
Phaedrus' Street Crew
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Everything posted by MrHoatzin

  1. New people: Read this, say hi.

    I used to come here a lot a couple of months ago. Hi! Anything new happen since I've been doing other things? Too many new threads to read which one(s) are the best?
  2. Life

    Is that a permission or an instruction?
  3. Batman: Arkham City

  4. Unnecessary Comical Picture Thread

    It is a pretty good book, asshole. Also this summary is "too funny" while "utterly inaccurate". I hate it when people shit on literature from without, without really trying to understand shit. Boo, stupid ms word screenshot, boo.
  5. V The Elder Scrolls

    Argh, I so want to waste my time not updating Hobo Lobo on playing this with you people, but I can't justify buying a new computer or wasting said allocated Hobo Lobo time! I should try kickstarting a new computer for myself one of these days. Plenty of rubes out there who'd pitch in with a promise of some small pseudo-collectable bauble and quality entertainment media product of some sort... AND THEN SKYRIM WILL BE MINE———¬¬
  6. Batman: Arkham City

    That graphic needs an iStock watermark.
  7. Life

    The wayback machine has most of the images, save for the flash in the header.
  8. Life

    Just, uh, click through to my company's linked in page and find the company website, link is in the bar on the right... It is just
  9. Life

    I searched for the expression in all but the externally-linked libraries, jquery and maybe google analytics? In any case, I suspect it might be fallback code or something like that for backwards compatibility or whatever. I am not getting these console log readings in anything anyway.
  10. Life

    I don't think I am using event.layerX and event.layerY...
  11. Life

    I have a first-world story of petty triumph to share. Pull up a chair, stranger! The other day I managed to finally destroy the firm's old website—which was built close to six years ago and hasn't been touched since. I have been at the company for four years, the site looked clunky when I started working here. There have been at least four reboots of the new website portfolio while I've been here, and none of those went anywhere. There were always too many stakeholders and everyone wanted to please everyone and people vetoed random things. And it was the worst kind of design by committee situation. We couldn't figure out how to present ourselves outwardly, how to best organize the website, what sets us apart from the others, how much to say (without appearing condescending towards our potential clients), how little to say ("Here's our work: :buyme: :buyme: <Contact Us>" - a hypothetical "brave" option that was suggested)... sometimes it would be so weird, these wizened people, competent in ways of branding and marketing would be making some utterly beginner mistakes, like wanting to model the site on a competitor in Austin to a degree that would look embarrassingly conspicuous. But ultimately, every one of those sites failed to get made and was buried because we didn't have time to work on them, and client work came first. Barefoot cobblers, and so on. The new website is nowhere near done, in fact it is bogged down in a mire of content and direction tweakery as is to be expected. It is closer than ever, tho. I did manage to take the old one down and replace it with a fairly snazzy, minimal site that says the barest minimum of things it needs to say, and uses some really nice new technology in a fresh, understated way. I don't want the google analytics to track me back here, so you can check out the new website through my linkedin profile. You will need a CSS3-friendly browser.
  12. STEAM hacked

    Huh, this could be why my bank randomly sent me a new card last week with an oblique message that A MAJOR RETAILER somewhere out there SUSPECTS some information may have been compromised. They couldn't tell me who, tho, because MasterCard didn't tell the bank who it was.
  13. Obligatory comical YouTube thread

    I am angry at it because geeks everywhere will go OOH and AAAH and I will have to gnash my teeth and feel like the only lonely person who sees that this is actually shit. You don't have to bring Postmodernism into the equation to try to explain anything. Introducing a justification that will indubitably (and at best) rest on sophistry, semantics and hot air just distracts from the fact that there is no cultural value to this shit. Arg.
  14. Movie/TV recommendations

    The show is kindof an anti-Gosford Park. Same exact premises and themes, only whereas Gosford Park's gooey center is comprised of misanthropy, nihilism and class warfare, Downton Abbey's gooey center is made of 100% USDA Prime schmaltz.
  15. Movie/TV recommendations

    You are mad! Also, has the second season of Downton Abbey wrapped up yet? Really nice series that—really lovely dialogue and inter-character interaction—even though the basic thrusts of the story feature some utterly unrealistic utopian portrayals of the dawn of the 20th century. Sal Limones and myself have been watching the House of Cards—a British political drama series—a short, marvelous thing that exists somewhere halfway between I, Claudius and The Wire. :tup: (I, Claudius is another awesome ancient BBC show that I would recommend, while I am at it, for those who haven't seen it. )
  16. GTA V

    From what I remember, it had no voiceover and featured something from the Koyaanisqatsi soundtrack. There is no better way to show a GTA game.Here's a futile pastime: how would you freshen up the formula which sounds like it may be overstaying its welcome?
  17. Recently completed video games

    I dub you the official narrator of these here forums.
  18. Recently completed video games

    Oh, man I think I remember now—I drew a doodle (or prolly a relatively well-articulated drawing) of the finger and sent you that. I think I may still have it in this ridiculous folder of high school work that I keep in the studio as a sort of memento mori, I'll look for it when I get home so that I can send it to you again . In my mind the aftertaste of the exchange—after a decade, looking back—is somewhat congenial. I was caught writing stupid shit that I should've double-checked. I didn't want to admit it, so I drew you an answer—an answer which was more a tacit admission of guilt than a challenge to the content of your correction. I mean, I did fix the mistake on the site. I wasn't challenging the validity of what you said. Anyway, my present visceral reaction to the entirety of the Church of Tim era of my life can best be summed up thusly: :\
  19. Unnecessary Comical Picture Thread

    Little known fact: pirates wore flannel under their blazers.
  20. Recently completed video games

    Haha, I don't remember sending you an extended finger. I hope it belonged to Johnny Cash.
  21. Recently completed video games

    I made the Church of Tim. The CoT era is the first time I came in contact with you, TP2K1; you emailed to call me a "dyslexic gorilla" for mangling the names of some LEC games. I still remember this for some reason even though I summarily forget people I meet online. It has been almost ten years since then. Man, such cringe-worthy prose, that site.
  22. Recently completed video games

    And me! Probably at the end of it all what with the Z— last name.
  23. Life

    Also, I find it really, really strange that I find myself here in the position of defending Apple—I consider iOS an anathema, an uncomputer, the most oppressive piece of modern technology, on par with FarmVille—but I also think that iTunes is not as revolting as you're making it out to be.
  24. Life

    I am a little confused by the vehemence of this anger too. It really looks something like fanboyism.
  25. Life

    Maybe you expect it to work like fubar2000 or something, which it doesn't. It is a weird beast. I only really have it installed on my Mac computers, and I just let it do its thing, grateful when it behaves.