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Everything posted by Twilo

  1. Nobody else around my area seems to have the game (or even knew it existed), so they have to make do with the tutorial level. From the manual it appears that multiplayer is a competition to motivate your guy more than the other guy; so the better you do, the better a boxer the guy is and he wins the fight (or whatever; there's a car race and a rope climbing stage as well as the boxing). The DS Tunnel Project might provide us with a way of playing with people from across the internet, so when that's at a workable level, we probably should set up some games with eachother. I hate to think that I'm missing out on songs and awesome stories.
  2. My God... It's everything I dreamed and more.
  3. The World Cup hate thread This is amusing for at least 10 seconds
  4. The World Cup hate thread

    Excellent gif you have there.
  5. What are you playing today?

    Today I am playing Makai Kingdom on the PS2 which arrived yesterday. It's a turn-based tactical RPG along on the same lines as FF Tactics, Shining Force or Disgaea. I'm also checking in on my Animal Crossing town now and then (It is La-Di-Da Day today) and also hitting Blackrock Spire in World of Warcraft for phat l3wt.
  6. Your Animal Crossing Town

    Twilo in Ichiban 0773-8331-1352 Connect thee now!
  7. Your Animal Crossing Town

    I have Moe too, it's pretty great. I have Gaston too, who I'm sort of ostracizing and hoping will go soon.
  8. MaChe?

    The reactor is powered by secrets
  9. Your Animal Crossing Town

    I got my DS Lite yesterday, along with a copy of Animal Crossing. Ouendan is in the post. I'm only really just starting, my house is comically small and packed full of fishtanks. Does anyone else find it annoying that Nook's is closed from 11pm to 8am? When else am I going to sell my sand dollars and venus combs? I need to pay off my debt before the tanuki severs my achilles tendons with a golden shovel. I've got cherries... Who wants cherries? What we really should do is put aside some regular time for a town visit orgy type thing, so that everyone is on at the same time. You can check out my awesome town tune. It's better than yours. Much better.
  10. Come to Ireland and I can show you some really crappy €8 sandwiches. I could also show you some really good ones for half that, but that's not the point is it? The point is OUENDAN!!!!! A generous portion of awesome with mega-excellent-dressing between two slices of Holy F*cking Jesus.
  11. Hey, what's $10 between friends? You couldn't even buy a sandwich with that.
  12. Order Summary / Shipping Details: 1 x Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan (For Nintendo DS / Japanese) US$ 49.90 Awwww yeahhhh.. 僕は応援団長です!!
  13. I really looking forward to getting this on import soon (I'm getting a DS Lite today). I actually recognise some of the tracks from japanese music tv etc (I especially like nobodyknows'+ "Kokoro Odoru") and youtube videos etc. of other people playing are pretty entertaining as it is. Electroplankton and Animal Crossing are the other games that I think I am definitely going to get. I want a lot of the rpgs, but many of these won't see English versions (and rpgs can be a pain in japanese). Even so, I might get the Seiken Densetsu, FF and Tales games that are around. I might get that pokemon ranger game, if only to bridge the gap until the next "proper" pokemon (diamond/pearl I think). Any other suggestions? (No mario, zelda or metroid. I do not like these games.)
  14. Wondershowzen is pretty good, actually..
  15. The World Cup hate thread

    I love my Sky+ Box (DVR). NFL games that go out at 2am can drag on a good 6 hours; watching at a reasonable hour and skipping all the ad/challenge/break crap makes for a pretty entertaining 80/90 minutes
  16. I'm starting to dislike used game stores.

    How about a big narcissistic thread where we all post pictures of ourselves.
  17. I'm starting to dislike used game stores.

    In a sort of reverse to the good-staff experience Thrik describes, when I was shopping for my Xbox360 a couple of months back, one of the places I visited was Cork's HMV store. They were doing deals with Ghost Recon etc, but I wanted the console on its own (I'm pretty picky about games, even if they're on offer). It turned out that the only two full pack (the €400 version) consoles they had were previously reported as faulty so they offered to assemble the equivalent out of the core version plus a 20gb harddrive for the same price. When I pointed out that the "good" version of the console also has a wireless control pad, microphone headset, HD component cable and superior boast-value they sort of hummed and hawed and told me that I should be happy to take it seeing as it was hard to get the consoles (it isn't) and that they had a waiting list or some such. I (literally) crossed the street to Virgin and got one of the 8 or 9 machines they had there. There's a Game in Cork, but I won't go there because they slap a 10% don't-have-a-members-club-card tax on all their stuff to make it seem like you are getting a discount if you have one.
  18. I'm starting to dislike used game stores.

    Nu-uh! Most returns/trade-ins are for discounts on new game. Suppose I buy 3 new games at their launch at a game store. A year later I trade these games for a copy of the latest blockbuster game. The store resells those 3 games to somebody else (getting more than the price of the new game back) and has sold net four games at launch (read "high") prices. The money that goes out with reselling goes back in (and then some) with new purchases, even when it's not a trade-in situation (exceptions for edge cases like someone giving up video games forever).
  19. anime

    I don't know if you can really go at Cowboy Bebop for having a serious air to it; the serious sort of nature it gets sometimes is really just a reflection of the whole noir thing it has going; a requisite of the style it's going for. There are plenty of less serious plots in some episodes, like the first Ed episode for one; which are less inspired by detective pulp stuff. If they were all like that, then the show wouldn't be the sort of super-stylised space-noir/action thing it is.
  20. anime

    I agree, MindGame is absolutely fantastic; Studio 4° are ze best. Series-wise, yeah, Lain is good (though it dips here and there). It gets a bit feverish at times, particularly around the middle/second half. Other series I really like are: -Planetes -Samurai Champloo -Macross Zero Sorta like: -Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex -Cowboy Bebop -Saikano -Haibane Renmei -Samurai Seven -Cosmic Stellvia And films: -Memories -Wings of Honneamise -End of Evangelion (which doesn't make much sense if you haven't watched the series, doesn't make much sense even if you have) -Metropolis -Cat soup
  21. Prey demo

    Primary Objective: Help the developers make money Secondary Objective: There is no secondary objective On the demo; yeah, I enjoyed it. I don't think I enjoyed it enough to play through the whole thing again but I liked being surprised by the level designs. The portals and changy gravity are at least on par with the gravity gun in HL2 for fun and games. The spirit stuff was a bit weak sometimes, but it was useful for low-health situtations; it also adds a bit of puzzle stuff that's more than "get the red key for the red door" and keeps things interesting. I doubt I'll get the Xbox360 version though, seeing as it runs really very nicely on my PC.
  22. Shitness apology/explained

    Gehry did a building for MIT which is pretty cool:
  23. A really funny, intelligent joke I made

    "What did you do for the Land Reform Question?" "I couldn't think of anything to write about, I'M GOING TO FAIL!!"