
Phaedrus' Street Crew
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Everything posted by ysbreker

  1. Cataclysm

    Every time anyone mentions cataclysm I think of the excellent expansion for homeworld. I have the same with MW2. That stands for mechwarrior 2 and not modern warfare 2. Is this a sign I'm getting old?
  2. Movie/TV recommendations

    I rather enjoyed the misfits. And Luther is also very good.
  3. Keeping your data safe

    Hey toblix, thanks for reminding me about this thread via twitter now that I'm in a similar situation How did you get recuva to find your fucked up drives? I've got my drives hooked up on my computer, but recuva only finds my C: drive.
  4. Obligatory comical YouTube thread

    This one made me giggle a bit CGnfKnfY6EM
  5. The Dancing Thumb (aka: music recommendations)

    Some friends of me made this: f7SZ3PSO3s0
  6. Treme

    He was there before katrina. So I don't think he can be counted as post-katrina influx coming for the 'authenticity'.
  7. You know there's a new podcast out, right?

    There´s a preview of frozen synapse on RPS http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2010/04/19/preview-frozen-synapse/
  8. Movie/TV recommendations

    I love love love the music in it. I wonder if you can get a soundtrack of each episode.
  9. Left 4 Thumbs 2

    I got the map via skype from piratePoo. Crisis averted!
  10. Left 4 Thumbs 2

    Still downloading the map It's going with a blazing speed of 410 bytes per second now. I'm stuck at 25.7MB of the 86.4MB Does anyone have a torrent link perhaps?
  11. Most disgusting thing you've ever done

    You could also have been slipped a mickey.
  12. Paul Verhoeven making The Last Express movie?

    Paul Verhoeven also made Turks fruit, Soldaat van Oranje and Spetters (among other films) All pretty well known Dutch movies (In the Netherlands at least ) I'm curious what he will do with it. He is a great director!
  13. I need help identifying a game

    Do you mean Digger?
  14. The Dancing Thumb (aka: music recommendations)

    I'm sorry Mr wobble, your son is dead: epI6D8NG4VE&fmt=18
  15. Movie/TV recommendations

    1. This thread is now over 107 pages long and a little under 4 years old now. I started it on 27th of July in 2006 and it's still going strong! 2. I just finished watching the first episode of treme (pronounced as tremay) and it's well worth watching for just the music alone. I can't wait for the next episode. 3. The Dr who episodes are great too I can't recommend them enough. 4. Miffy, do watch breaking bad it's an amazing show. 5. One day I will go through this thread and make one big list of every movie and TV show mentioned in this thread and put it online somewhere.
  16. Just Cause 2

    Did any of you guys try the bolopatch? (http://m0.to/BOLOPatch/ adds unlimited ammo, unbreakable cables and multiple cables among other things)? My copy is still in the mail I hope it'll arrive tomorrow. I want to blow up airplanes while jumping from helicopter to helicopter too!
  17. Fresh Indie Game Compendium Extraordinaire

    One button Bob By: Tom "Ninjadoodle" Vencel Available: Free flash game Synopsis: Funny little game where you control the action with just 1 button: The left mouse button. More: http://www.ninjadoodle.com/
  18. Mass Effect 2

    I do not get what everyone's problem with the mako is I had no problem at all with driving it around. I can even say that I enjoyed toying around with it. You can still use your powers when an enemy is shielded/armored/barriered It's just removes some of the barrier/shield/armor and stuns them for a short bit. Try playing on insane. Husks are armored and can't be killed with a simple shockwave or incinerate. You'll also get really frustrated with them, since they can rush you and get you killed in seconds now
  19. Mass Effect 2

    Yeah It´s a known issue with the unreal 3 engine. This bug exist in pretty much every unreal3 game out there.
  20. Mass Effect 2

    Having finished my first play through of ME2 last night I give you the things that I liked and the things that I missed. - I like the space exploration. Moving around the galaxy map is a nice addition. - I love the attention to detail, how everything you see and do in ME1 comes back in one way or another in ME2. - I like that the missions you find on the planets are very diverse now. not the same bunker over & over again. - I like how you can customize your armor in visible ways. And not just the colours. - It took some time to get used to, but the new notification system is rather nice. I would like to have some kind of button to skip through them, though. - I loved the new & improved Normandy. - I miss the old inventory system a bit. Especially now that you can't really see how powerful a gun is and that you can't experiment with the diverse gun modules. - I really miss the Mako. I guess I'm one of the few people who had no trouble controlling it at all. Eventhough most of the terrains in ME1 where little more than heightmaps I always enjoyed scaling the terrain with the Mako. - I miss the elevators. Even though they're glorified loading screens, they didn't break the immersion like the loading screens do. - I miss some of the keyboard controls from ME1, J used to open your journal, P would bing up your character screen, I would bring up your inventory. All those are gone now which I find mildly annoying. Things I would like to see in ME3: - I would love to be able to actually control the Normandy in a battle. You spend so much time reading about space warfare, but you don't get to do any of it. - The option to sell/buy your mined minerals/metals would be neat. A more fleshed out economy so to speak. Typing this makes me realize I want more of the goodness of the privateer games in ME3. More direct control over your ship and a more complex economy. Which could make sense story wise if you choose a certain angle too Just to clarify I love love love everything about ME2. These things are just nitpicks. A few questions I ask you all before I go in for my second play through: - Did you play as a male of female Shepard? - What class did you choose to play? - Did you import a save from ME1? - Are you a renegade or paragon? - Who did you romance in ME1, and who in ME2?
  21. audiosurf: Holy funk!

    Bloody hell, why didn't anyone tell me about this gem? This game is awesome beyond believe. The idea is rather simple (like with most great games) You fly along a track and collect colored block and make combo's with them. The mindblowingly cool thing about this game is that you fly along the music track of your own choosing. The game analyzes the music you've selected and makes a level from it on the fly. It's all kinds of awesome! get it from here and try it out at once! It's free! :tup: :tup:
  22. Should I do it?

    If I were to make a new forum package I'd make use of all the latest cool tricks in regards to the interface & Ajax the bejeezus out of it. (with a nice fall-back in case of no JS). - I think it would be neat to have a continuously loading page. (scroll to the end and more comments are loaded. - Maybe figure out a way to do threaded discussions in a nice way. - Live threads. Discussions refreshing automagically every x minutes. And more stuff like that.
  23. Left 4 Thumbs 2

    You can make the server available to thumbs only with some server config magic, which would be rather usefull I think.
  24. Obligatory comical YouTube thread

  25. Left 4 Thumbs

    I just had to give up on the parish on expert on the 3rd level. It took us almost 2 hours to get there. It was incredibly intense with Patters, scratche and Lord Korax. It was fun though. I am one day going to finish all levels on expert. it will take a while. But I will!