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Posts posted by fabian

  1. 1 minute ago, atte said:

    I just updated the game with audio and some small animations and tweaks, so check it out (again)! https://atteo.itch.io/phaedrus2010



    Certain (quite obscure I admit) lore bit helps, but I don't think it's necessary...


    Hmm, GameMaker is weird with fullscreen and I'm very lazy/scared of that kind of technical stuff so I hope other people also realize the fullscreen toggle if they have trouble with it.

    It's also very possible that I am just dumb and / or very tired right now :D


    Hmm, can you specify if the game starts windowed/fullscreen? Maybe that could help prevent people from thinking the game is not running

  2. I seem to miss something very obviouse here, or do I miss knowledge of a certain part of thumbs-lore? Damn, I wish I could solve it, because the art is great! :)


    (btw: fullscreen didn't work for me. At first I thought, the game wouldn't start, because I had a completely black screen, but then I saw on itch that I can toggle fullscreen, and when I did that the game appeared)

  3. 3 minutes ago, Travis said:


    Oh no, ok. That's the opposite problem from atte! I'll have to look into adding that somewhere. (Stupid self-made rules about no on-screen UI...)


    make it a lever in the thing itself. I'm sure I could manage to hit that with a little practise :D

  4. 14 hours ago, Travis said:

    The mouse sensitivity is interesting. Maybe I need to turn it up. I have a mouse that can store its LED preferences in the cloud, which is ridiculous, as are its actual mousing capabilities. I'll have to try some normal mice we have around to gauge the difference.


    I had a very sensitive mouse movement as well where the view was jumping from corner to corner when I moved the mouse a few millimeters. So I think a sensitivity option would greatly improve the game.

    I hope you add this and then I will play again, as the rest looked very nice and interesting :)


  5. Played it today and have to say this is very cool, from A to Z (well, I didn't play through all of it, because time and lack of skill...). The whole presentation/design is perfectly executed (especially the sound!). I am very bad at this game, but at the same time I never get mad at the game, because I always know, that I did a bad move. It is never unfair, which is good!

    One minor concern about the controls: I get why it's like it is (moving counter/-clockwise when pressing in a direction), but sometimes, it felt weird to move the stick left and the dot went right. But I don't have any idea how to make it different/better. It's probably also just something to get used to :)


    Well done! :tup:

  6. If I ever have to upload anything to steam myself, I will happily pay another person to do all of it, then explain it to me in a months-long course and then do it again for the next project, because this process is so infuriating.


    Other than that, I played your game! At first I found it weird that I apparently didn't shoot anywhere near where the crosshair was pointing, but somehow I also never died, even if 2 people simultaneously shot me at close range, so that made up for the aiming thing. And then I saw that I had a shotgun, and the other people didn't shoot me anymore, because they were dead. 

    I can only recommend this game! :tup:

  7. I just played it and was surprised that there are actually some "deeper" combat mechanics, especially for a first jam game! I enjoyed it, although I died a lot :)

    I died often because I couldn't really tell if there was a high or low attack coming, but that can also totally be a failure on my side. I'm usually really bad at games like this...

    Good job!

  8. So I'm actually almost done with the game, but I need to hear back from itch, because I asked them to increase my file upload size. Don't want to upload 2 .zip or .rar files again, as I've learned after WJ5 that there are people who don't know what to do with these files.

    The last thing I worked on was the menu. Gave it a small backdrop, which I think looks quite nice compared to the pure black from before. I also finally managed to put the controls in there.


    The only thing left is implementing and finetuning the music, so I hope I can upload tomorrow! :)














  9. Tbh I'm quite relieved that @zerofiftyone gave us all another day until this jam officially ended, so thanks for that! :)


    Today was a mixed bag. Made a little bit of progress on the level building, but also spent a lot of time fixing and adjusting small things (for example deciding wether the player running speed should be 3.4 or 3.5...).

    Then I made the first build since a few days and realized that my lighting was totally broken. So I spent a few hours on that. In the end it turned out you can't have your directional light set to "mixed" while baked GI is deactivated (I know, it makes no sense to have it that way, but in the editor everything showed up just fine, so I didn't think about changing that setting.. and since I copied that one light into all other scenes... yeah, took me a while to try that setting)

    But finally I managed to get a nice looking build and just finished playing through it. It is nowhere near completion and I found a whole list of things I still need to fix, but it's also nice to see everything as a whole for the first time. :)


    While the game was building I jumped into Photoshop and tried a few ideas for a header picture for the itch page:



    Also: I have a short "stealth" area in my game and I might be proud of it :D 


  10. On 29.12.2017 at 11:47 AM, supasheep said:

    This looks great! The happy accident of the music from your earlier video fits well to ambient exploring music to me, is that the sort of music you'd want to have in ideally?

    I think it is close, but maybe a bit too much? The whole music thing is still a vague idea in my head. But I also do not have that much time left to actually do the music, so this might be very reduced. :) 



    My to dos for the rest of the jam: 

    • make final level
    • implement a few simple NPCs (I said earlier I wanted to have robots in my game, that turns out to not really fit that well I think -_- ) Maybe I just put retextured main characters all over the place, with some accessories attached to make them different from each other? Or maybe I leave them out completely. Looking at the time this is probably the right thing to do now
    • write music
    • add some sound effects that are still missing
    • make short credits scene
    • add collision meshes to the edges of the levels
    • test everything as good as I can
    • create sceenshots and description for itch



    These are the to dos that I might want add after the deadline in an update:

    • a more interesting way to end a certain level (instead of just "walking into a trigger")
    • more set dressing
    • a better speechbubble background
    • button sounds in main & pause menu


    Also I really kinda want to make a trailer for this :lol:

  11. Due to Christmas, progress is quite slow and it feels good to rest for a bit and think about other things. But I also couldn't stop myself working on some small things like this animation for pulling a lever:



    And yesterday I looked into timeline and found it to be an amazing tool to sequence things like this:


    Now I need to find a way to hook that up with the animation and start the timeline from script, but that's for another day :)



  12. 20 hours ago, Ben X said:

    Looks great! I suspect people may have voted differently on the outfit if they'd known what the surroundings were going to be (I would probably have gone for H). The current look makes the character feel rather out of place - hopefully this fits with the fiction and/or is what you were going for!


    I see what you mean with the character. I think there are a few issues with the character design itself, it looks a bit bland sometimes and doesn't really match the story I have in mind. But that I'm questioning as well right now, so that's that :D

    I will try to put some ideas down during the holidays, a bit of rest (and a huge amount of food) does wonders sometimes :)

  13. 5 hours ago, hedgefield said:

    Gosh these are amazing.






    Managed to build a big chunk of the game's second area. It still has a lot of problems in terms of collision and a few places where I need to hide the skybox, but so far I'm very happy with this. :) 

    Also I made my first own grass in Speedtree ever and I'm happy with that as well! 

    The music happened to be a happy accident, as the computer was recording my desktop audio so it picked up what I was hearing in Spotify. Unfortunately, the final music won't be as nice as that ;)

    Another happy accident was that I discovered the climbing feature of the third person controller asset that I'm using. So I implemented that and it works quite well I think.


    But still a lot to do. This is supposed to be the second area of... 5? Christmas is cancelled! :D



  14. I am so bad with priorities... Instead of getting all the main areas done, I spent a few hours fiddling with the lighting.

    But the first area is now in a shippable state in terms of art, which is cool. I also realized that my camera system does not really work for tight interiors, so I tried a few workarounds and found a compromise where I manually blend between cameras at specific points. Works ok-ish and I think the opening area will be the only place with these constraints.

    I really need to move on to the other areas I've planned. Hope to get one or two done before christmas! 





  15. 4 hours ago, Eastep said:

    The project is looking gorgeous!

    One thing that's bugging me though is that the footfalls of the character don't quite match up with your movement, and it looks kinda like they're slipping along the ground... It's only during the run animation though, and all the others are really well done. :D

    Seeing the style you've used with the arches, I'm actually really interested in finding out what the robots will look like!


    About the running: I think you're right. There was something bugging me too about something with the walking/running, but I couldn't put my finger on it.

    I think I made the running animation to "fast" in terms of how much distance the character would cover with one step. Though I like the animation itself, maybe I include sprinting and use it for that, with a slower running animation for the current run animation.

    Thanks for pointing me in the right direction!


    And the robots.. yeah I need an idea for them soon, they are kind of vague in my head right now :D 

  16. 4 hours ago, Dinosaursssssss said:

    Actually, less of a joke idea, it'd be amazing if a bunch of people packaged up assets and a single scene from one of their old Wizard Jam games, and then one person stitched them together into a shooter. Fight across the island in Transmission: Lost, hop into a portal that drops you into a fight in Eyes of Cheating Hitman, teleport out and get chased down the street by the Dot Gobbler in  Mid Jam Power Move.

    Hell yes, that would be an amazing game! If somebody decides to do this for next jam, I‘d send them a scene or two:)