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Posts posted by manny_c44

  1. That train cutscene boggled my mind the first time I saw it. That served as a pseudo-ending for one of the games sub-plots, you know? Alot of times in movies and games you don't really care what happnes to the bad guy(s) but when that cutscene rolled I was like "fuck yeah!",sweet sweet justice.

  2. Uh, you're probably going to want to play alot more than 20 minutes. If you're going to write a negative review atleast stick with a game for 5 hours, until you're absolutely positive there is no redemption. If its good, you should be playing it until the end anyway.

  3. I think the ending is great, its very emotional as it stands, but knowing that the game is over and probably nothing like it will ever be created again makes me feel sad. The obvious solution to that is to play it through again. I guess thats why I've played it through 6 times (maybe 7...atleast once a year though). Playing it has almost become a custom, personally I cannot wait for the pocket pc GRIME engine so I can play it on my PDA.

    Nothing beats Grim.

  4. I'd like to share the most remarkable dream I had this weekend.

    I was sitting in a car on a holiday trip to England (disregarding the fact that there's a span of water between the Netherlands and the UK), and accompanying me on the back seat were two girls, both of whom were very cute. Then I suddenly recognised them as being the Bush daughters. I began to flirt with one of them and that sure was a fun thing. Then it appeared that daddy Bush himself was in the car too, and he was just the most pleasant, homely fellow ever. He really seemed to me like a good father and a swell guy in my dream, in that car there.

    Stupid thing being that when I woke up, I couldn't shake the feeling anymore that Bush is actually a pretty nice guy. In fact, even now my feelings are tainted by that dream.

    Really though, how could anyone bang one of them when they look so much like Bush. It would be absolutely disgusting in my opinon.

  5. Yeah I've played it up to the point where I build a light saber (9 hours---I guess I'm being thorough). Its ok, I suppose. So far very linear, and the writing and story are painful. Graphics-wise it takes the American brute-force approach, hoping geometry will overcome lack of strong art direction and atmosphere, its hit or miss so far.

    And I've also had it crash on me quite a few times, but the short load times and constant auto-saving basically negate the effects of that.

    I'm still holding out for that robot I've heard so much about. Maybe he can swing this narrative around.

  6. I agree with LeChimp (oh and I loved CMi unlike alot of other people), but since I don't have an Xbox I won't be getting Halo 2, and to be honest the Chris Remo pandering Halo 2 hype preview is the only one I've looked at so far. So I'm still not sure whats different or what it looks like.

  7. This was the most interesting thing from the PSM article:

    "While at lucas Arts Schafer first presented them with a design document detailing 6 games he wanted to make. The first was full throttle, the second was grim fandango, and the third was psychonauts...three more to go."

    I didn't know about that.

  8. Everyone is always wondering when Aliens will come to our planet and open up segways into the universe (yes, the kind you tilt on to roll).

    Well, let me tell you something, the only kind of alien that could travel such vast distances would need to be pure energy or something else that holds no concept of space--travelling on a whim to any place. Of course, this kind of life form would ignore us humans, considering us to be just another element in the barren universe, completely physical.

    It will never be possible within our current understanding of demensions to travel far away, but if anyone else has ever had or will have the aformentioned abilities, they will simply slide by us.

    And that is why Kerry is shit cockering fuck shit.

  9. The screen uses more power, the processors use way more power (judging from early graphics previews) and to spin the UMD disc, alot more power is used than if you're just reading off of a flash card.

    I think I'll wait a year to decide between the handhelds, neither of them have stunning release titles anyway, so we'll see what happens.

  10. Dodo, propaganda and flat out lying have been part of all politics since the beginning of time. I blame the American people for swallowing and even encouraging Bush's feigned-faith approach to public speaking, they're the ones asking for it. Democrats and Republicans alike (in Congress etc.) are voting the same Orwellian shit through together, how can we blame Bush when everyone else is encouraging him.

    And if you're comparing him to Hitler, the biggest difference is their fundemental goal. From the start Hitler wanted to rule Europe and cleanse the population, this was made awfully clear from the beginning. Bush's idealistic goal is to allow Middle-Eastern countries to rule themselves with a democratic government. Obviously his approach is not perfect, but I'd hardly decry the military action up to this point as war mongering. It has a damn fine reason (freedom--so far Afghanistan is doing much better on that front) and is hardly self-serving since we gain nothing other than peace of mind (probably only in future generations though, who haven't convinced themselves that the war is just bible-thumping empirism).

    That being said. The patriot act is fuck shit that needs to be destroyed. We need to diversify our politcal system in a big way. While I have no qualms about eventually 'freeing' the middle east, I agree Bush is a lying boob and no I did not vote for him, I think someone else could do it much better and in a way that would instill international pride in democracy rather than hate and confusion.

  11. I watched an Obama interview yesterday and don't see what its all about, he seemed like any other politician, just younger and a little...tanner.

    I doubt any of the people on the poll will ever be president, And I doubt even more that the constitution will be changed for Arnold. I wish McCain would run, and really hoped he would be able to run for 2000, but he may very well be too old. But on the other hand, both McCains mother and her twin sister are alive, so McCain may still have some years in him.

  12. Related; it occurs to me that I find it weird that the US is still being all occupied with stuff that's so commonplace here in The Netherlands. Gay marriage, abortion; the kind of stuff that any free cosmopolitan society of this age should have.

    Thats easily the most Huxleian (yes I'm inventing a word) thing I've heard all day.

  13. Well, you have to understand that there must be a reason more than half of America voted for Bush. And its probably abortion. Sadly, since we have a two party system, issues outside of standard conservatism or liberalism are assigned to each side, which pretty much ruins the chances for any liberal who isn't far-and-away a charming and slick motherfucker. This is like back when Democrats were staunch supporters of segregation, people wilted away from the cause that to them seemd obviously wrong (which it was) and eventually the Democrats as a whole modified there thinking and dumped the dixicrats giving them the bad name, ingratiating themselves with the public. But if you were just to take the two candidates at their other stances, Kerry is more appealing to almost everyone. Plus he has rudimentary speaking skills, always handy when you're president.

  14. Maybe you don't know who Hitler is, because comparing any leader to him today (besides maybe some African warlords) is childish....keeping a couple thousand rowdy prisoners is in no way comparable to the systematic slaughter of millions of people, cunt.

    Anyway, I was just looking at the amusing pie charts they have on CNN, and I was wondering if in the next election they might have an 'Obese Pie Chart' so we could see how the obese vote is split between the candidates....and then there would be an obese campaign demographic, no doubt leading to hilarious strategies in every presidential campaign from thence forth!