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Posts posted by manny_c44

  1. Most games that don't have a strong franchise or a movie tie in do poorly, not just Tim Schafer games, until we have actual sales data (1,000 PC units sold sounds impossible) we can't compare Tim's game to the other 'original' games out there and therefore can't draw conclusions.

    And, in my opinion, the psychic summer camp idea isn't particularly difficult to understand (its nowhere close to Grim in mind-blowery), and the entire game's premise and style seems to fit in well with the new wave of cartoon (Spongebob etc.), if anything the setting and design is complimentary to those TV trends and would make it a stronger seller.

  2. I'm replaying CMI right now-- I can't really believe Ron Gilbert, et al. refuse to play this game. Of course it makes sense to turn your back on the series if it was torn from you, defiled and commercialized...but CMI really wasn't besides for. How could Ron at least not be curious to see what happened?

    (This mashup thread seemed the best place to pose the question)

  3. I just saw Solaris again. I think it's one of the greatest movies ever. Amazing soundtrack in combination with awesome camerawork and acting.

    I know, I know, the book is no doubt better and the original movie was without a doubt better you all will say. But the combination of camerawork and soundtrack can never be topped in my humble opinion

    I just watched the Russian original, I'm not sure if it's the kind of movie that I could watch over and over like 2001 (having just finished watching it about 20 minutes ago I can't form an opinion on that), but it was incredible.

    Now I have to watch the soderbergh version....

  4. But with PC devs not even releasing games to take advantage of that new hardware, all of the platforms will be locked in software equality. Even in the last year we probably only had two games (Hl2 and Doom3) that weren't designed from the get go to be scaled onto the Xbox with ease.

    So I bet PC gaming will never break away, the developers will hold it back almost as much as the huge costs.

  5. i played rez on chankast. make sure you make an image of the rez cd onto ... running it straight of the cd makes a bit of lag between sub-levels.

    the backgrounds are a bit screwed up, and the sound is sometimes stuttery, but other than that, its a pretty good emulation of rez.

    also, you'll want some sort of analogue gamepad for maximum enjoyment.


    What kind of computer do you have? I don't feel like wasting my time if mine is woefully weak in comparison.

  6. Seeing this game I was thinking DS could sport an awesome version of Rez, since the gameplay was all about gliding your cursor around and lining up enemies before firing; the stylus is well suited for the kind of sweeping nature of action.

    And games like Nanostray make me think the DS might be capable of reproducing the graphics of atleast most of Rez--though the bosses would probably have to be changed, especially the last one made of hundreds of tiny polygons. Oh man, rez. I wish my dreamcast still worked.

    As for Nanostray itself, it's looking pretty slick, but based on the previous efforts from the developer on GBA I'm not sure it will have the mind blowing gameplay of Ikaruga or other Treasure greats. Who knows though, they probably learned a whole lot from those first two Iridion games they made.

    EDIT: After looking up some Rez screens I have decided I am probably very wrong.


  7. Have to admit, I'm curiously unimpressed with the movie. It's definitely good, but it's not blowing me away like it is with everyone else, it seems.

    Coming from Christopher Nolan, I was expecting this to be a seriously dark Batman film, but despite delving into more psycho-craziness than Burton's Batmans, it doesn't come off as much darker. You still get tons of summer-action-movie audience-conscious humor, and chintzy "I will repeat this line you said to me earlier in the film for dramatic/badass effect".

    I'm sure everyone else (I know I am) is disregarding the bitter pill that is Hollywood chintz when they say they liked the film. Considering this is a comic book to film conversion that has family appeal -half the people in the theater were with their kids when I was there- they got away with as much they could. You just have to ignore those pesky lines that were surgically inserted by suits.

    On another note I was very happy that the series finally broke away from the "swirling colors evaryware!" :dopefish: direction, that had gone on for way too long.

  8. I thought it was the best comic-to-movie ever.

    Not only that, it's the first superhero movie I've ever liked. Like ever. I loved when people got that bad-acid-fear going, with all the hallucinations and what not.

    At first though the movie was looking pretty crap, what with all of the training in the mountains bullshit, but it fixed itself in admirable fashion. And even though those beginning parts were lame it a tleast gave the movie decent plot continuity that's lacking in almost every other of these comic movies coming out.

    Though the quick cut fighting and ten minute "splosion-thons" were pretty rough on my cultured eyes.


  9. I think the Waterloo level, while not instantaneously awesome like milkman or black velvet, was the most fun. It probably would've benifited with more of the puzzles spanning all 3 sizes but I thought it was great. It probably had the most entertaining platforming parts and the best logic puzzles.

    The game as a whole let me down though. :benstein: