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  1. Good point about Judy latent in Sarah, and I agree that Coop is trying to find Laura (in any version) in order to stop Judy moreso than to rescue Laura for her own sake. This was essentially my take too, though I perhaps articulated it badly earlier. Especially since I really don't think badCoop is dead. That said, the 'Diane sees his face that way be because of her trauma and we see from her perspective' idea seems reasonable, and I am also liking the idea someone mentioned about how Jeffries' warned against slipperiness, such that maybe things just change in the alt-world, dreamlike. It did feel like a dream, to me, and I interpreted Coop's odd behavior as his knowing that he's in sonething of an unreality/dreamworld (fits also with the 'things might be different' line to Diane). So he ignores the corpse in Page's house maybe because he knows it's not real or at least distorted and in some sense it doesn't matter what happens in the dream world, and he is willing to be aggressive in the bar for the same reason - the people in there aren't real, or they can't really be hurt, or something. And his quietness I just took to be because he was in a damn scary situation. All that combined with this being still some of the first we get to see of him post lodge-trauma. Also, frankly, I really dislike the idea that he is now an amalgam/Richard combo of the good and bad Coops. People are saying that he's more realistic when combined, but I don't buy that. People aren't all perfectly grey blends of good and bad. That's just a stereotype of realism, and imo a boring one. Good Coop was essentially good, but he wasn't a saint (griping about loud neighbors, happily engaging in vigilante-ism around One Eyed Jack's while an FBI agent, seeming tempted by Audrey, etc), and I think he was as if not more realistic than Coop in episode 18. Anyway, on an unrelated note, that white horse in Page's house, iirc, had it's eyes grown over with lumps of skin, like Naido. I don't know what that could mean, if anything.
  2. I had this thought too. It really sounded like tulpa talk, in this new context. And the scream and vanishing act felt like a Tulpa thing, too. Also, incidentally, throughout this scene I couldn't stop looking at how dilated Laura and James's eyes were - was it so originally? I also noticed that in the scene where badCoop shows up at the sheriff's his eyes look black. As to the Linda/Richard/Coop scene, I'm still not sure what to make of it. My initial take though was that Cooper and Diane have driven into an alternate world. They pull up to the motel, and Diane sees a dopple, possibly Linda? Point being, it made me think that this alternate world might be one that contains alternate versions of people as well. So my first thought is that the alternate world already contained a 'Richard' Coop and a 'Linda' Diane, and that during the sex scene (or even when he walked in the motel door) goodCoop swapped places with Richard, while Diane remained in the motel. Since during the sex scene 'coop' suddenly looks exactly like BadCoop, hair and expression and everything, and when Coop wakes up he seems himself again, sees the note and is confused by it, and then walks out of a different hotel and takes a different car. He might have had an entirely separate sex scene, but with 'Linda' while Diane was with 'Richard'. But there are holes in this idea, I am aware, but that's what I thought at first. That or that badCoop was literally badCoop, since we see him on fire in the lodge but not disintegrated. At least, I feel like they both knew what was going on even though we don't. Diane doesn't seem surprised to see her other self, and she doesn't mention it. And the 'what next/now you walk to me' bit felt weirdly ritualistic. That said, the goodCoop + badCoop amalgam idea does make some sense to me, though I dislike it and don't want it to. But, considering the fire walk with me poem that we are reminded of via Mike talking forwards for once (which was AWESOME): Through the darkness of future past The magician longs to see. One chants out between two worlds Fire walk with me. We have in that poem a lot that resonates with this situation. 'Future past' darkness, a magician (both fake-Dougie Coop and bad-Coop have felt like magicians this season to me), and two worlds (I originally thought this referred to the lodge, but now we seem to have a full alternate world). We also see badCoop on fire with black smoke (electricity symbol), but not really looking dead otherwise. We have seen badCoop survive should-be-fatal wounds before. Granted, that was when he had Bob, but I'm still leaning toward thinking badCoop's not dead. I originally thought that 'Chants' was 'chance' in that poem (though apparently Frost has said otherwise in a tweet referring to it in the original seasons), in which case that would sound a bit like the 'one chance out between two worlds' (the second world being the alt world rather than the lodges as I originally assumed) required Coop to walk with fire, aka badCoop who we just saw on fire. So he combines somehow with badCoop (maybe via the weird sex scene) in order to find Linda, defeat Judy, and... escape from both worlds? Are both worlds dreams? Who is the dreamer? Or maybe the 'two worlds' refers to the alt-world and the lodge, and the real-seeming world is real? Or... Cooper altered the timeline and now the world is just completely different. But then why the crossing over scene? TL;DR: I am very confused and tired and don't know what I'm talking about and may not be making sense. Damn. I'm gonna abandon this messy post here and just hope that there is some nugget of something in it. Kudos to the show for leaving me this confused while still feeling like there is sense to be made somehow. Anyway, the most originalCoop-like person in these last episodes was the new Dougie. He was so cheery, and more coherent than our previous fake-Dougie.
  3. This is was a damn good episode! Cooper <3 And I loved the way the old twin peaks music felt like it was coming back with him. Now I just want him in a room with Gordon Cole and/or Twin Peaks folk. And I too love how everyone more or less just rolled with it. My only gripe with this episode is the bit about Chantal being 'on the rag' with the implication that her subsequent dumb actions are partially the result of that. Exhibit #33305 of shitty representation of women in this season. The rest of that scene was amazing though. The lazy conversation between Chantal and Hutch, the slow escalation of odd visitors to the house, the FBI and the murder-van across from each other watching the house, the random neighbor guy who I thought was just gonna be murdered but who has a gun, etc... It was a lovely blend of old twin peaks looniness with the darker tone of the new season. The scene with BadCoop and Richard was great, but what was especially great was Jerry and the "bad binoculars!" I was afraid BadCoop would notice him there or that he'd go up to them and get himself killed, but it turned out amazing instead. I wonder what Coop's thinking he needs to go to Twin Peaks for. Seems like he might know something we don't and expect his doppelganger to be going there, or something. Or he's just going back because that's his place and he's not really Dougie. Speaking of, I agree that he's having a 'new Dougie' made to slot back into Janey E and Sonny Jim's life, but that seems messed up to me, I gotta say. Making a new person to take over somebody else's life isn't really any better than taking it over yourself, if not even worse. I hope Mike can somehow restore the original Dougie, at least partially, since it's the same gold seed ball thing. I almost-kinda-sorta called manufactured Diane (though I thought doppelganger rather than manufactured), so yay for that. I can buy the real Diane being Naido, but at this point I could even buy her being turned into some random object in the Sheriff's office, ala Josie, although the only notable objects I can think of are the chocolate bunnies and I still don't think it's about the bunny. Anyway, I'm not a fan of the rape backstory, but the actress and the editors did a phenomenal job of showing that slow disintegration into the uncanny. Way unsettling. Incidentally, I feel like we haven't given enough credit to the hilarious amount of beeping equipment in the office with Gordon Cole et al. It's like a sublte background parody of cop shows with how much beeping and blinking lights for no reason is going on in the background of so many of these episodes. And Audrey dancing! I'm glad she's apparently in lodge-land or dream-land or both and not actually in that terrible hell marriage. And that dance and music was a nice throwback while at the same time being really unsettling, although I hadn't zoned out on the music as much as I might have since I remembered how the last episode ended. I don't think all the Roadhouse scenes are Audrey-land even if only because of James and Iron Fist being thrown in the jail which we know is real (... or do we? Dun dun dun), but it'll certainly be fun to try and parse out which ones might be otherworldly during a rewatch. I really like the regular sign vs upside-down sign in a puddle theory. Or maybe the whole world has been sort of consumed by this stuff since season 2, and the Roadhouse is lodge-y but also still accessible to people. Maybe most of Twin Peaks is real and every other location in the show is in lodge-land. Maybe I should go get some sleep. I still wanna know what happened to the Ghostwood development project, and to Catherine. Also looking forward to seeing how Sarah Palmer/?mother? is gonna collide with everything else.
  4. I'm pretty sure that the lamp behind Andy in the Fireman's house/dream scene is the same lamp as in the scenes with Ben Horne and Beverly trying to locate the noise. Then there's a buzz of electricity behind all the audio in the scene (iirc), and Andy disappears in another buzz - it seemed to me like he went through the lamp. Also, why Jeffries's "who do you think this is?!" moment with Cooper? I have no idea where to start with that one. Of course, that pretty much describes the whole episode for me. It does kind of look to me like Diane might have helped set up or at least known about Dougie the manufactured Cooper doppel, but she seemed awfully surprised and forthcoming with information for that to be the case. I am confused. I wonder if Sarah's situation is like the original Bob situation, with her not knowing her possessor (mom monster?) is there or at least not being in control of it. I'm inclined to think so, partly because of the "there's something in the kitchen" scene - maybe that means that whatever it was had left her body and was in the kitchen, separate from her. And her spazziness, and the way her face sometimes almost seems to be making two different expressions on each half (am I imagining this?) would fit with that. But honestly I'd buy that she's just possessed all the time now too. I don't know. Also, interesting that Sarah and Laura both have removed their faces and revealed... something. I don't know if that has any significance though. Also, wtf this episode was amazing. So much happened that it's hard to even try to hypothesize, and most of it I didn't see coming at all.
  5. So, surely someone else noticed the glitching around Gordon's visitor? At around roughly 27 minutes, right after she puts on her lipstick, she bends forward and goes into slow motion for a second. Then it cuts to Albert making a face like maybe he saw that happen, and then it cuts back to her and her finger glitches a bit on her wine glass. I was hating that scene, but after that I was pleasantly creeped out. Anyway, I have mixed feelings about this episode; I don't hate it like some, but I'm not a fan overall either. I loved Sarah's parts (also, that ceiling fan) and Ben Horn's scene, and the blue rose scene was pretty good. But on the other hand, I didn't like Audrey's scene much; her husband's acting is pretty bad in my opinion, and I don't have any context to make the way she is behaving make sense with what we know of her. But I think later developments could still save it for me in retrospect, and I'm curious to see where it goes. And the roadhouse scene with whoever those people were was both mysteriously lacking Audrey and inscrutable. Cole's scene was saved for me by the glitching and by Albert, but there have been so many token sexy ladies this season that I am put off by the introduction of yet another one pretty much instantly, even if the scene otherwise had some things going for it. And similarly related to the way this show treats women, I loved Sarah's scenes themselves, but I also feel like their impact is watered down by how many other hysterical or crazy women we've had this season, similarly to how none of this season's many murders can hold a candle to Laura Palmer's or Maddie's because there is just too many of them and they aren't explored in any depth. In the original seasons, Sarah's and Leland's exaggerated emotion stood out and was striking partly because it was such extreme distress in an otherwise seemingly peaceful town, and although the actress is amazing and these new scenes were very well done, I think it might have stood out better if there weren't already a bunch of similarly hysterical characters. There are good plot arguments to be made for why the increased death count and the increased hysterical character count makes sense in a post-season 2 + 25 years world, but still I think that something is lost there even if it is, best case, lost in exchange for something else gained. Lastly, Dougie's scene was super disappointing to me. I got invested in it immediately; he didn't catch the ball, what's going to happen next.... Cut, and we never find out. I really want to know if Sonny Jim kept trying to play with him or gave up and continued to be frustrated (something we haven't seen yet) or what. And as soon as I saw Dougie I made the mistake of getting excited about getting to see more Good Coop, but alas, no.
  6. 100% agree. How and why the cut was healed is something to talk about (the indication that Mike might be able to heal is fascinating), but that was definitely just a band-aid. Either the intrepid hosts are hoisted or you and I are somehow. Edit: sorry, I was reading the thread backwards and didn't realize people had already said this <.<
  7. I thought it was deliberate too, but I think they're playing Monkey in the Middle (apparently more commonly called Keep Away). Maybe this game is less widespread than I thought? Two people play catch and try to keep the ball away from a person in the middle who tries to intercept their tosses. I think it could be used as a method of including younger kids in a game, though it doesn't have to be. Anyway, the camera focusing on the ball and the older kids before dropping to the third kid between them trying to intercept it made sense to me, though I was briefly surprised to learn he was there. I agree with you about the honking woman. She didn't bother me in the moment, perhaps through sheer force of how distracting everything in that scene was, but in general the way women are treated in this show is a disaster, both compared to a lot of modern tv and to the first two seasons (yes, even compared to season 2). Time after time we have women portrayed as stupid and/or hysterical, or else dead, and the only ones who have escaped so far are Diane and arguably Janey. And Tammy, I guess, but we know nothing about her (I don't think her mention in a book excuses this). Most of the women aren't getting screen time (let alone of a non-hysterical/stupid variety), development/character moments, or backstory. And, though the bechdel test test isn't strictly meant for evaluating individual works, in the context of the number of women in this show and what the old seasons were, I think it does say something that I'm pretty sure this season fails it (excepting maybe Shelley and Norma's early conversation about Shelley's daughter). Anyway, the sexism this season is putting a real damper on my enjoyment of an otherwise amazing show. Also please pardon my over-use of parentheses. I've always kind of liked Bobby, but I'm definitely loving him now. His scenes could justify this entire season on their own, for me. Lately it's been bothering me more and more that Hawk isn't the sheriff. I don't think we've seen anything that justifies the addition of the new Truman character. There's been no plot or character development from the new Truman that couldn't have been done better and more interestingly with Hawk, Andy, and Lucy. The new Truman is an often boring and sometimes annoying character who doesn't seem to have a reason for his presence in the show and who doesn't fit with the other residents of Twin Peaks. It almost feels like Lynch just really wanted to cast that actor as Truman, regardless of other concerns. I really want Catherine Martell back. And Audrey. Or even just more Norma and Lucy. But especially Catherine Martell could be so much fun right now.
  8. This episode was perfection, and I think my favorite so far. : D I'm loving how the humor and tone of the original show is creeping in more and more these last few episodes, maybe not coincidentally as Coop is slowly waking up. Damn good! All of Dougie's scenes in this one made me smile so much. Also I want to learn piano now. I'm curious about the discrepancy between what Diane saw and what she said she saw. She sees the woodsman sneaking up behind the car, but she says she thought she saw the woodsman getting out of the car. If she didn't want to help, why mention it at all? And if she does want to help, why say he got out of the car rather than snuck up behind it? Maybe she did see him get out of the car when the camera wasn't on her, but in that case it still would be weird not to say the guy snuck up and got in (and the window was open, so he wouldn't have even had to get in). The way she squinted and didn't really react, and the fact she said that's as far as she'd go and stayed outside the fence, suggests that she is maybe familiar with the black lodge spirits, but the discrepancy in what she said makes me wonder if either she can't quite see or maybe can't remember. If Bob isn't in BadCoop anymore, maybe he's got her; she only started acting so sketchy after Bob was removed from BadCoop.
  9. To speculate wildly off the deep end for a moment, what if there are more doppelgangers and/or possessed people running around than we think? Maybe Diane, after her bad encounter with BadCoop, tried to figure out what happened in Twin Peaks and got herself wrapped up in the lodge, and now the Diane we see is actually her doppelganger. She's certainly convincing in the prison scene, but at least some of the lodge spirits (Bob, particularly) are stunningly good actors. But in that case I'd expect real Diane to be in the lodge, and we've never seen her there, although I assume Cooper didn't necessarily see everybody or everything in there. Or, maybe fake-Jeffries is real-Jeffries's doppelganger and/or is tricking Diane. That does seem to match up better with the text's formatting being different on her phone and BadCoop's, and I think real-Jeffries could plausibly be in the lodge. What about the white lodge? Are there maybe good, white lodge doppelgangers as well as the bad 'shadow self' black lodge ones? Maybe that's what Laura is? The way she showed up in front of Cole reminds me of how Bob used to show up. And it sort of works with her being dead but not. The black lodge doppelgangers seem more physical than that, but it could be different for the white lodge. /nonsense
  10. I loved the last episode, but I'm disappointed with this one. It went heavy on the things I dislike most about the new season: gratuitous violence and an overwhelmingly demeaning treatment of women, especially compared to how interesting the women were in the original. That said, the worst thing about the episode was the Cooper and Janey E scene. Cooper is obviously not capable of consenting at this point, and Janey E knows he's not in his right mind even compared to however actual Dougie behaved, so this was rape. If the same scene was played with the genders swapped, it would have been treated seriously as rape, but since Cooper is a man it was played for laughs and the gravity of it flies over peoples' heads. I suppose it's not impossible that the show could surprise us and actually reflect on this properly in later episodes, but I get the feeling that Janey E and Sonny Jim are being set up to die in the next episode or two, in a 'I'm going to retire to the country after this last fight, and these are my lovely children' sort of way. If they're fridged to wake Cooper I'm gonna be real bummed, although on the other hand I've never liked the Dougie's family storyline. But hopefully it'll surprise me somehow, as it has before. I really enjoyed the casino scenes in this one, although the stuff with Candy seems like yet another instance of this season making women stupid for laughs. Outside of that context, though, I loved the slow, slightly creepy nature of her scenes in this episode. In general, the slowest scenes in this show are turning out to be some of my favorites, like the sweeping the bar scene. I'm not sure how Lynch is managing to make them transfixing rather than boring, but I am transfixed. I thought at first that the casino owners (I don't remember their names...) didn't believe the story about Dougie as bitter enemy, especially since they've met him and also don't trust the messenger. Maybe they're actually gunning for the insurance guy rather than Dougie? I can kind of see their last "fuck with us once, shame on us" conversation as being directed at him rather than Dougie, but on the other hand it looks like they're set up to murder Janey E, and I don't know where the plot would go if they went after the insurance guy instead. I'm also a huge fan of Nadine's drape runner store. That caught me off guard, and I like the perspective it gives the drape runner scenes in the original show. Nobody took her seriously there, but apparently she was something of a kooky but underestimated entrepreneur. I wish we got to see more of Nadine. I hope Lucy retrieves that letter next episode; I got all excited when she was watching Chad, and I thought that she'd confront him about it or contact someone else about it right away. I want to see her being active and competent again. I agree with whoever said that it's weird we're not seeing more investigation of the hit and run. The scene with Albert's date made me smile. I really, really, really hope they don't make Diane a villain. Good Coop has had way too rough a time and needs his friends to be his friends. I'm guessing/hoping she's being threatened by Bad Cooper or something along those lines. I'm curious and excited to see what happens with Jerry in the woods. Also, I want Cooper back yesterday, or at least for him to be re-united with Cole or some of the Twin Peaks people. : ( He's been out of it for way too long for my heart to handle. I feel like we'll get him back soon, maybe, but we're over halfway through now. I'd feel a lot better about it if I knew we were getting a fourth season; I know people say that's unlikely, but I can hope. It has at least exploded Showtime's online service, so maaaaaybe?