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About Gamling

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  1. Thanks for your pod I usually find it very interesting but today I felt that you should have read the book Dominion by Tom Holland and then you can redo this talk. This was quite superficial. You don't really touch on how the worldview or religion will deeply affect a society. In Rome or most other places in history the weak was frowned upon. It wasn´t until the west got christian the idea that all people had a value got wide spread. It wasn´t until the christians saw the creation as something material that follows Gods laws that science could start for real. Before that they didn't expect nature to behave law bound and repeatable. A civ game or a society simulator should really try to emulate what specific belies do to the culture. Not all beliefs or ideas are equal in value or outcome. It would be so much more interesting to see how your civ evolve by the belies you chose. Strange men standing standing on top of pillars might not give the best buffs compared to for instance Matthew 25:40 "Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers or sisters of mine you did for me".