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Everything posted by RLacey

  1. I've just played this game. It's shit. There's no crouch key, it starts off too easy and suddenly switches to being too hard. You can plow through many of the levels without giving a damn about the completely thick enemies. The first boss is WAY too easy. Sometimes, when you fall off the bottom of the screen you get a new area. Sometimes you just die. In fact, everything about this game smacks of 'cash-in'. Don't touch. Not even with the largest of barge poles...
  2. Surely Sim City had a different isometric view? The other way round, wasn't it?
  3. In a style akin to the rest of you (ie. I can't be bothered to wield a digital camera atm), I did a Google search. For 'Gosport', as in the UK one. And then I thought I'd do some bandwidth leeching. MWHAHAHA! But this is mainly so that you can look at the rest of the fascinating images on the respective sites... I sense that photography is not the strong point of many citizens, so maybe I will have to seek out a digital camera after all... 1. I'm not sure if this is supposed to be ironic, given the file's name... Either way, this individual needs a new camera. Or maybe just a clean lense. http://gollum.aberle.net/Album/uk2001/uk2001-gosport-steeple-sharp.jpg 2. It's a sundial, and it's always an hour out. Yes, I thought it was originally a GMT/BST debate, but it's an hour out IN THE WRONG DIRECTION. The rest of this site, 'Sundials on the Internet', sounds gripping. http://www.sundials.co.uk/pix/gosport.jpg 3. With no other worthwhile pictures available (hey, YOU try Google-searching it), I'm reduced to ending with a little image from, ooh, a few years back... This image is improved substantially by knowing that the town in the background is actually Portsmouth. http://members.iinet.net.au/~eadej/IMAGES/gosport.jpg I can picture you all now...
  4. Just what ARE you playing right now?

    Ah - you just wait until LATER ...
  5. Of course, you could all join the technical revolution and go out and buy an electric razor...
  6. Traditions and Customs of your country.

    I'm from the UK. Maybe pictures later...
  7. Just what ARE you playing right now?

    Ghost Master Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb (damn the Emperor's Tomb levels) In Memoriam Tron 2.0 Purge Jihad XIII Thief III Demo (full game when it gets released in the UK on June 11th)
  8. Interplay is dead?

    This is true, but it could equally be the we're-up-against-the-wall-and-desperately-trying-to-hang-in-here marketing speech. How often have companies gone bust after making positive statements like this. If this is a positive statement. Two sequels, and only one was a good game originally...
  9. Another World Not As Good As Flashback?

    I really wish I'd played Another World - sadly, I missed it at the time. I played Flashback, but I was so poor at it that I couldn't make it past the section where you're on a timer against a bomb. The lack of a mid-mission save really screwed the game up for me. Oh, and yes, Fade to Black is pretty terrible nowadays. But all these games were/are too difficult ...
  10. BUY games? what are you, stupid?

    As someone who spends far too much on games, I sometimes toy with the idea of downloading something. But then I remember that it's illegal, and it hurts developers. I don't steal from developers, so I don't download games illegally, and I hope that, should I ever move into commerical publishing myself (something of a pipe dream), others will extend the same courtesy to me.
  11. Alien Hominid

  12. Is GameSpot Complete worth it?

    If anything, I'd say that you deserve our support. After all, you're not supporting Gamespy . As for Gamespot itself, I rarely use it, but I can see why people might. I personally prefer to do general searches for information through my 3 monthly magazine subscriptions and several internet sites, but Gamespot are a good site. If I used it more (and if I had a credit card), then I would probably consider paying for it. First, though, I need to spend $30 on The All Seeing Eye. To rack up a few hundred days on a 21 day trial doesn't look or feel good...
  13. Alien Hominid

    Please tell me that there isn't actually a company called '0~3'. That is a new low in game company names. Even lower than 'Xplosiv'...
  14. Alien Hominid

    It's a shame it only mentions a console release...
  15. When did you break your first joystick?

    And this is why the Amstrad CPC, with its disc drive and Multiface (allowing to save memory snapshots of tapes onto disc) was the ultimate home computer ...
  16. Traditions and Customs of your country.

    In my country we have this totally CRRAAAZZYY custom that you have to apply for University open days whilst you're busy trying to take exams...
  17. Interplay is dead?

    Interplay are certainly in deep financial trouble, but they're not down and out just yet. Having said that, a buy-out in the not-too-distant future wouldn't surpise me one bit.
  18. Tell Us About Yourself

    I'm Robert, and I'm 17. When I'm not working, playing games, writing something for Adventure Gamers Underground or making a game for LaceyWare.com, I'm probably sleeping. Because I don't do a lot else, other than annoy people...
  19. Goodbye, Ion Storm; Thief: DS demo now available

    This man knows his stuff ...
  20. Blue Shift: postcards from Barney

    Maybe I'm alone in thinking this, but I never found Half-Life's level design amazingly awe-inspiring. I got sick of crawling through ventilation shafts, knowing that if the place wasn't illuminated a head-crab would, without fail, leap onto me from every corner. I also don't like games that don't indicate that you're suddenly about to die if you move somewhere or stand on something...
  21. Lots of people loved Z: Steel Soldiers. I played the demo and never really got into it, but I was tempted to buy it at one stage...
  22. If you were a filthy rich developer/publisher....

    If I had the money, I'd buy AdventureSoft (as they don't do anything nowadays), release all their back-catalog for free and remake Simon the Sorcerer 3D (only as a good game), turning the AdventureSoft brand into the European equivalent of The Adventure Company en route. One day...
  23. Goodbye, Ion Storm; Thief: DS demo now available

    Methinks you forgot critically underwhelming Dominion: Storm Over Gift 3, an allegedly shocking(ly poor) RTS...