
Phaedrus' Street Crew
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Everything posted by MrHoatzin

  1. "Adults Should Read Adult Boobs" - Joel Stein

    If you strike inside the soiler it looks "better".
  2. Minecraft

    Down is not a difficult direction to propel oneself in.
  3. Minecraft

    Rad as fuck.
  4. We can move the spawn into a mushroom biome, no?
  5. HEEENGH? HEEEEEEENGH??? :yep: Ultimately tho, I dunno how much I can commit to playing, but if we can make a world like this, I will most def try my darnest to participate.
  6. Someone was talking about this restaurant by the name of Pacific Moon the other day, and my mind filed it away as "<Something> Wizard".
  7. I'm with Forbin. I actually gave creative a go and made the wacky modernist museum house in the grassy plane south of spawn inspired by this library Steve posted on rekall… but it seemed like it would've been more fun if I were cheating in survival rather than doing full creative. That at least gives you the option—if you want it—of having to protect from zombies and do something with an actual effect on the world rather than adding a thin layer of frosting on some inert, randomly-generated nature.
  8. Maybe if there is interest could come back... Found this the other day:
  9. "Adults Should Read Adult Books" - Joel Stein

    I know, I had skimmed through the rest of them. I didn't see twitter or anyone here talking at length about the other little articles tho. It is total linkbait with some plausible deniability thrown in for taste. Respectable publications have been doing desperate things as of late (see Forbes). Way to ruin my fun jeremiad with facts. Jeez. Not cool. I haven't seen the movie, but I found the trailer off-putting. It is still propaganda for a certain ersatz objectivity which is increasingly becoming suspect. Sure. I still think a lot of the respect people have for the NYT and serious air that this piece is consuming is illegitimate. I mean, their ombudsman recently publicly wondered out loud and for real if it should be the job of the paper to correct mistakes and fix misconceptions—or if they should just plow over them as if everything is hunky dory.
  10. What would Molydeux

    I don't mean this to be confrontational at all but this is a typical privileged white guy thing to say. I feel we've had this conversation a million times before so I don't really care to have it again.
  11. "Adults Should Read Adult Books" - Joel Stein

    I would agree that fiction targeted at young adults is stupid by definition. Kids who like to read are already reading more serious stuff at that age mark. Most YA books are seriously crappy formulaic nonsense—but then again, most books are. Most of everything is. So who gives a shit if adults read kids' books? I read the Earthsea books in college. Should I have avoided these exquisitely well-crafted and original stories so as to not give an opportunity to this ass to feel annoyed at me for reading outside of my age group? Since when is, What will people think!? a good reason to do or not do anything?
  12. What would Molydeux

    A postmortem at Gamasutra. :tup:
  13. Game of Thrones (TV show)

    You're all such good, obedient kids. I am so proud.
  14. Game of Thrones (TV show)

    I think you misread the nature of his objection. Also, I am saddened that no one cares for Rupaul's Drag Race.
  15. RuPaul's Drag Race

    Oh shit! I am fo real, yo. Try the first episode of the current season if you don't trust me.
  16. Oh, I thought you were talking about the periodic table: From Alkaline Metals to Noble Gasses, that sort of thing.
  17. I think the Idle brand can comfortably be turned into an umbrella. The header art stays and we get The Idle Thumbs Video Game Podcast and The Idle Thumbs Book Podcast and The Idle Thumbs Three Moves Ahead Podcast... In the sequel you still have The Prince as the protagonist, only there are also all these cousins with wacky-shaped heads participating in the spotlight without quite fitting in the story—yet everyone's having too much fun to care.
  18. Jerks in high places in the game industry

    This industry isn't going to fix itself until more people in the shit lift the middle finger at their owners.
  19. Unnecessary Comical Picture Thread

    Hey, maybe this was on his Amazon wish list for years.
  20. Unnecessary Comical Picture Thread

    Wow, this thread got almost exciting. I am still confused by what you meant by "bitching and moaning about 'entitlement'"—and because you're not gonna elaborate, I'll just stone cold invent what you were going to say: Also, it is not rape—it is a present.
  21. Life

    We have one of these and a French press as our primary coffee machines at home. I think we also had a moka pot at some point… but that could've been my old roommate's. The Toddy is pretty rad. You put half a kg of coarsely ground coffee in it, cover it in water and leave it overnight (there is more of a method but you can read that in the directions). The coffee is super concentrated when you uncork the thing and drain it, but not bitter and it will keep in the fridge for weeks. You can boil some water, throw a couple of gluggs of coffee and milk into it and have yourself a hot one. If you generally sweeten your coffee to nerf the bitterness, you may not even have to do that here.
  22. You're being a noob in your own home, dude!
  23. I generally have a relationship with Idle Thumbs dedicating obscene amounts of its time derailing into real-time meta analyses of its own format. It is something you cannot not do—and is fun generally as it adds a bit of gonzo sausage-making to the wacki vigi varieti hour you've invented… but, you know… Beware, etc.
  24. Please enter your birth date to continue.

    Bureaucracy makes people stupid.
  25. Plug your shit

    I'm looking forward for the new Glottis model.