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Everything posted by Nick

  1. Game can suck my rock

    I pre-ordered Guitar Hero: World Tour (Complete Band Game) + Free Bass Guitar from Game, which was due to arrive today. So the delivery guy comes and hands over a guitar sized box to which I'm very suspicious as it's quite obvious that there isn't going to be a second guitar and a fucking drum kit in there. So I open it up and it's just the free Bass. So checking the order tracking page on their website once again (having done so twice a day for the past 4 days) I see that they've added a comment dated 11/11/2008 saying that my bank "declined to authorise payment", which is strange seeing as they have no reason to and I have the funds in there to pay. Why wasn't that message there on the 11th and why didn't they send me an email other than the one that says "Your Oder Is On It's Way!" and why did they think they would still send me the free Bass? So I ring the number provided to contact them and use up my last £5 phone credit waiting on hold. I contacted their email support but I don't expect an answer from them for a few days. Wankers. I don't own any of the previous games so that guitar is useless to me, I can't buy the rest of the instruments in the shop. I'm so angry, they fucked over my weekend. :(
  2. WipEout HD

    Yep, my best time was 0.01 second off of getting the trophy. No shit. I nearly cried and haven't played it for almost a month since.
  3. Game can suck my rock

    I went to a store in the end and apparently they have pretty much nothing to do with the website at all. I could have bought the game and guitar but the problem with that is, according to the manager, it wont be possible to buy the instruments separately at a later date. So it's have a go at customer support through email or wait till next Friday to buy it in the shop. I picked up Mirror's Edge instead, so I do have something to play over the weekend. I'm enjoying it, but why is there lens flare?
  4. Wrath of the Lich King

  5. Little BIG Planet

    Not all the cool levels, just the conceptually unoriginal levels.
  6. Little BIG Planet

    I didn't find I died much at all during the story levels. If you want to get them all aced with no lives lost then play offline on your own and then play online with others to get the secrets that require x2, x3, or x4 players. That's how I've been doing it anyway, but then I don't think the controls are too bad either.
  7. Little BIG Planet

    Well, the shots have got to be from an emitter that's triggered then you grab the pink circle you're in. Been playing lots of levels by other people, some are great, some are shoddy, and some have got some great ideas. I played a Ghost Busters level that made me chuckle today. It's a shame that objects can't ever change plane. I've had to alter my idea for my first level because of this
  8. President Obama!

    I think sleep deprivation has started to kick in. But seriously, huzzah for Barrrrrack Hussein Obama II ( apparently pronounced /bəˈrɑːk hʊˈseɪn oʊˈbɑːmə/)
  9. Little BIG Planet

    I think I may have to follow suit. I was playing with a friend earlier and typing using the shoddy mobile phone style keyboard just doesn't cut it. I can't stop playing now I've started though. I went through all the creation tutorials just to hear the Stephen Fry narrations. I'm currently on the Collector's levels and still have a good coffee's worth of playing left tonight.
  10. He's probably just at his mate's house playing CoD4.
  11. ‫‬‭‮‪‫‬‭‮Mirror's Edge

    He accidentally the whole text!
  12. Blue sky in games?

    Sonic Rush was good. I'm hopeful about Sonic Unleashed except for that fact I'm going to have to play through the bits where you're a werewolf/hog with extra stretchy arms and beat stuff up = not Sonic at all. I agree that the 3D sonic games went continuously downhill, but I really felt like Sonic Heroes was one of the better 3D titles. Mainly due to some speedy bits and levels that really did remind me of Sonic 2 + 3 levels - I remember there was a casino zone with bouncy colour changing pads that made me smile with nostalgia.
  13. PC Gaming

    So upgrade your graphics drivers.
  14. DeathSpank

    I used to read the comments left on the fabulous articles and news posts on This game reminds me a lot of the Munchkin card game.
  15. Blu-ray region fucking shit

    I think it seems pretty likely that the early PS3 are not region locked and the 40gb are.
  16. PSN ID exchange

  17. Blu-ray region fucking shit

    My Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas: Criterion is region locked. This has always made me sad.
  18. Grand Theft Auto IV

    If you kill all the pigeons, you get an uber helicopter. - Someone mentioned earlier that they didn't like the camera in this game and thought it was too low and they always had to hold the thumb stick a little. I just thought I'd say I disagree and I think the camera is just where it should be and lowers at speed nicely so I can avoid hitting anything.

    It wirelessly and easily streams media from my PC = awesome! I only got my PS3 a couple of weeks ago and I have GTA IV and Skate, which I know are both available on the 360 but meh, I don't have one of those. I was also supposed to have Fight Night: Round 3 but Virtua Tennis was in the box - which I still haven't played yet.
  20. There's nothing casual about Peggle! Obviously you haven't achieved the status of Peggle Master, or you would know this to be fact.
  21. Spore

    To be honest, the tribal and civ stages aren't amazing, however there's still some quite nice stuff in there. I kind of see everything before the space stage as an elaborate character creation anyway, the space stage is the bulk of the game and there's a fuck-ton of stuff to do there. Mucking about in the creators is fun also
  22. Turns out Spore is pretty good, but what would make it better is if I could see what all the other Thumbs are making. So chuck your Screen Name in this thread and I can add you all as buddies, then try and figure out wtf you were thinking when you made that. So, me first... Screen Name: Daffadowndilly
  23. Spore

    I buddied all the names I could pick out of the thread Now make more stuff!
  24. Spore

    With my recent lack of employment, I've been playing loads of spore. I think it's a great little game! Check out my page at Here are some I'm most proud of