That Gum You Like

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About That Gum You Like

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  1. Twin Peaks Rewatch 49: The Return, Part 14

    Exactly! Joel Bocko wrote that "there's also an element of Grail mythology... in the pure-of-heart Andy being the one to enter...." Maybe his selection of the meatless option was at least a further signifier of his purity. Isn't Lynch a vegetarian? Perhaps as part of his practice of TCM? (I'm extremely ignorant of such matters -- just conjecture on my part.)
  2. Twin Peaks Rewatch 49: The Return, Part 14

    Anyone else think that Lynch was tying Andy's sandwich order ("who ordered 'just cheese?'") to the fact that he was selected to meet the Fireman?
  3. Twin Peaks Rewatch 48: The Return, Part 13

    Curious that we've now seen Sarah Palmer twice watching violence on the television even as she self-medicates as treatment for the horrific violence and turmoil that has upended her life. (The first time lions devouring their prey on a nature show, the second time a boxing match.) It's a hell of a contrast. Is she desensitizing herself to violence/horror at the same time that she's trying to numb herself to what she directly experienced? We might be forgiven for expecting a character with her tragic backstory to try to retreat/escape from anything resembling it. But her instinct is to expose herself to predation and pugilistism. Any ideas about this?
  4. Twin Peaks Rewatch 48: The Return, Part 13

    If anything, last episode was too late to use the catch scene, since in this episode Cooper-as-Dougie is clearly coming back from his celebration with the Mitchums from Part 11 (having missed coming home that night). Definitive proof that these scenes are appearing out of chronological order (Bobby's reference to finding his father's legacy that day being all the more so). I haven't done a side-by-side of the scenes yet, but I also believe at this point that we've only seen a single instance of Dr. Amp's podcast.
  5. Twin Peaks Rewatch 48: The Return, Part 13

    Almost three hours since the episode ended PDT, and I've yet to see much focus in any podcasts or posts (apologize if I missed something obvious) about the line referenced by the title: What story is that, Charlie? What story, exactly, can he end? I've heard the theories that he's a therapist playing along, etc. But would a therapist indulging his patient engage in so existential a threat as that? Just what are the implications here? Is Charlie a stand-in for the writers? Is he a godlike being from the world of the lodges? "I'll end your story" is a terrifying line.