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Posts posted by Nick

  1. Cool, although I'm pessimistic about all MMOs lately. Unless something truly awesome comes along, that can hold interest for a long time, provides really solid quality, and has a decent numbers of my friends wanting to play, I think MMOs will continue to disappoint.

    I would have hope if there was ever a Planetside 2. But even that would have a high chance of failing, having to live up to how outstanding Planetside once was.

    I do agree with Dan about high fantasy and sci-fi though.

  2. Hang on, if you have Big Daddy and Little Sister, then you also have a Big Sister... where's the Little Daddy? Shouldn't it of been Big Mother? I guess in order to be a sister, you need a sibling, which explains the Big Sister / Little Sister thing. Does that make the Big Daddy a single parent?


  3. I went through a phase of really liking Balrog (boxer) and whilst I could win matches against the CPU or friends, I won about 1 game in 30 online and lost every single one of my BPs :eek:

    I don't know if it's just that I can't use charge characters very well or what, but online people just decimate me when I use Balrog.

    For the stick, I found fireballs surprisingly harder at first but after a few days it wasn't an issue any more. I'd say it's likely not the stick and just make sure you're getting the motion right.

  4. The Naruto fighter games were really good though, and I enjoyed them even though I have never watched the show.

    I found that also. I downloaded the demo of Ninja Storm on my PS3 when I was bored one day and I was actually quite impressed. I wouldn't buy it now I have SFIV though.

  5. I got my Hori stick today (, it's very nice. I haven't tried it on my ps3 yet, but it's doing very well on the emulator with SFIII:3s

    I was considering this as Gamestation in the UK sells it for under £10 apparently (although currently out of stock on the website). I'd be interested to see if they have or can get any in my local store though.

    Let us know how it works out on the PS3. Is there any reason not to get this stick? :erm:

  6. It took a while for me to beat him with Zangief before I realized that I can just do jump+spinning Lariat constantly against him. Cheap shit, but you have to fight fire with fire. It's certainly less cheap than constant teleport+piledrivers. :hmph:

    Talking of cheap shit, I beat Seth on hardest difficulty for the trophy using only Double Lariat. Nothing else.

    It's a shame Seth is such a poor character considering he's the final unlock. A pretty lame boss concept as well - Featureless generic looking grey man with moves from all the other characters and a yin yang belly. Why not have a character with some personality and their very own moveset, like M. Bison did in SF2?

    I am liking this game more and more though, as I've gotten used to all the Focus Attacks and using EX moves, Supers and Ultras. I've moved from Akuma to Cammy as my main character, I just found by chance that I really like her play style and she has an awesome selection of moves to use in various situations. It's nice to be able to spin past fireballs or hooligan combo over them and she's far more aggressive than Akuma, who's a very defensive character.

    I think I'm gonna seek out an official pad or stick at some point though, when I get some more moneys.

    My thumb is bleeding inside.


  7. I'm on PS3.

    From what I've heard and seen, the only difference between the two is that the 360 version has anti aliasing but it's not even really noticeable when you're fighting. PS3 has a better pad though, unless you're planning on buying a stick or pad especially.

  8. I got Gouken and Seth tonight. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, I put it to one round and got the Perfects and Ultras fairly easy with the Raging Demon.

    Little tip, you can press LP,LP and then press <-,LK, and HP simultaneously. This helped me loads with performing the Ultra almost instantly.

    I played my first online games as well. Got absolutely trounced by Zangief, he just spun past fireballs and used his green fist attack and Piledrivers. But after that I beat someone playing Ken, which was a really fun fight that I ended with a Raging Demon.

    I need to play some friends for the most fun though I expect.


  9. Argh! I went through the Normal Trials without any real difficulty with Akuma, but the Hard Trials seem impossible. Is this something to do with the pad (PS3 for me) or is there a technique for Akumas first Hard Trial that's super secret special?

    I can get the first 3 moves in, up to the 'EX Focus Canceled' I believe it is, but I can get a Hard Punch in after that no matter what I do - Quick presses, dash after the Focus, dash to cancel the Focus.

    Any tips to make me not break my controller?

  10. I'm concerned about unlocking Akuma, Gouken etc. because you can't use continues, and Seth can sometimes just cheese you to death with his stupid Ultra combo where he sucks you up and smashes you off the screen.

    I found unlocking Akuma really easy, as you can do it on any difficulty and I found that El Fuerte has some cheese of his own to deal with Seth.

    Not that I'm proud of using it, but I wanted Akuma :P

    Unlocking Gouken I'm expecting to be a complete pain in the arse though :sad:

    The only thing I'd say against this game is that I'm not a huge fan of some characters. Rose? Honestly, who fights with a scarf?

    Then M. Bison completely owns her. Good!

    Also Rufus is about as annoying as characters get.

    There seems to be too many Wrestlers and Ken/Ryu clones for my liking. I guess actually I like all the clones. Too many wrestlers though ¬¬

  11. WTF this game is awesome but I swear I never found Street Fighter this hard! I got it today and couldn't beat arcade on medium. I feel like I'm completely missing something. I'm hoping I just need to get more used to Focus attacks and EX Specials etc.

    Still, I'm enjoying it so far. :tup:

  12. You can say what you want about the images/colours chosen for that site but it actually does quite a few things right. Such as accessibility and the ability to switch from a fixed to a fluid layout. The navigation is also pretty well thought out I think. It's a shame the HTML doesn't validate though.

    I guess the images are the only thing I can really critisise. I didn't realise the image at the top of the main page was random. I actually thought they'd chosen that very yellow skater as the image of Brighton & Hove.

    I love this guy though.


    Recycling makes him so happy!