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Everything posted by Emma

  1. What is your favorite drug?

    I'm sure I had solid laced with ketamine once and it was HORRIBLE. I felt like only my head existed and my whole concept of time went off the scale. One of James' mates started speaking to me and I couldn't actually understand what he was saying. Horrible! Now I never ever have solid, because it's nasty gacky shit, that just makes me want to be sick. Grass is where it's at.
  2. What is your favorite drug?

    The weed is a winner.
  3. Do you play chess?

    No -I've only ever been shown how to play it once, which was several years back, so as you have probably guessed, I've completely forgotten how to play it.
  4. Tim turns 37

    I never realised Tim was so... aged.
  5. Intro Sequences in Games

    I quite like the beginning to Baldur's Gate 2 as it sets the tone of the game and gives you a really good idea of Irenicus' character. Very chilling.
  6. What's your favorite kind of soup?

    Cullen Skink or chicken broth.
  7. Happy Birthday, Emma

    That's if I don't die of this cold of doom first. My underarm glands and glands in my throat really hurt. I've never had that before. :S
  8. Happy Birthday, Emma

    I dunno. I have heard that if you breastfeed it does a kind of fountain type thingy - but that could be useful if you're poor and looking to make some cash from easily amused people! No idea. I'm kind of worried about this actually because if it doesn't then it might rip out. The horror! I'm an athiest too. But for some bizarre reason I always get really stinking colds in the summer.
  9. Happy Birthday, Emma

    Haha. I'm really ill for it too - damn this cold, but cheers for making me laugh, Yufster. Thank you Dogman, too!
  10. To give people an impression of how far I have to walk to Uni when I'm actually at my house in Brynmill, my house is near the beach. I have walk all the way up that sodding hill to Uni and let me tell you by the time you get there you seriously do want to die of a heartattack.
  11. Swansea, by a crapload. Don't be decieved by looks, Inverness happens to be the most boring place I've ever lived. Also, AGA - http://www.agagames.com/pikchurs/000_0015.JPG school!!!! I also now know which room you're in. ¬ ¬
  12. I live in two places in two different countries. Hooray! Inverness, Scotland (where I technically come from, well not the city, but I'm Scottish and spent my teenage years living there and it's where my parents still stay): Swansea, Wales (where I study):
  13. Where do you work/study?

    I study at the same University as AGA, but I'm doing a degree in Photography in the Arts.
  14. Traditions and Customs of your country.

    I don't know. It's maybe a Welsh tradition to welcome you after you've been staying there for *counts* 9 months.
  15. Traditions and Customs of your country.

    *Is not English* *Is Scottish* Also, WHY THE HELL did I have to notice James' freezer was defrosting and have to chuck out all his bloody food? I just wanted a cup of coffee, not to spend the afternoon attending to a freezer disaster!
  16. Traditions and Customs of your country.

    I think he's sat infront of a TV showing Fear and Loathing In Las Vegas.
  17. Where are you from?

    Mixnmojo and PC Gamer UK forum.
  18. Traditions and Customs of your country.

    Some North-East Scotland traditions: Blackening - Happens to a bride and groom usually a few days before they get married. Their friends essentially kidnap them, cover them in flour, eggs, treacle, mud, feathers - i.e. anything messy, then parade them around town in a buggy/trolly/car or just tie them to something and leave 'em there. First Footing - Done at New Year. A first footer is typically a tall dark man (to bring luck) bringing a present for the owners of the house he visits. Robbie Burns Night - Yay! Haggis, neeps and tatties for dinner! In any sports, etc. we always support the team who are playing against England. Hmm. We take the piss out of the English a lot too. Oh, we also have a range of lovely foodstuffs that you can't get anywhere else in the UK, which annoys me because I'm studying in Wales. I'm missing butteries, white puddings, red puddings, tablet and oatmeal stuffing.
  19. Tell Us About Yourself

    Bobo is a weegie! Run before he chibs us wi his knife or threatens to hit us with his Buckie bottle! (Only joking. )
  20. The beauty of that article is that he completely ignores that sex and violence are shoved in our faces by TV every single day. And since when did showing a pixelated impression of a womans nipple cause children to go out and fornicate?
  21. Curse! I love the atmosphere of that game. Amazing stuff.
  22. E3 Boothbabes? WTF?

    I don't know why, Nick, but that comment really made me laugh. Cute cat, though.
  23. Tell Us About Yourself

    Yay! A fellow artist!
  24. Tell Us About Yourself

    Guess it's my turn, eh? I'm Emma from Inverness in Scotland, but I'm currently studying for my degree in Photography in the Arts down in Swansea, Wales. I'm 21 (22 in June. This means cake - hooray!). I've been a member of the LucasArts/Mixnmojo/Scumm Bar community for about 5 years now and have been fortunate enough to meet some of the thorougly cool people from it. Although, these days I seem to spend all of my Internet time over at the PC Gamer UK forums. Hobbies are fine art photography, internet, computer games (graphic adventure and RPG mostly), shopping, chilling out and eating good food.
  25. E3 Boothbabes? WTF?

    Note: This is a /good/ picture (and never ever try dying blonde hair red) - http://void.printf.net/~cypher/emma/images/emma1.jpg Greg, I quite like some of his stuff like MObscene and Dope Show, he also seemed to be the only person with a clue in Bowling for Columbine.