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Posts posted by manny_c44

  1. I just finished the episode and it completely surpassed by expectations, those high reviews weren't hyperbole after all (of course the game is short but that's the expectation for the format).

    It's weird being back in a proper adventure game.:tup:

  2. I played the demo for five seconds and then just bought the season, the feel was good.

    Unfortunately it's crashing all over the place, more and more as I progress further into the game. I guess I should try the whole driver update regimen before I really start complaining :deranged:

  3. Also, you can piss on your enemies and kill them.

    What do you mean, really piss on them?

    The stylistic achievements are laudable, I agree, but the game isn't really following in old-folklore footsteps as much as it follow the cues of new-folklore storytelling: packed with the token characters that have hung around the dusty innards of every Japanese fantasy game since, well, Final Fantasy :shifty:.

    I have heard the game is quite immense, maybe things will pick up.

  4. No I couldn't think of a toilet humor tagline, I'm sorry.

    Clover was recently disbanded and, as was talked about in the podcast, there was industry-wide dissapointment. The team was seen as a prestige studio, and there is no doubt that their games made the effort to be both creative and have mass appeal.

    Okami has dissapointed me though, I've almost seven hours into the game and its given me little in return. Technically its great, there isn't anything wrong with it and the celestial brush is a great addition but the game is lifeless. The story is too safe and mindless, there isn't any character to the game, nothing like the quickly-established atmosphere of Wind Waker or even Viewtiful Joe. The game is kind of follows too closely in the footsteps of the modern "operatic" game. There is melodrama and you are constantly inputing but there is no response. Nothing has really happened yet.

    Has anyone else played it?

  5. Oblivion's gameworld and its writing were flaccid, no doubt...but in a way it is peerless. The whole concept of the giant seemless RPG world went out the window with tile-sets, and Bethesda seems to be one of the few developers taking that genre into the "next-generation" (I hate using the term). They handled large-scaled voice work, character creation, and level design better than anything before. The combat and general feel of the game was far superior to morrowind.

    If anyone at Bethesda has the time and desire to plan and write a game like this that isn't just trash-fantasy it could be amazing, because as much as the story left me cold (I just quit the game when I went to that guy's paradise or whatever) the general gameplay was good.

    Fallout 1 & 2 are the only RPGs I've played to completion--maybe the upcoming one can capitalize on the universe's far superior setting and style.

  6. I think he's saying is that the DS is not generating anymore sales than any new Gameboy system would, based off of previous Gameboy sales. The DS is simply inheriting Nintendo Gameboy fans that already existed. He points out that the DS adoption rate is probably lower than the preceding Gameboy.

    The PSP on the other hand, having no previous handheld heritage is bringing entirely new people into the market...people who were previously only concerned with the console market.

    I suppose --semantically-- it's valid. But pretty much pointless. Why was an article written about this?

  7. If you take out the A.I, which looks interesting in its own right, Bioshock is basically just System Shock 2 in a new environment.

    Case in point: That whole bit about the security camera. You can either shoot it and waste ammunition, run past it and risk detection, or use up your Adam in the security console to disable it for a short time. Set the alarm off and enemies will keep chasing after you until the timer finishes counting down or you hack a security box.

    All of that is the exact same way Shock 2 was. Take out the graphics and the supposedly fantastic AI, and I don't see what makes this game so revolutionary. 's not necessarily a bad thing, since I love Shock 2, but I was expecting something a little bit different. ;(

    I think the major difference (based on that one video) is the unscripted AI and the way that those characters interact with one another. I admit though it does look an awful lot like Shock 2.

  8. There have been a few sincere opinions posted, I threw one in there myself, but like elmuerte pointed out; this would be a ripe topic for flames and trolling. Take a look at similar threads on other forums and notice how they always turn to namecalling and accusations within the page.

    That you take unwillingness to discuss a current event as racism is pretty disturbing, but I don't think this is the right place to talk about that. If you really feel that these forums would benefit from delving into the complex beast that is international politics then go right ahead and I will respond.

    Thunderpeel's post brings up an interesting post though: only when the youth on both sides of the conflict are apathetic enough -more interested in tomfoolery than slaughter- can there be a resolution. Sloppy materialism and star-worship (Fiddy > Allah) seem the order of the day, not silly war.

    And if you say: "No! The Sheik's won't let it happen, they'll bomb every McDonald's they see!" I say unto thee: "New Balance, Muthafucka!"

  9. JSRF was pretty good, I thought, but I also lost interest quite quickly. Somewhere around the bit with the mummies.

    ! Wow, that's exactly when I lost interest too. The level design in that stage was awful-- so much so that even after I beat it, I had to stop playing the game because I was pissed off.

    I will probably go out and buy Panzer Dragoon. Its strange buying games for a system you don't own, but it's cheap.

  10. A borrowed an Xbox and have started playing one of the two games on the system that looked interesting: Jet Set Radio Future. So far (5 hours in) its pretty meh, I think I'll throw the towel in on this one.

    The other game I thought looked good was Panzer Dragoon Orta, has anyone played it?

    Now I'm off to play DOTT on ScummVM!

  11. Europeans should be grateful for World Cup, every sport in America has been designed from the ground up to focus on advertising, a 48 minute basketball game can drag on for 3 hours depending on how many people are watching. To actually get two uninterrupted halves, 45+ minutes each, is unheard of in the US.

    I never bothered with football before this world cup but I actually find it pretty entertaining, at least when teams aren't nursing a lead.

  12. As I was listening to NPR on Monday Colbert was similarly dismissed with a 'You should have seen the hilarious Bush impersonator, Colbert bombed in comparison'. :eek:

    Did they not understand he was ripping on Bush right to his face? Did they actually take this as a straight comedy act? What the hell?

  13. Yeah the AI in HL1 was way better, but it was heavily hand-scripted for specific enviornments (if you ever tried making a map in Hl1 you would have to create the AI aswell, setting way points and what not), HL2 was all about large enviornments so they probably opted for a more "real" but massively dissapointing AI system. It was downright generic.

  14. I'd like to preface this with a big, preemptory :shifty:

    And then direct you to my .net art project! which I had to make for a class .

    It's a picture/story wiki, where you click on people's faces and then add story-ideas-memories into their minds (add a picture by just pasting in the full URL), rather than adding your random comments and stories on these forums put them in my WikiHeads!

    The actual page is hither:

    You can also click on the cyclist's leg scar...