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Everything posted by emma_

  1. Syberia Blows

    But guys, she's got a GREAT personality! ..I admit, I found her to be a tad boring. All in all, I wasn't as much blown away as the general consensus was when it was released. But on the other hand, I DID like the game all in all, but it never made into my top ten really. I was going to say something profound about how silly it is caring about what Kate looks like, and then I remembered my completely out-of-proportion infatuation for Gabriel Knight, in GK2, hehehehe! (It sure weren't the acting skills that drew me in!)
  2. E3 Boothbabes? WTF?

    Well, I'm not changing my name either, for the same reasons as Emma, I've been me since day one on AGS, and even longer on several other ag-boards, no reason to confuse people further. (And Emma, it's not a matter of who was first, it's not a competition, IRL I have friends with the same name, and I seem to be able to tell them apart, no worries.) You guys are just going to have to pay attention to who's saying what. And might I add, I'm secretely very happy that Kingz assumed that it was me when Erw said something about being a "hot babe"... About booth-babes, I always wonder if it's to bring attention to whatever is presented, or remove it... Anyways, I love the sci-fi fairs here in Stockholm, no booth-babes (although I was once asked by the staff in the comic book store I frequent if I'd wanna be their booth-babe at one of those gatherings) only a lot of people wearing costumes that represents their favs from the movies/tv-shows. And I admit, I love it, think it's great fun, so I'm not begrudging anybody the joy of getting a pamphlet from a babe, who no doubt spend a lot of money making them as a non-descript body/face at a fair...