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Posts posted by AGA

  1. Personally I always loved the 'career progression', so to speak, of GTA III and VC. The gaining new hideouts and buying properties and stuff was cool, I felt as though I was really playing the game for a reason. I would love some more RPG-y bits in San Andreas.

  2. I also liked the drama of the Deus Ex: Invisible War opening (even if it bore little resemblance to the rest of the game), and I'm a sucker for the intros of Star Wars games.

    The opening to DX2 was awesome just 'cause it had the guy who did Walton Simons in the first game's voice, Tom Hall, as a scientist, and that guy has the coolest voice ever.

  3. A normal, calm, walking pace shouldn't be audible, but the second some guy with a gun, or big, scary monster turns up, I know I'd be bricking it, and my heart would be beating like a drum. I can certainly hear myself breath when I'm breathing heavily...

  4. As promised, here are some pictures of where I live. I went for a walk in the woods just now, and took some pics through the gaps in the trees. The lighting's a bit poor because of that, but there are some nice pics in there... They're also a little poor quality images, since I set the camera to the lowest quality setting to be able to fit more pics on its puny 8MB memory...

  5. I work here part time. I am a data enterer/manipulator person who sends people letters regarding their insurance policies, and cancels their policies and does such things. I enjoy my work, because I get to sit at a desk all day drinking coffee and talking.

    The rest of the time I'm student of Software Engineering here. I also enjoy this.

  6. I've just played this game. It's shit. There's no crouch key, it starts off too easy and suddenly switches to being too hard. You can plow through many of the levels without giving a damn about the completely thick enemies. The first boss is WAY too easy. Sometimes, when you fall off the bottom of the screen you get a new area. Sometimes you just die. In fact, everything about this game smacks of 'cash-in'. Don't touch. Not even with the largest of barge poles...

    I think you haven't played many platform games... :P