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Posts posted by AGA

  1. I download most of the game I play (unless it's from a developers I know can't do wrong, like Bioware or Rockstar). If I played the game and enjoyed it, I'll buy the full game. Recently I did this with Beyond Good and Evil, which I didn't think I'd enjoy but ended up loving. I also did it with Deus Ex: Invisible War, which was better than I'd been lead to expect.

  2. Who the hell changed the title of the topic?

    I understand why it was done, but I still would like to know who.

    Only you or a moderator can do that. Since it wasn't you, it was probably Kingz or ysbreaker, since they seem to be the most active moderators...

  3. I am Berian Williams and I'm an alcoholic. I'm male, 18, a student of Software Engineering. I'm an adventure fan who writes for Adventure Gamers' Underground section and I also make my own amateur adventures (see my signature for links to both). Apart from that I read, play PC games, listen to music, watch movies and bore people on Internet forums.

  4. I've never used the Townhill library for bookular purposes (only for Internet usage in the three months or so it took bastard NTL to hook my cable in my room up). The Computing library is on Mount Pleasant, and its staff seem to be nice and helpful, not even vaguely fascistic.