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Everything posted by Jake

  1. Idle Thumbs Kickstarter Progresscast The Complete Series Idle Thumbs Kickstarter Progresscast In 2012 Idle Thumbs ran a Kickstarter campaign, not just to bring back the Idle Thumbs podcast, but to try and turn Idle Thumbs into a small podcast network, with a studio, a new website, and the ability to exist for years to come. We documented that time in this podcast. These episodes are really rough, and were never intended for anything other than updates to our backers, but they slowly morphed into pseudo-episodes of the podcast. So if you were wondering when we talked about FTL or Skyrim or how we became obsessed with Kangaroo Jack, it might be contained in here, or maybe it's not and I just can't remember! It was a long time ago! I've been meaning to put this whole thing up on the site for ages! Working on crazy nostalgia montage in the end of episode 300 and the Patreon campaign at the same time finally pushed me to do it. Also, two days from today is the fifth anniversary of the Idle Thumbs Kickstarter! (Want to feel old? etc) Enjoy! Listen on the Show Page Subscribe to the RSS feed!
  2. I don't think anyone on the podcast said it was hard - we said it is often unconsidered because flight sticks traditionally inverted Y but not X, relative to joysticks, so it was the only axis thought to be needed in your settings and that wasn't really reassessed for a long time - so I'm not entirely sure why "it's actually easy," was framed in that way in wazanartor's reply (which had a lot of good knowledge and examples). In my dumb experience, the hardest thing is adding a last minute checkbox to an already too full settings screen, haha
  3. Chris usually puts them up on the Thumbs bandcamp eventually!
  4. Oh no I like Terminator 2. I like Terminator 1 more than 2 at this point (a flip of my opinion when younger) but I like the first two movies a lot. Anything after that, no.
  5. Its canon characteristic of all Snagglepusses in all the Snagglepuss multiverse
  6. It's the only voice I have! - read in "snagglepuss voice" Thanks!! That's so encouraging to hear. Hopefully you're one of many who feel this way
  7. Idle Thumbs: A Patreon

    Yeah that's what got us to take the plunge.
  8. Idle Thumbs: A Patreon

    End of this month I'm pretty sure.
  9. Pretty sure Important If Truthers are the audience of this show. We declared that as canon off mic.
  10. Fantasy Casting

    This is only vaguely related (its a mystery in a building with a lot of rooms and a lot of people) but Wes Anderson doing The Westing Game would make me happy, especially post-Grand Budapest, which is light in the way that (for-kids) book is.
  11. Please just keep saying thumbs. It'll work!
  12. Idle Thumbs 287: The Fun Cast Are you guys ready to do The Fun Cast? Your employment agreement stipulates that you're are, so let's go! This week our hosts Shmirkin Burpin and Minion 600 check out Owlboy, finally released after nine years in development! Then, Nick Breckon, confused as to where he is, drives a tank up a hill and back down. Finally, an update on the new intra-organization subway service. Thanks everyone, back to work. Discussed: Owlboy, Shovel Knight, Battlefield 1, Battlefield 1942, MiniMetro Listen on the Episode Page Listen on Soundcloud Listen in iTunes
  13. Idle Thumbs 299: Somebody, Somewhere, Somehow, Something Somebody once told me the following on a podcast: Somewhere a moth is happily driving a car around a room, hunting for things that smell nice. Something deep in a crocodile whispers "you could have been a bird." Somehow these are the things that interest us. Hey, everyone needs a hobby. Discussed: The Idle Thumbs Podcast, Mouth Moods/Mouth Sounds, the evolution of dinosaurs and birds, Jurassic Park III, Jurassic World, cyborg moth cars, Bubble Tape, XOR, hobbies, cooking, cocktails, Dark Souls 2 Listen on the Episode Page Listen on Soundcloud Listen in iTunes
  14. Mr. Robutt

    Did you play the mobile game by Night School? I only watched half of season one but think the game is really clever.
  15. Idle Thumbs 298: For You, Not Them This week we talk about two fictional metropolises, both invaded by strange, small men intent on messing up the lives of regular folk just trying to get through their day. Also we met Jeff Goldblum. Discussed: Jeff Goldblum and The Mildred Snitzer Orchestra, Super Mario Odyssey, Batman Returns, Donkey Kong Jr., Bubble Tape, Toxoplasmosis, Robots Listen on the Episode Page Listen on Soundcloud Listen in iTunes
  16. Posting the progresscasts as an archived show is on my long-term to do list. Re: your P.S.: We do have a new show show coming up, separate to the new Chris/Nick/Jake show, that you might at least enjoy a little bit. Not sure though!
  17. Ah that's interesting to know that's a perk of Prime. I don't think that one perk somehow invalidates the other things we said (including how Amazon generally works) as you have implied it does here? Glad you will be instantly subbing to our new podcast, Accurate Industry Logistics
  18. Cheers, I hopefully copped to how clumsily I was alluding to it.
  19. As appealing as that idea is in the abstract, it would only work if we played enough games in a week to fill a weekly video game podcast, and that is unlikely to happen. I think it'd end up being a recipe for a disappointing show (and we'd be producing two shows a week that way, which would be a little intense, since this is none of our actual jobs!).
  20. you've been well served for years, let's be honest here.
  21. New website!

    http://www.idlethumbs.net NEW FEATURE on the homepage: We actually list all of the content on the Idle Thumbs Network on the Idle Thumbs Network homepage. Tell your friends. Rate us on iTunes. Thanks Chris for sniffing around and changing this page that we built five years ago.