Eric Proton

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About Eric Proton

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  1. I'm starting to think more and more that Ben Horne is Richard's father. Calling Richard his grandson may just be a way of covering up that he's the product of an affair. Kind of a reverse Jack Nicholson deal. First there was the conversation with Sylvia Horne, in which Sylvia seemed to blame Ben for Richard coming to steal her money. Ben seems to have some kind of responsibility for Richard that Sylvia doesn't seem to share. Ben reminiscing about his own father and the bike are definitely pointing to feelings that he failed Richard as a father figure, which makes a lot of sense if he's his actual father. I don't know who that would make Richard's mother, though.
  2. I never would guessed we'd see Johnny Horne before we saw Audrey. According to the hit counter, Hastings' site has been (fictionally) around since 1997, the same year Dougie shows up. Can't imagine how they'd be related, but it was interesting to have that year referenced twice.