was ridiculous in many aspects but I wasn't bothere by it from a plot standpoint, because I feel like it's a clear signal to Ray and Ani that they're actually on the right track investigation-wise (or a sign they shouldn't bother lest they end up dead?) EDIT: Dixon even says "Let's just wait for him to come out." and Ani says "Nope, PD wants us to go in." which makes it all sound like a setup that got out of hand because of the larger police force they brought with them.
  10. Just remove that last v in the URL, giving you the actual .gif and then put it in a IMG tag:
  11. Movie/TV recommendations

    OH MY GOD! Rick and Morty!! What a fantastic show! I remember being excited back when they were showing the pilot, but I never got around to actually watching it. The recommendations in here made me finally plunge into the first season and WHAT A RIDE! I love it! :tup: I totally get what you mean about the style, Twig. It's definitely something you have to get used to.. But man, they pack so much detail into it, both in the animation and backgrounds. It feels like being a bit sloppy on the designs of things makes them free to pack as much crazy detail into each scene and just absolutely nail the timing of things. I love it so much. Can't wait to watch season 2!
  12. [DevLog] Tiny Tires

    Thaaanks! Currently working on the UI for the multiplayer lobby. Next up, have an actual race start and counting the laps to declare an actual winner! (and disable car input when in the lobby..)
  13. E3 2015

    Well, I guess the Wii didn't do too hot this year!
  14. Wow! What a weird shot, I definitely thought it looked weird but just assumed it was a weird doll. Ray says something like "Do you see this?" and I don't remember his partner replying, so maybe this is meant to be somehow in Ray's head? On this being not a very good episode, I read a nice take on this being essentially a pilot, not a second season premiere. So Pizzolatto presumably had been mulling about Rust Cohle and Marty's story for a while before getting a chance to put it on screen. But this time he has to write an entire new TV series, characters, etc. without a writer's room to bounce ideas off, all in one year. Pilots are usually pretty hard to get right and he basically has to pull it off all over again. I'm happy that this exists as an experiment, even if I might not entirely enjoy it. I do hope it gets better, though, and the actors get better at pulling off these characters. There're a couple of really off-putting lines in this first episode and none of the actors were able to quite make them work the way McConaughey was in Season 1.
  15. "What the heck is Vinci?"
  16. E3 2015

    Wait, why exactly 6 months?
  17. E3 2015

    Ben, what these new graphics look like is PRETTY important. Also, whether or not they're recording a orchestra version of the soundtrack. All I new to know, Double Fone. All I need to know.. Edit: Also, a short "Making of" like they did for Grim! Yes, please.
  18. E3 2015

    Jeez, stop giving Sony a break Twig. They didn't have any Day of the Tentacle Special Edition news, so obviously they dropped the ball BIG TIME. I'm disappointed in you, Twig. Extremely disappointed.
  19. It's worth mentioning that in true modern serialized TV fashion there were truly dedicated (obsessive) fans who dug deep into every little hint of mythology on forums and review comment sections, gathering all evidence into a giant lore poop trying to figure out Who Was The Yellow King?! No matter how vague and unspecific you are when talking about folklore, you can't prevent a certain kind of fan from over analyzing it and somehow turning your show into a crazy fantasy tale of monsters and magic! The Yellow King was a wizard!
  20. No Man's Sky

    Yeah, there's been combat before. This was *maybe* the first time they showed the player shooting on the ground of a planet?
  21. Gabe's interruptions were a welcome addition and this was a super good episode! :tup:
  22. Jurassic World: Wasting away in Margaritaville

    Oh, man what?! I *wish* we had theaters like that here. That looks comfy as hell!
  23. The Nintendo Wii U is Great Thread

    New Metroid Prime. New Metroid Prime. New Metroid Prime. New Metroid Prime... I'm going to be disappointed..

    Cara Ellison confirmed to be working on this game. Sold.